The Infinity War Thread! Once You See the Movie Post Your Reaction Here! There Will Be Spoilers!!!


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DeathQuaker wrote:

You bring up an interesting point with the "reality reset" and the Fox properties. A4 was in planning before the merger, but I wonder if they will use its events--if it indeed involves a giant reset button as we all expect--to bring in some of the originally Fox-owned elements, like F4.

Maybe, but I don't know if there is time? The merger at the earliest won't be finalized until the end of year, but may end up taking as long as 2020.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Fair enough. I'm one of the people totally okay with the Avengersverse and the other Marvelverses staying separate film wise (I didn't even care about the MCU getting to share Spider-Man, though I will agree that the new one is an excellent take on the character), so if that's the case that's also fine and may keep things from getting too messy.

Dark Archive

DeathQuaker wrote:
Fair enough. I'm one of the people totally okay with the Avengersverse and the other Marvelverses staying separate film wise (I didn't even care about the MCU getting to share Spider-Man, though I will agree that the new one is an excellent take on the character), so if that's the case that's also fine and may keep things from getting too messy.

Yeah, I'm more than fine with some degree of separation, I'd actually prefer if more serious folk, like Daredevil, never met the Guardians of the Galaxy, or even irreverent locals like Iron Man, or fairly 'cosmic' power level folk like Thor.

Some area of the Marvel Universe have never played well with other areas, such as the side in which the government and human society seem to be fine with hunter-killer robots sent against US citizens who happen to be mutants, and regularly form torch-wielding mobs to go after them, and yet also celebrate Avengers Day with parades, and flock to visit the Baxter Building to see celebrity superheroes like the Fantastic Four.

Trying to square that circle, tonally, has made the comic book Marvel Universe, IMO, kind of schizo, and I'd be fine if the Marvel Cinematic Universe just dodged that entirely.

I like having a huge shared universe, and Marvel has done an amazing job with it, but I grew up with standalone superhero movies and shows, and recognize that there is more than one way to skin this cat.

The first Iron Man movie was a perfectly good movie, for example, and would have remained so if Thor, Captain America, etc. never became part of Tony's future stories.

Dark Archive

Set wrote:
I like having a huge shared universe, and Marvel has done an amazing job with it, but I grew up with standalone superhero movies and shows, and recognize that there is more than one way to skin this cat.

Fully agree. I think I'd like the MCU Spider-Man better if both the movie and the character didn't lean so hard on Tony Stark.

Dark Archive

Shadow Kosh wrote:
Set wrote:
I like having a huge shared universe, and Marvel has done an amazing job with it, but I grew up with standalone superhero movies and shows, and recognize that there is more than one way to skin this cat.
Fully agree. I think I'd like the MCU Spider-Man better if both the movie and the character didn't lean so hard on Tony Stark.

One of the redeeming features of Homecoming for me is that Peter went from being a Stark fanboy to succeeding in his arc by going against Tony's directions and being stripped of his Stark-built suit and its cool toys. (Even Aunt May commented that she didn't 'like that guy.')

It felt like a major hanging the lampshade moment as the characters in the show came to the same conclusion that some fans had, that Stark didn't belong in a Spider-Man story, and that Peter had to complete this journey on his own (and follow his own instincts).

Set wrote:
Shadow Kosh wrote:
Set wrote:
I like having a huge shared universe, and Marvel has done an amazing job with it, but I grew up with standalone superhero movies and shows, and recognize that there is more than one way to skin this cat.
Fully agree. I think I'd like the MCU Spider-Man better if both the movie and the character didn't lean so hard on Tony Stark.

One of the redeeming features of Homecoming for me is that Peter went from being a Stark fanboy to succeeding in his arc by going against Tony's directions and being stripped of his Stark-built suit and its cool toys. (Even Aunt May commented that she didn't 'like that guy.')

It felt like a major hanging the lampshade moment as the characters in the show came to the same conclusion that some fans had, that Stark didn't belong in a Spider-Man story, and that Peter had to complete this journey on his own (and follow his own instincts).

Though he kind of fell back into the same sidekick role in Infinity War.

New Stark spidey-suit. New cool toys. Treated like the kid.

As an aside - Spidey being treated as the new kid on the block kind of irks me. I know he's young and he is new in the MCU, but dammit Spider-man should be an established hero. In comics he's been around as long as any of them. Longer than most. It just feels wrong.
Not so much in his own movie, but in the ensemble pieces.

For me, I would be okay if the X-men stayed in there own separate dimension or something, because yeah, those are a weird fit with the rest of the MCU. ALthough I do still want to see a reboot of the xmen, given that whole continuity is a big tangled mess. Barring Deadpool of course, because Deadpool can totally exist outside of comic continuity.

Fantastic Four and Spiderman to me just work well in the MCU. And I don't mind if some of the TV characters show up or are referenced in the MCU. Sharing the same universe doesn't mean they need to share the same tone.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Set wrote:
DeathQuaker wrote:
Fair enough. I'm one of the people totally okay with the Avengersverse and the other Marvelverses staying separate film wise (I didn't even care about the MCU getting to share Spider-Man, though I will agree that the new one is an excellent take on the character), so if that's the case that's also fine and may keep things from getting too messy.
Yeah, I'm more than fine with some degree of separation, I'd actually prefer if more serious folk, like Daredevil, never met the Guardians of the Galaxy, or even irreverent locals like Iron Man, or fairly 'cosmic' power level folk like Thor.

See I was following along until I envisioned a drinking contest between Thor and Jessica Jones and now I need that in my life. Oh sure she'd probably lose, but it'd be hella fun to watch. ;)

Of all the Avengers, Stark would fit best in the Defendersverse, both snark wise and as a corporate entity. The suit might be OP, but the character'd fit right in. Hell, it makes more sense for him to take on Danny as a business apprentice than Peter Parker as a superheroing one.

I still get what you are saying, about genres mixing and all. I liked the early mostly sci-fi origin of most "powers" in the MCU and was never keen on Dr. Strange coming aboard. His was the only movie I didn't bother to see in the theater (I just watched it on Netflix to learn more about the time stone, and don't regret waiting.) I like stories of magic, but it just doesn't jive well with the rest of the universe's atmosphere.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Finally got to see Infinity War the other day. 9/10 stars.
Been reading on this thread about who is permanently dead, etc.
According to IMDb, these are the actors/Characters so far confirmed for the next Avengers movie.


People Marked with a * died in Infinity War.
Josh Brolin ... Thanos
Evangeline Lilly ... Hope van Dyne / The Wasp
Karen Gillan ... Nebula
Chris Hemsworth ... Thor
*Dave Bautista ... Drax
Brie Larson ... Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel
*Sebastian Stan ... Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier
Robert Downey Jr. ... Tony Stark / Iron Man
Scarlett Johansson ... Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow
Chris Evans ... Steve Rogers / Captain America
*Chadwick Boseman ... T'Challa / Black Panther
Paul Rudd ... Scott Lang / Ant-Man
Jeremy Renner ... Clint Barton / Hawkeye
Jon Favreau ... Happy Hogan
Mark Ruffalo ... Bruce Banner / Hulk
Gwyneth Paltrow ... Pepper Potts
Don Cheadle ... James Rhodes / War Machine
*Terry Notary ... Teen Groot

Some earlier have made the comment that anyone not killed by the Infinity Gauntlet couldn't be brought back.
That is wrong.
With all gems together they have the power to recreate reality, including bringing anyone back from the dead - no matter how they died or when.
The Gauntlet could even make it so Tony's parents didn't die at the hands of the Winter Soldier.

Comment on the Hulk. He got his ass handed to him by Thanos and company and now he is scared.
That is why he wouldn't come out and fight.

So one thing I never understood in the comics or in the movies... why does Peter Parker want to join a team so bad? The character, as originally written, had at his core a need to protect the ones he loved from harm. He also constantly struggled with being Spider Man in the first place and tried to ignore his perceived responsibility as a hero many, many times.

In other words, he's a reluctant hero.

So if that's the case why would this kid from Forest Hills want to BE a member of the Fantastic Four or the Avengers? He's not sure if he even really wants to be Spider Man and if he's on the FF people will see his face; if he's in the Avengers he's at least government known and spies from other governments could target his ID. So why the need to join up?

My personal opinion boils down to one word: family.

I wish the MCU would do a better job of making Peter a three-dimensional person with motivations beyond "wow Mr Stark, these gadgets are cool!" They kind of hinted at it a little in Infinity War but if Spidey gets more of his own movies I'd love to see him become a guy that grows beyond his place in the Avengersverse.

I can't really speak to the comics, since I never followed any comics, but the Peter Parker introduced in Civil War and then expanded upon in Homecoming was not, in any shade, a reluctant hero. He was immediately star-struck, clearly saw Tony as a surrogate father figure from the beginning, and thought the whole thing was so cool. Sure, that got tempered a little when things got real, but even Tony's "reason you suck speech" after the ferry debacle couldn't put much of a damper on him. So, at least in the case of the MCU iteration, the reason he wants to be a part of things is both pretty clear and well within the established character.

I'd compare this to the only other iteration of Spiderman I have any familiarity with, the trilogy starring Tobey Maguire. There's a lot more of the reluctant hero thing going on with that depiction of the character, and the struggles and villains in those movies are a lot more personal, and in some cases only exist because of the direct results of his own actions. I think that version of Spiderman would probably not be as enthusiastic as the MCU, and if that was the Spiderman from Civil War and Homecoming then I think that would indeed create the sort of disconnect you're feeling.

Short Version: the Spiderman in the movies wants to be on a team so bad because he was built that way from the ground up, since the writers wanted him to be enthusiastic about it.

In the comics, Peter wasn't interested in being on a team for a long time. At some point in the '80s, he learned the Avengers got a $1000 a week stipend and given his chronic money problems, that changed his mind, but he still didn't join up for another couple decades.
He'd always had a close friendly rivalry with the Torch, which had led to him helping out the FF on occasion, but it was only with the Torch's apparent death that he actually joined the FF for awhile.

So I wouldn't say the comics version really wanted to join a team. It certainly wasn't a big part of the character for most of his career.

The movie version has a different role in the universe though. The comic Spider-Man was one of the first of the post WWII heroes (ignoring retcons and the like). He started as a teenager, but never was really the naive young kid awestruck at being with all these experienced, legendary heroes. He was an experienced peer from the start.

The MCU version isn't. He's a kid, just starting out, who's probably been seeing the Avengers on TV most of his life. It's no wonder he's got a different relationship with them than the comics Peter does.

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Quite late to the party, but:

1) Brolin *nailed* the role of Thanos. And I appreciate the divergence from the "tribute to Lady Death" motivation. Kudos.

2) Peter Dinklage's scripting was atrocious. No, really.

3) I am unperturbed by the obvious character death/actor contract conflicts -- I'm looking forward to the means by which they are undone.

4) I *am* bothered by the plot device which permitted Wanda to destroy the Mind Stone. (And, unfortunately, I think this points to the "final solution" required for denouement . . . . See #3 for the necessary hoop-jumping.) Why wouldn't "diminishing returns" apply here?!

5) Quite glad to see Thor well and truly bring the lightning and thunder -- clogging the portal in the first Avengers flick was cool, but insufficient.

I give it an 8.5/10.
As for speculation(s):

The Pieces of the Puzzle --

1) Stark + nanotech + ancillary AI + ruins of Titan
2) Thor + Bifrost-hammer
3) Partial Vision data-dump + vibranium "corpse"

Frankly, those three bits *alone* allow for a heroic victory, given the faintest amount of solid thinking from our protagonists, I think.

But, we'll find out soon enough!! :)

Also, with regards to MCU spidey, the kid from Iron Man 2 with the toy Iron Man helmet has been confirmed by Marvel to be Peter Parker, so the fanboy-ness has been, at least retroactively, since he was little.

EH...Thanos will always be about nihilism. Whether Lady Death is involved...seems immaterial at times...

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Thanos is also a massive petty jerk. In the comics..

1.He showed up every single birthday to screw over one person. Killing the dad, burning down a school, poisoning friends. Why? For the lulz

2. Helped a little old lady cross the street so one person in particular would miss an important event and go from very important to a nobody. When they were on their deathbed, Thanos showed up and showed them everything they could have been and finished them off with despair. Why? Because he can.


Dude! Those were some of my favorites! Christopher Hastings and Ryan North's writing on those parts of the Annual were CLASSIC. :)

Also Danny Coates Thanos Wins arc was totally worth it.

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Really I just want to say that I actually love Stark's armor in this one. Its like one step away from the superior suit.

I never got to see it. And now it's being released on DVD and Blu-Ray and my player died recently. I'm doomed to not see this movie.

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Cal, i'll drive to ya with a dvd player, if you get the disc.

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That's awfully generous! But do you live close enough to do so? lol I'm in central Arkansas.

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West TN. 4-ish hours. And I have nothing but free time for the foreseeable future.

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OK. I'll let you know!

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I do have a caveat: next week works better. Got a lot on my plate this weekend -- just no job that *demands* my time. :)

Syrus Terrigan wrote:
Cal, i'll drive to ya with a dvd player, if you get the disc.

Syrus, I got to watch it last night. Excellent movie but it made me sad.

Hey! Thought I was supposed to be there!! :P

Glad you enjoyed it; yes, it's supposed to be a bit sad.

My son walked in with the Redbox disc last night without warning... lol. I doubt that would have been enough of a notice to have ya here!

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Might have surprised ya!! lol

Good work, kid!

The next movie might just hit the three hour mark. maybe. No sodas, popcorn and you might want a Depends..

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Or fast for twenty-four hours before.

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Syrus Terrigan wrote:
Cal, i'll drive to ya with a dvd player, if you get the disc.

this is what these message boards are all about.

Let me get this right, Thanos gets what he wants the five infinity stones (the really big met.) He took the stone of time which was held by Doctor Strange. the stone allowed Docter Strange to look through four million possibilities for hope and the only saw one way that the Avengers could stop Thanos would be to remove him from the timeline at the point where he decided to pursue the infinity stones. This so changed the history of the meta-verse in such a way that billions of people dissolved out of existence when the timeline repaired itself. Doctor Strange booby-trapped the stone of time knowing that he would not exist in the new timeline. Is that how you saw the ending were Thanos is trapped in that alternate limbo with Gamora. Am I correct in this summation.

Sovereign Court


I really can't explain everything myself. Could someone help Dizzy out with this?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

There's really not much to explain yet...

Strange did his typical wizard, "this is how things have to play out" bit. (Sorry, but any time a wizard goes, "this is how it has to go, trust me!" my genre hackles go up).

Presumably what he actually meant was that there was no way for the little team on Titan to stop Thanos then- you can't tell me that Quill losing his cool and screwing up the plan wasn't in the outcome he chose to tell them to go with- but that there was an outcome that could undo what he had done.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Okay, so here's a question...

Is Dormammu under the binding clause of 'half of everything MUST GO'?

If not, who's watching the door?

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

Okay, so here's a question...

Is Dormammu under the binding clause of 'half of everything MUST GO'?

If not, who's watching the door?

I don't understand the question.

What binding clause? Am I just forgetting something?

Grand Lodge

Strange bargained with Dormammu to leave and never come back. Now that Strange is dusted, does that bargain still hold or can Dormammu try to take over again? Did Dormammu get dusted as well, so it's not a concern? Or is he outside reality and not a part of either 50%?

Sovereign Court

Dormamu is from a different dimension so I think the dusting doesn't apply to him. Also just because Strange is dead doesn't mean that the deal is off.

Grand Lodge

Who's going to enforce it?

Sovereign Court


TriOmegaZero wrote:
Who's going to enforce it?

Magic, as Hama said.

It's not like Strange could just kick his ass if he did come back.

The deal was "never come back", not "don't come back until I die", which for an eternal extra-dimensional being is just an eyeblink anyway.

Cole Deschain wrote:

There's really not much to explain yet...

Strange did his typical wizard, "this is how things have to play out" bit. (Sorry, but any time a wizard goes, "this is how it has to go, trust me!" my genre hackles go up).

Presumably what he actually meant was that there was no way for the little team on Titan to stop Thanos then- you can't tell me that Quill losing his cool and screwing up the plan wasn't in the outcome he chose to tell them to go with- but that there was an outcome that could undo what he had done.

How it Should Have Ended gave them a few more options.

The portal-cutting option occurred to me too in the theater.
As did just wasting Quill when he started screwing things up.

Baby Thanos was adorable.


I think if HiSHE read Donny Cates Cosmic Ghost Rider series, they might have changed their mind...

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Dizzydoo42 wrote:
Let me get this right, Thanos gets what he wants the five infinity stones (the really big met.) He took the stone of time which was held by Doctor Strange. the stone allowed Docter Strange to look through four million possibilities for hope and the only saw one way that the Avengers could stop Thanos would be to remove him from the timeline at the point where he decided to pursue the infinity stones. This so changed the history of the meta-verse in such a way that billions of people dissolved out of existence when the timeline repaired itself. Doctor Strange booby-trapped the stone of time knowing that he would not exist in the new timeline. Is that how you saw the ending were Thanos is trapped in that alternate limbo with Gamora. Am I correct in this summation.

Thanos won, and killed half of all living beings in the universe using the power of the gauntlet, because that's what he wanted to happen. Nothing to do with the timeline.

Doctor Strange, having seen all alternate futures, believed this needed to play out for the Avengers to eventually defeat Thanos, but we don't know yet exactly how--that's what Endgame is for. (Some theories include that he actually gave him a past or future version of the Time stone that will actually cause shenanigans in Endgame, but nothing about that is certain.)

Thanos talking to little Gamora was his consciousness entering the Soul Stone, where Gamora was trapped. I do not believe he is trapped there, he just wanted to have a chat with his daughter, and can do so because he possesses the Soul Stone.

Did I cover it?

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Okay, now there's actual blue sky beams over New York. This is taking marketing way too far, Marvel.


I'm pretty sure that was Paramount since I think it was Gozer showing off.

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