Trick Shot Archer Build Advice


So, I've decided I want to make a trick shot archer. My bread and butter will be ranged combat maneuvers (Primarily trip).

The Fighter archetype, archer, seems like a no brainer here. Gives me abilities to do what I want to do, plus being a fighter gives me the much needed feats at every level which I will need to be a master shot with my bow. For this same reason I am thinking human for the bonus feat. (Plus I want to be a somewhat conceited and self proclaimed trickshot master, which seems like a human thing)

Composite longbow is a must for the damage, so I would prioritize Dex then Strength.

My Feats/Class abilities (that are relevant to the build) im thinking would be:

Level 1 - Point Blank Shot + Deadly Aim + Weapon Focus
Level 2 - Rapid Fire
Level 3 - Trick Shooter and class ability Trick Shot - Trip
Level 4 - Improved Trip
Level 5 - Combat Reflexes
Level 6 - Relentless Shot
Level 7 - Greater Trip and class ability Trick Shot - Disarm
Level 8 - Snap Shot
Level 9 - Improved Snap Shot

Our campaigns don't often get past level 10, which is kind of a bummer for this build since it really is set up after improved snap shot.

But the idea is this - Make a trip attempt within 30 ft. and relentless shot with greater trip gives me an AoO when they fall and i get another one when they stand up. Once I have improved snap shot I can trip enemies before they approach me and get further AoO on them.

Weak spot in the build seems to be level 4-5 where improved trip doesn't help much (just need the prerequisite) and Combat Reflexes is useless for the moment (just need to get it out of the way before i get access to all the +6 BAB prerequisite feats. And an obvious weak spot in the build is that tripping an enemy makes them prone which gives them +4 AC vs ranged. But still, disrupting my enemies and get free attacks all while at a range seems pretty good for not being a caster. Let me know if you guys can think of something better/cooler or if I've made some oversight and none of this even works. (lol)

Thanks in advance.

The archer fighter archetype is generally speaking a horrible mistake. I think even as a trick shot specialist it's a bad idea.

If you're willing to consider a bit of magic then a ranger (perhaps with the toxophilite archetype) is going to have more tricks. Or an eldritch archer magus. If you want the character to be specifically non-magical then a sniper slayer works pretty well.

Note that with the archer fighter trip is not a valid selection for trick shot until level 11. You'll need the ranged trip feat instead. Also the precise shot feat is more or less required for any archer.

ah. good catch on the level 11. i was wondering why i took the ranged trip feat on my earlier rough draft of the feats.

Ranger seems to be less beneficial to making a trick shot character.
I'm not really looking for the best archer build, but the build that lets me do fun things with bows. Even with the archer combat style it doesn't seem to offer anything towards this goal that the fighter can't (save for weak spells later in the game at the cost of many archery feats). If I'm missing something good here the ranger has access to definitely let me know.

I was considering the eldritch archer as my 2nd option, but was concerned by the lack of bonus feats and full BAB progression.

The BAB progression on a magus is still good though and the spellcasting shenanigans would make up for the feats. I'm definitely going to look deeper into this route, as this looks like it could be the most fun option to play regardless.

Thanks for the feedback. Much appreciated.

Dark Archive

Driving enchantment allows you to use Bull Rush and Trip maneuvers within your first range increment (so, like, 110 feet at least). You can use the Archer Archetype to pick up Disarm and Sunder. Buy Tangleshot arrows to apply Entangled status, Thistle arrows for a small bleed effect.

I myself am running a Dwarven Fighter (archer archetype) and I've have never regretted it. It is good at what it does, and even if it does lose weapon/armor training (which is a great loss), it doesn't make it trash. Your focus just shifts. (Do buy a Silber Nocking Point though, Wind Walls are terrible...)

I would take 4 levels of Fighter (Archer) for ranged Sunder, and Weapon Specialization.

Then go into Ranger (Toxophilite), and have your trick be sundering shields, destroying holy symbols, killing familiars, and shooting other people's arrows out of the air.

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