Time Stutter (sp)

Rules Questions

Hello everyone,
I am getting my wizard to level 15 and thinking in place of a Bonus Feat to add and Arcane Discovery.

Time Stutter (sp)
https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/wizard/arcane-discoveries/arc ane-discoveries-paizo/time-stutter-sp/

Tho I am trying to figure out how it actually works with only one round in hand. It sais :

You can briefly step out of time, pausing the world around you. This ability acts as the time stop spell, except that you gain only 1 round of apparent time. You can use this ability once per day plus one additional time for every 5 wizard levels you possess beyond 10th.

So lets make that scenario here.
1) Your turn comes and you decide to use this ability
2) You use it as a standard action(?) since spell states that this ability acts like time stop.
3) So now you have one round free to act as you wish
4) Lets say you cast a buff and then make a move action
5) Time Stutter ends and you basically can make one more Move Action since its still your turn.

So after all this, you basically end up having one extra Move Action? Am i getting this right?


No after all that you have a full round of action Meaning you can cast a spell like a summon that normally wouldn't go off till you came back around. And you can still move after casting it. And your doing it at no cost of spell slots to stop time.

Talonhawke wrote:
No after all that you have a full round of action Meaning you can cast a spell like a summon that normally wouldn't go off till you came back around. And you can still move after casting it. And your doing it at no cost of spell slots to stop time.

Actually the real question here is, activating Time Stutter, is a standard action?

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It's a spell-like ability that doesn't give an action use, so it should default to being a standard.

Here is an example:

[Start of your turn:

Use a swift action to do whatever even cast a spell.

Activate Time Stutter as standard.

(Start of Time Stutter Round:

Cast a spell using a standard action without provoking AO's.

Move without provoking AO's.

Use a swift action to do whatever even cast a spell.

End of Time Stutter Round:)

Use a move action to do movey stuff.

End of your turn.]

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