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Goblinworks Executive Founder. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
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same here. Some of my APs are missing as well. When I try and download documents, some download, but one presented a time out message.
Assuming the OP has no objections, I'll re-upload my copy of his work to my Google Drive. Kingmaker Files with Weather Calendar Hope this helps people.
Assuming the OP has no objections, I'll re-upload my copy of his work to my Google Drive.
Kingmaker Files with Weather Calendar
Hope this helps people.
I appreciate your generosity, many thanks.
Very late to the party, but is this still available somewhere? The current link appears to be dead.
I can't help thinking a $1,000,000 is a lot of money...
Do we think we can generate sufficient backing?
Star Citizen seemed to do pretty well; perhaps we need to generate the same level of buzz!