Brawler / White Haired Witch Advice

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

So just wanted to get some advice and other peoples thoughts on this build.

Bringing in a 4th level character to a campaign and am playing around with a Brawler/White Haired Witch build. We were doing rolled stats and the key ones of importance are after human racial bonus I will have a 20 int and a 16 dex.

First level Brawler (Strangler Archetype)
Feat 1 Weapon Finesse
Feat 2(human bonus) Weapon Focus Hair

Second Level Witch (White Haired Witch Archetype)

Third Level Witch

Feat 3 Improved Unarmed Strike (loose it as strangler archetype in return get bonus to grapple and sneak attack on grapple damage)

Fourth Level Witch

But going forward I will take 5th level as brawler so I get another d6 for the grapple sneak attack and the feat will be Feral Combat Training. (this will allow me to use feats that require improved unarmed attacks with a natural weapon instead)

6th and 7th level will be witch and the 7th level feat will be Boar Style.

This is what I have so far but by 7th level my hair has a 10' reach, I am hitting for 1d4+5 damage and if I hit I start a grapple, if grapple succeeds then I do another 1d4+5 and if the target is susceptible to sneak attack then that grapple damage does another 4d6 (2d6 from the Strangler archetype and another 2d6 from the Boar Style).

What's your method of defence? Just dex bonus (& hope that you can grapple anything attacking to control them) or are you going to take the arcane spell failure chance and use light armor, or will you take the trickery patron (rather than strength which'd be handy for buffing for attack) and cast mirror image? You need to think about it a little.

How are you proficient with hair as a weapon at 1st level?

Also, magic items. You could get some wands of defensive spells, the pragmatic activator trait and spend time buffing yourself before any fight (this is one more means of defence I guess), but that takes your magic category trait which you'd otherwise spend on magical knack to keep your caster level up. Alternately you could get a bunch of minor magic items (e.g. armbands of the brawler, aegis of recovery or lesser talismans, steadfast gut-stone, a belt of superior maneuvers etc.) to maximise your current effects, or you could get one 4-6K gp item and a few extra spells for maximum cost effectiveness later on.

Andy Brown wrote:
How are you proficient with hair as a weapon at 1st level?


avr wrote:
Andy Brown wrote:
How are you proficient with hair as a weapon at 1st level?

Yeah just saw that, I am starting at lv 4 so can just put it as level 3rd level feat and do unarmed strike as first.

avr wrote:
Andy Brown wrote:
How are you proficient with hair as a weapon at 1st level?

Yeah, but the natural attack comes from the White Haired Witch being taken at 2nd.

Swapping it with IUS works though

You'd have to retrain at 2nd level to get Weapon Focus (hair), as until then you have no hair attack. No big deal, though.

I'm not sure boar style works with this. Boar style triggers on multiple hits, not on damage, although you are damaging them with your hair twice, you are only hitting them with it once.

Dave Justus wrote:

I'm not sure boar style works with this. Boar style triggers on multiple hits, not on damage, although you are damaging them with your hair twice, you are only hitting them with it once.

A Grapple is a type of attack. The fact that I have strangle just allows me to do damage right away instead of waiting till the next turn.

Banecrow wrote:
Dave Justus wrote:

I'm not sure boar style works with this. Boar style triggers on multiple hits, not on damage, although you are damaging them with your hair twice, you are only hitting them with it once.

A Grapple is a type of attack. The fact that I have strangle just allows me to do damage right away instead of waiting till the next turn.

Yes, but a grapple attempt is not a hit with an attack with your hair.

Plus, although grapple is a type of attack, combat maneuvers don't result in a 'hit' they result in a success or a failure.

I think either reason would make boar style not work with this.

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