DungeonmasterCal |
Who's doing what this weekend? Any gaming? Home repairs? Staring into the Abyss?
This is our off week for gaming. My GF is coming down to visit and my son's band has a gig here in town so I'll be able to go see him (they're often on the road and I miss most of their shows). So I think it'll be a good weekend all around.
Cole Deschain |
captain yesterday wrote:I'm going to get the family to go to an early showing of Infinity War tomorrow.Didn't happen, the sun came out fairly early and stayed out, seemed a shame to leave it for two hours.
Freehold DM |
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Orthos wrote:Shows the difference between our locales. That would have been all the more reason to hide in the theater here, to get out of the sun.Our winter was 7 months this year.
Spring fever is still in effect.
dont worry, I will extend your winter to 9 months to combat the evils of spring fever.
fiddles with weather dominator
Storyteller Shadow |
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captain yesterday wrote:Orthos wrote:Shows the difference between our locales. That would have been all the more reason to hide in the theater here, to get out of the sun.Our winter was 7 months this year.
Spring fever is still in effect.
dont worry, I will extend your winter to 9 months to combat the evils of spring fever.
fiddles with weather dominator
DungeonmasterCal |
This coming weekend my son's band is playing in town again, though I will probably miss this one. A friend is driving down from over 2 hours away to see "Solo: A Star Wars Story" and we've also had a DC Heroes game planned for quite some time. Plus this venue isn't smoke free and it really bothers me to breathe the air in there.
Vanykrye |
This coming weekend my son's band is playing in town again, though I will probably miss this one. A friend is driving down from over 2 hours away to see "Solo: A Star Wars Story" and we've also had a DC Heroes game planned for quite some time. Plus this venue isn't smoke free and it really bothers me to breathe the air in there.
We wait until the Tuesday after opening day. Our area features $5 tickets on Tuesdays and deeply discounted popcorn ($2 for a medium bucket). Since we have a minimum of 3 and usually 5 people going, that saves us a lot of money.
Freehold DM |
This coming weekend my son's band is playing in town again, though I will probably miss this one. A friend is driving down from over 2 hours away to see "Solo: A Star Wars Story" and we've also had a DC Heroes game planned for quite some time. Plus this venue isn't smoke free and it really bothers me to breathe the air in there.
which version of dc heroes?
DungeonmasterCal |
DungeonmasterCal wrote:This coming weekend my son's band is playing in town again, though I will probably miss this one. A friend is driving down from over 2 hours away to see "Solo: A Star Wars Story" and we've also had a DC Heroes game planned for quite some time. Plus this venue isn't smoke free and it really bothers me to breathe the air in there.which version of dc heroes?
We're actually playing the Blood of Heroes game, which is nearly identical to 3e DCH. We played DCH for over 10 years in a campaign that ended in 2000. The guy who ran that no longer games. On the one hand it's very sad because he was great at GMing DC. On the other he's become a complete a$$h01e and no one wants to be around him now.
Anyway, we got the hankerin' to play again and not all of us had the 3e rulebook. So the new GM did some research and found Blood of Heroes. We're just calling it DC because that's what we're used to. We use Boh and DCH interchangeably.
Vanykrye |
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Reign of Winter didn't happen. Aiymi had to work.
This weekend? If we have the normal full contingent of Aiymi, Zelda, and two of Zelda's kids (the third is 17 and tends to stay home to hang out with her friends), then it would be a Ruins of Azlant weekend, potentially. Aiymi might drive to Ft Worth to surprise her mother though. That's still up in the air.
Then again, Zelda has a lot of prep to do before she leaves on a week-long camping trip in a couple weeks, and so it may be that I spend a lot of time by myself.
Storyteller Shadow |
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This Friday I am running my final table top segment before the summer break, have the boys and a few other friends coming so they can pay their respects before the game to my elderboy who may have to be put to sleep soon :-(
Most have known him since he was a pup so that'll be a tough game to run, feel emotional just writing this.
Saturday I am going to see Slayer (with Testament, Anthrax, Lamb of God, and Behemoth). I confess I do not know Behemoth but the rest of the bands I know fairly well to knowing the words to most songs.
Sunday I have my daughter and we will hang together with the dogs and try to make a special day for the pooch whether rain or shine.
Haladir |
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My game night is Thursday, and we playee this week. Really fun game, too. It's our Fate Core campaign, "Sixguns & Sorcery," where we're playing young gunslingers in a fantasy world with both magic and 1860s technology. In case you're interested, the GM writes a recap over at RPG.net.
As for the weekend... I have a ton of yard work to do. I need to weed the garden bed and trim the hedges. I'm also finally going to tackle the bishop-weed infestation that's taking over the back strip of my property. I figure if I cut it down to the ground, cover with landscape fabric, and cover that with four inches of wood chips, and leave it covered for a yeat should do the trick. I'll hit any that comes up through or around the chips with a little Round-Up, used as sparingly as possible.
The other thing is that my wife hits the road again, and is flying out west to the client site on Sunday morning. She's been home for a two-week stretch, which has been very unusual so far this year, and very, very welcome. (She's usually only home for the weekend.) Ah, the life of a consultant!
DungeonmasterCal |
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Alright all you polyhedral pitchin' maniacs, what's going on this weekend? This is our off weekend, so I have no plans save for my regular Friday lunch with my friend Amy. We'll rejoin our adventure already in progress next weekend, after which we'll probably take a three to four week break so folks can get their vacations out of their systems (I've only taken one vacation in my entire life. Once could argue that being on total disability is a long-term period of do-nothins and relaxing, but they'd get smacked with a cane).
Anyway, who's doing what this weekend?
DungeonmasterCal |
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Before he passed away last year my friend Jerry started a PFS game with our group. And while we miss him terribly, we kinda felt bad that we just plain didn't like the restrictions PFS seemed to have. We've always been a pretty fast and loose with the rules kind of group, bending, breaking, or ignoring them at certain times for the rule of cool. We just felt straitjacketed by it. I'm not knocking it for those who enjoy it, but after 30+ years we just couldn't adapt.
Vanykrye |
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I've never done PFS because I know myself too well. I'm going to run into people. I will inevitably hate them.
That and, yeah, I'm too used to running with house rules. And that's really my issue.
Plus I hate people.
But it's definitely the slavish use of RAW... except where they completely ban chunks of the Core Rulebook.
And... People...
The Mad Comrade |
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Depends on the weather. If it is cooperative I'll finally get off my butt and finish cleaning up the miniature disaster area that passes for my back yard.
Also, I'll finally start up my first attempt at homemade vanilla extract over the weekend, rain or shine. Should hit proper maturity about Halloween. Using a 750mL bottle of $30 vodka and 15 Tahitian vanilla beans for this attempt. Between the quality of the vodka and the not-Mexican-bourbon beans I am hoping for a stellar extract.