Will we not see a second (errata'd) printing of Ultimate Wilderness?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

So with the huge brouhaha that erupted over the shifter class, and the subsequent errata that the book received (I count a half-dozen questions in the FAQ whose answers say they'll be in the errata), I was planning on waiting for the book's second printing to pick it up.

Then the Fire Nation attacked Pathfinder Second Edition was announced.

The Playtest FAQ says "While we do not plan to release additional Pathfinder First Edition products after August 2019, we DO plan to keep paperback Pocket Editions of First Edition rulebooks in print as long as enough people are buying them, so even in the era of Pathfinder Second Edition, First Edition adherents should be able to find their preferred version of the game in print without too much trouble. Our First Edition PDF products will also remain available. We're not asking you to abandon First Edition if you don't want to, but we are asking you to help us make Second Edition a game that you want to play!"

This gives some clarification, but makes it sound like - if Ultimate Wilderness receives an integrated, errata'd printing - it will be either PDF-only, or as a Pocket Edition.

I know that second printings (which are where errata is consolidated) depend on how fast the first printing sells out, but with Second Edition now on the horizon, I'd be surprised if Paizo was planning on reprinting any First Edition products (that aren't Pocket Editions) regardless of sales, since their "shelf life" now has a firm expiration date. So to that end, I want to ask: is there any chance that we'll see a reprint of Ultimate Wilderness (or any other hardback books) before Pathfinder 2E hits the shelves?

Alzrius wrote:
So to that end, I want to ask: is there any chance that we'll see a reprint of Ultimate Wilderness (or any other hardback books) before Pathfinder 2E hits the shelves?

I have the impression that UW proves that the quality of the product has worsened: With the launch of Starfinder they probably ended up with "too many fingers in different pies"...so no individual "pie" is truly given the real attention or care that one'd associate with a carefully-crafted product.

You have just to see the recent trend:

A lot of things that work only with their custom-fit archetype, magic item, etc... whose "treatment" stay restricted with the specific book in which was published.

An endless flow of Player Companions with *zero* errata and *zero* attempt to tie them up with similar systems from new Player Companion or "Ultimate" books!

The case with UW is truly a paragon example:

The "craft from remains" idea has been proposed over and over in different Player Companion...but, as it is, still has a huge amount of "holes"...it is nearly unusable...

...BUT...they don't care about "patching" it...they merely care about "firefighting" the Shifter class where a huge amount of customers were absolutely upset!

And then Pathfinder Second Edition come out:

Wow...fresh money without need to "polish" what wasn't done
properly before!

That is exactly what happened with TSR...and Wizards of the Coast:

The game has become all about having players dish out cash...

Not likely. If you wan't to fix the Shifter and it's archetypes, it's likely you will just need to house-rule it yourself.

It would depend on what they deem "additional". Would you consider a re-print under that term? probably not provided they already intended on making it.

I would not count on continuing support from Paizo for any 1st edition material at this point.

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