The Robe of Bones for "serious necromancers"...

Rules Questions

The text of the Robe of Bones says:
"This sinister item functions much like a robe of useful items for the serious necromancer."

It looks to me like a fluff text saying "cool necromancers wear this", but from rules perspective it looks like this robe can be used by anyone, rather than specifically "Wizard Necromancers".

What's the truth?

According to the rules, anybody can use the robe.

Even frivolous necromancers.

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Definitely feels like a flavor line. A one sentence summary to catch the items general purpose.

Also, if "necromancer" was a crunch requirement, so would "serious". How could that even be adjudicated?

"No, your wizard hasn't been meeting his quota of undead abomination creation. The robe deactivates till he slaughters and resurrects at least a small hamlet."

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