Rigg Gargadilly

Kakita Jules's page

4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Diego Valdez wrote:

Hello Kakita,

I have set up a replacement for you which should be on its way along with your May subscription order.

Thanks for your help Paizo has some of the best customer support I've seen. you guys rock!

Does your return policy cover items left out in inclement weather, or is their a way to leave a note in my delivery to not place packages in the open when its raining or snowing? There was water damage on the top inch of the entire book, its still usable but its not in the condition I had hoped. Thanks for your assistance in the matter.

I'm seeing the same thing with many of my adventure path PDFs, I've also got duplicates of the Hell's Rebels and Hell's Vengeance.

Fat Jozka wrote:

Our Kickstarter to fund the filming of our theatrical production of the events surrounding the Night of Ashes has been funded. By January you should have be able to download your own digital copy or order a DVD. The story features Rexus, Laria, Octavio, and Paracount Barzallai Thrune.

You still have a week to pre-order your copy through our Kickstarter for only $10.00. Your contribution will help increase the production values of the show and make Live Adventure Theater happen.

Check out what we are doing here:


Thanks to all our contributors and
May you Find your Way,

Tom Beckett

Sorry to dig up an old thread, but I posted on the Kick Starter and messaged the group as well but got no response.

I was wondering if anyone else had received their "digital copy of the "Night of Ashes" script, with a Creative Commons license so that you have our permission to make your own production, and the the digital copy of the Maralictor character sheet, as developed by Pathfinder Creative Director James Jacobs" I received my DVD and the play was awesome. One of my players is in their high school's drama class and was really looking forward to getting the script. Thanks for any info on this.