Lusinian |
the question is in the title. English is not my native language and this is my first message, so please be patient if I mess up or am downright uncomprehensible.
The rules and forums I've read adress whether and how to retrain favoured class bonus, but I don't think I saw how to change the favoured class from, say, oracle to rogue.
I know there's an important rp component in choosing your favoured class, and our game is highly dependant on rp, but it would actually be logical in our case to retrain this. I don't think it's the place to explain that, so I won't unless someone asks. I'm simply asking whether, by the rules, you can or cannot change your favoured class. Thank you in advance for your answers.
Lady-J |
"The choice of favored class cannot be changed once the character is created, and the choice of gaining a hit point or a skill rank each time a character gains a level (including his first level) cannot be changed once made for a particular level."
to be fair favored class rules were introduced before retraining rules were a thing.
Lusinian |
I agree with Lady-J. That's why I'm a bit confused and unsure. I crossed some of the things you can retrain, it says, for example, on the retraining entry :
"Antipaladin: Retrain one cruelty, or retrain your fiendish bond, replacing your bonded weapon for a fiendish servant or vice versa."
And on the antipaladin page : "Fiendish Boon (Sp). Upon reaching 5th level, an antipaladin receives a boon from his dark patrons. This boon can take one of two forms. Once the form is chosen, it cannot be changed." (By the descriptions, I guess 'boon' is 'bond' in this case.)
So I wondered if there was an update or some unspoken rule... or if my source was just wrong. The retraining thing openly states many things but doesn't adress favoured classes, neither to allow nor forbid them retraining (if I read correctly).
Lady-J |
i would put it somewhere between hp and skill retraining both are free but one is 3 days and one is 5 days so i would say 4 days and free and you can pick a new favored class
edit oops they not both free its 10xlevelxdays needed so 40xlevel but i would just say a flat 40 gold then if you need to spend any money as 40 per level seems a bit much
thorin001 |
Officially, no. The retraining rules have no entry for changing your favored class. Nor do they have rues for changing your favored class bonus. Thus those are things that cannot be changed via retraining.
For changing your actual favored class I would put it at adding an archetype (1 thing changed).
Lusinian |
Got it, it's raw- and PFS- forbidden. I'm trying to grasp the rules, however, so, if you allow, I'll keep on this unlegitimate example to understand the mecanisms of retraining.
In this case, just to be clear, if I consider it an archetype : it would be 5 days to abandon the old favoured class and 5 days to gain the new one, which means 10 * level * 10 gp ? Or if the character has none or has lost it by some curse, only 5 days total and 10 * level * 5 gp ?
As for making it a 4 days training, I'm not so sure about liking that, I would rather take the higher of the two than some hybrid child. Would it really be in the rule's spirit to make it mid-way ?
Here's a more down-the-script matter : in case of a multiclassed character, for retraining an archetype, do you use the character's total level or the concerned class level ? For example, if we consider a rogue 8 / warpriest 6, with no favoured class, do I consider the level for cost and time to be 14 or 8 (if he wants to make rogue his favoured class) ?
Also, in case of amnesiac characters (as per the insanity, which means they lose all classes and class features) or cursed in a way that utterly erases all levels up to now, do they get to have a new favoured class if they start evolving in a different way than in their previous life ?