search spells by range

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

As title. neither AoN nor the PRD seem to have this as an option. Anbody know where I can find this functionality?

Herolab has a pretty good search feature, but that depends heavily on your monetary investment into the source materials.

What are you looking for? I’ve got a pretty good Herolab library and I can try to pull some spells for you.

Download or make a copy of the spell database made by chopswil, and add a filter.

DeathlessOne wrote:

Herolab has a pretty good search feature, but that depends heavily on your monetary investment into the source materials.

What are you looking for? I’ve got a pretty good Herolab library and I can try to pull some spells for you.

At the moment, I'm attempting to compare the buffing potential of an alchemist with infusion and a brownfur transmuter when it comes to distributing personal range spells.

Filter wizard spells (1-9), filter range ("personal"), filter school ("transmutation") says 143 spells.

i use an app named pathfinder spellbook.
not up to date with the latest spells but have more then enough. can filter for schools,range,duration and more.

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