Missing PDFs from My downloads

Website Feedback

I have purchased a lot of Patherfinder books in pdf format and now a lot of them don't show up in my downloads page like they use to. Some examples are the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Player's Guide

If I look in the store it says I purchased them and that I can download them but they don't show on the page. There is that download tab in the store page I could use but not convenient as having them in my download page.

Customer Service Representative

Hi darkblade1032,

I'm sorry to hear that! I'm not seeing anything that would be causing trouble, so I'm moving this to Website Feedback for the tech team to look into.

Sovereign Court

Me too, I posted in another thread but no staff responses there.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I'm also missing several PDFs, most of them AP volumes. For example I only have Wrath of the Righteous PG & Poster Map showing up, so I'm missing all 6 volumes in my downloads. Is there any way to view the old download page to get around this?

I'm seeing the same thing with many of my adventure path PDFs, I've also got duplicates of the Hell's Rebels and Hell's Vengeance.

Having some similar, some different problems with the Downloads page, but they seem related:

The downloads for Starfinder Pact Worlds don't show up on the My Downloads page (searched for it, sorted the list by 'Date added to my downloads', all the stuff), but they are available on the Product page.

Additionally, some download-links are listed twice, some old, some new.
See Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens Subscriber


I went to my downloads page today, it was messed up. For example APs were not showing up together. Every time I refreshed it came up different. I have no idea if everything was actually showing up.


same here. Some of my APs are missing as well. When I try and download documents, some download, but one presented a time out message.

Paizo Employee Software Developer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We are in the process of diagnosing and fixing the issues with missing, duplicated and incorrectly categorized downloads. It looks like the downloads themselves are generating correctly when purchased, but aren't displaying correctly on the downloads page. As soon as we determine the exact cause, we will implement a fix to ensure the downloads page populates correctly. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

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