No way to buy PFRPG hardcovers?

Website Feedback

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Maybe this is a sign of the end of Pathfinder 1.0, but it is impossible to find new copies of any of the hardcover PFRPG Line on the web store.

Starting on the Store page and clicking on "Pathfinder" takes me to a page with a couple of paragraphs describing the game, with links to the "Scratch-n-Dent" copies of the Core Rulebook and Bestiary 1. Similarly, I searched for Ultimate Intrigue with the search bar at the top of the page (again, from the main Store page), and could only get the Scratch-n-Dent version. I can't believe Paizo is really ready to stop selling 1st edition hardcovers this far out from 2E, so maybe it's just an error with the latest update to the site?

Here is a direct link that should work.

I got there by clicking on "Pathfinder" at the extreme top left of the page, then on the blue "Pathfinder Roleplaying Game" under the Pathfinder logo on the next page, then on blue link "Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook" in the third paragraph on the next page.

Honestly, I've never been able to find anything by going directly to the store, either in this iteration of the site or previously.

And here's a direct link to Ultimate Intrigue.

I got there from "Pathfinder" at the extreme top left, then "Roleplaying Game" between "Playtest" and "Adventure Card Game" which brings up a drop-down menu. Select "Rulebooks" and you get to the whole line (which would have been a quicker way to the CRB, as well).

It's very non-intuitive.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Joana, those links both go to the Scratch-n-Dent store copies, exactly what I was talking about. And i’m not seeing anything when I click on Pathfinder at the top left other than the list of product lines under the brief description of the game, and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game link behaves as described in my original post. Maybe I’m missing something, but it really does look like the main pages for the Store and Pathfinder RPG have had something go very wrong.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

My usual way of finding books was to go to the product line from the store or the Pathfinder RPG page, and scroll down until I found what I was looking for. Now I can’t even get to the list.

I mean, I have the books already - pretty much all the hardcovers. I was checking to see if there was an errata for Ultimate Intrigue, because of a discussion on the PF facebook page about the feat Sliding Dash. But other people might want to buy them.

Paizo Employee Developer

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Try this link.

As far as I can tell, any url with products/btpy****? is a scratch & dent, so it's relatively easy to avoid those.
It does seem that many (all?) links from before the redesign link or redirect to the S&D
This page for example, has links to the CRB & Bestiary which redirect to the S&D versions. (All links on that page are broken in one way or another, the AP link is the only one that comes close to the right location)

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Luis Loza wrote:
Try this link.

Luis, the link works, but how on earth do you get there other than bookmarking it? There must be some way to get to it from the store or Pathfinder pages, right?

Edit: the link takes me to the list of rulebooks, but the link for each individual book still goes to the entry in the Scratch-n-Dent store.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
PonyFlare wrote:

As far as I can tell, any url with products/btpy****? is a scratch & dent, so it's relatively easy to avoid those.

It does seem that many (all?) links from before the redesign link or redirect to the S&D
This page for example, has links to the CRB & Bestiary which redirect to the S&D versions. (All links on that page are broken in one way or another, the AP link is the only one that comes close to the right location)

PonyFlare, how do you avoid those links? Of the small handful of links to the PFRPG line books that are visible on the site, they all seem to go to the S&D store copies. Maybe Paizo doesn’t have any more copies of the hardcovers that aren’t banged up?

Tusk the Half-Orc wrote:
Joana, those links both go to the Scratch-n-Dent store copies, exactly what I was talking about.

Huh. This is what I get when I click on the link in my Ultimate Intrigue post: Add Print Edition, Add PDF. There's not even a non-mint copy available. I'm using Chrome.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Joana wrote:
Tusk the Half-Orc wrote:
Joana, those links both go to the Scratch-n-Dent store copies, exactly what I was talking about.
Huh. This is what I get when I click on the link in my Ultimate Intrigue post: Add Print Edition, Add PDF. There's not even a non-mint copy available. I'm using Chrome.

I think that’s the same page, scroll up to the top. The first line of text under the black bar - does it say Store - Scratch-n-Dent?

Silver Crusade

Tusk the Half-Orc wrote:
Joana wrote:
Tusk the Half-Orc wrote:
Joana, those links both go to the Scratch-n-Dent store copies, exactly what I was talking about.
Huh. This is what I get when I click on the link in my Ultimate Intrigue post: Add Print Edition, Add PDF. There's not even a non-mint copy available. I'm using Chrome.
I think that’s the same page, scroll up to the top. The first line of text under the black bar - does it say Store - Scratch-n-Dent?

*clicks link*

It does not.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Barnes & Noble still has PFRPG hardbacks in stock.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Tusk, you've found the right page.

You're just being confused by the breadcrumb navigation.:
Many Paizo product pages actually list multiple products. In this case, the product page lists the new hardcover, the PDF, and the non-mint version (which I presume is a non-mint hardcover).

Furthermore, each of these products can belong in multiple categories. For example, the CRB can go on sale, in which case it exists in at least two categories: Pathfinder RPG, and whatever the category is for the Sale it is in.

Paizo has decided to put breadcrumb navigation at the top of each product page. Breadcrumbs are a good way to show people where they are and provide a way to get to broader categories. However, breadcrumb navigation of the type that Paizo uses only shows one path. Breadcrumbs usually look like this:

Typical breadcrumb navigation wrote:
This is the homepage -> broad page -> narrower page -> parent page

This works just fine when there's only one path to get to each thing. But that's not the way the Paizo store works.

In this case, there are three products on this one page, like I said above. The new hardcover, the PDF, and the used hardcover. The used hardcover is on sale through Paizo's scratch & dent sale. Paizo uses categories instead of making each product live in only one place, and they decided to build the breadcrumbs using those categories. That means that the website needs to choose one product and one category to base the breadcrumbs on, and for whatever reason it has chosen the sale category of the non-mint edition to be that category.

So it builds breadcrumbs and we see the scratch & dent category in the breadcrumbs.

But that doesn't mean that's an indicator that they're not selling new hardcovers. Those new options you're jonesing for are all still there, right there on that page.

I'm not going to say that's not a little confusing, because it is. But if it helps clear things up any, you can see a list of all the possible breadcrumbs down near the bottom of the product description, under "See Also." There's a lot of options.

CRB product page wrote:

See Also:

Pathfinder / Roleplaying Game (2,648)
Paizo Inc (8,392)
Gaming / Roleplaying Games / Pathfinder RPG Compatible / Paizo Inc (384)
Pathfinder / Rulebooks (67)
Sale / Scratch-'n-Dent / Paizo Products / Pathfinder RPG (29)

Long story short, you're in the right place. If you want to buy something new, you can buy it from those pages that have been linked.

Aside: about that btpy thing:
That's just the standardized first four letters of whatever hash Paizo is using for every product they sell. It's used on things that don't have "non-mint" versions, like this Bestiary 4 Pawn set. It's used for things that couldn't possibly have a non-mint version, like Pathfinder Society scenarios, that are PDF-only.

Out of curiosity, I looked to see if it was perhaps company-specific. Nope, it's there for third-party products, too.

(Edit: not sure how my brain transposed the PDF version and the softcover.)

Terminalmancer wrote:
Many Paizo product pages actually list multiple products. In this case, the product page lists the new hardcover, the new softcover, and the non-mint version (which I presume is a non-mint hardcover).

This. You can buy new, non-mint, and PDF products all from the same page.

The CRB link offers a new print edition for $49.99, the PDF for $9.99, and a non-mint/scratch-n-dent print version for $24.99.

The Ultimate Intrigue page only offers print version for $44.99 and PDF for $9.99. There is no non-mint version available at this time.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

That’s great, I trust all your links are fine. I still think I am probably not the only one confused by how one used to be able to go to the Store page, or the Pathfinder RPG, and buy things by clicking on a product category without having to find the hidden search bar and track down individual books.

EDIT: sorry, this came off snarkier than I intended; I plead exhaustion. I appreciate the explanation of the store categorization issue. I still think that they have made it difficult for new customers to buy anything from their core product line, which is the problem I intended to report when I started the thread. I own all the hardcovers already, my point was that people who don’t know exactly what the are looking for are likely to be confused by the links that don’t actually take them to the books.

Web Product Manager

Hey Tusk, thank you for this feedback. I now see the loop you're being thrown through and we have it on our to-do list to fix as soon as we're able.

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