[ROLL 20] #Ruins of Azlant or other AP: looking for European-based players


Paizo folks,

I will get straight to the point. I want to give online gaming platforms a try, since until now I have only used them for PbP purposes. Since I live away from home, and from my real life party, I want to try my hands at GMing on a digital platform such as Roll20.

What I need: A group of 4 to 5 english-speaking players based in Europe. This is not due to continental discrimination (does something like that even exists?), but rather due to timezones.

What I would prefer: Players with a decent amount of experience with Pathfinder rules, since explaining them during the game scares me off a bit. Good knowledge of the lore, and a sincere fan attitude toward Golarion is not needed, but is appreciated.

What we will play: An Adventure Path. Or a module, depending on the feedback of the players. Ruins of Azlant is a strong candidate, for only a few have already played it. But I'm open to input from players on this.

When will we play: Once a week, either on a weekday in the evening, from 8:00 P.M. to 00:00 A.M GMT; or in the weekend.

Disclaimer - More than a real recruitment, this is an interest check. I have not definitely decided whether this will turn into a real thing or not. I guess it largely depends on the interest I get as an answer to this post. So please, go ahead and tell me if you would be willing to join, perhaps with a brief introduction of you as players.

I would be interested in such a game and have experience with both Pathfinder and Roll20. On Roll20 I have played a real-time Exalted campaign and I am currently in a Starfinder campaign. I play in multiple Pathfinder APs on these boards and GM Rise of the Runelords for a live group. I am not the savviest when it comes to the intricacies of the rules, but I have a decent grasp of them.

Ruins of Azlant has my interest, as does Jade Regent, and I have character concepts for both.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I, too, would be interested in a game. I've been playing Pathfinder for a year and a half and have a good grasp of the rules and the setting. I'm currently playing in one Roll20 Pathfinder campaign and running the Iron Gods AP for a few friends through Roll20. My time zone is GMT+2.

I'd be up for any AP or module, especially Ruins of Azlant and Crownfall, and excluding Rise of the Runelords and Iron Gods, both of which I've already read.

I would be hugely interested, yeah. I've been dying to try a game over Roll20 for some time now, but have found time zone shenanigans a major obstacle at every attempt. Do have plenty of experience with PF though, both as a player and as a GM. I also have an appreciation for the lore of Golarion, and enjoy making characters that fit within the universe.

Would love to play any AP, really. My time zone is GMT.

Good, we would just need one more. Anyone?

I am quite interested!
I have been playing Pathfinder for many years and I would really like to join this as a campaign. ;-)
Never truly just played a campaign on D20, but a lot through the boards and on the table!

Good, we are 5. An acceptable number. Can you please all send me a PM with your Hangout contact if possibile? I plan to create a chat group to discuss our possible campaign. Thank you!

Sounds very interesting, I may be able to pay depending on what day/time is settled upon. I've a lot of PF experience both as a player and GM. I've just finished running Rise of the Runelords and am considering running Hells Rebels. I prefer to use maptools for my VTT but can be flexible.

By the way what do you mean with Hangout contact?

Helikon wrote:
By the way what do you mean with Hangout contact?

You can join the group on Discord, I'm going to send you the link ;)

Lass wrote:

Sounds very interesting, I may be able to pay depending on what day/time is settled upon. I've a lot of PF experience both as a player and GM. I've just finished running Rise of the Runelords and am considering running Hells Rebels. I prefer to use maptools for my VTT but can be flexible.

I take you were meaning play, isn't it?

That would ne nice, thanks!

Folks check your messages, the GM has send the discord invitation!

Not seeing any new PMs at all.

Kittenmancer are you Superdodo or Arthur?


If the day/time is right I would love to join

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