Spellscar Oracle Question

Rules Questions

So I was looking over the spellscar oracle. http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/oracle/mysteries/paizo-oracle- mysteries/spellscar/

And I had a question about the Animate Primal Force revelation. It says that the elemental lasts a number of rounds equal to your Cha modifier but how many times per day can you use this?? Once it goes away can you just summon another?

The general assumption is that if there is no other information or doesn't require any sort of cost it's a standard action.

Trish Megistos wrote:
The general assumption is that if there is no other information or doesn't require any sort of cost it's a standard action.

Not what I asked lol. Yes it says in the ability that it is a standard action. It also says you can have one up, I was asking if you can use this ability multiple times a day.

According to the Archives of Nethys, once per day - twice past level 10.
Also just checked the SRD, and it's actually written there too.

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