Any popular gods for reptilian humanoids?


Dark Archive

I may begin a new campaign tomorrow, I might be playing a Lizardfolk. I will definitely play a ACG shaman with a spirit familiar. I found a familiar archetype I am interested in that requires worship of one one God. I'm now wondering if reptiles in general have commonly worshiped gods. It does not have to be specific to Lizardfolk. My familiar spirit ability will be from the stone spirit so it would be cool to get something related to that. I already know some Nagaji revere Nagas, I might even try playing something like a half breed Nagaji blooded Lizardfolk.

Only one I can think of off the top of my head is Ysiderious(sp?). Wouldn't exactly call it popular though.

The Exchange

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Cntrl+F and look for "Scalykind". This will give you a lot of hits. Many are dragon/dragon related deities. Some are snake based.

Nalinivati specifically for Nagaji.

Popularity wise do you mean lore or player choice. Player wise possibly Apsu or Tiamat as the big dragon deities. Aside from that Lizardfolk probably worship Lamashtu, Ydersius or one of the scalykind gods.

Ragadahn the Water Lord is one of the Eldest, Fey Gods. He is a CE self-declared father of dragons which means other draconic gods hate him. He likes water.

Bokrug is the Great Old One of Lizard People. Oddly enough he is CN, which is curious as pretty much all his worshippers are evil.

Troglodytes worship the Qlippoth for just sheer destruction. There is a theory that Rovagug himself is a Qlippoth.

Zevgavizeb is more for troglodytes, but he is also worshiped by evil lizard folk. He is some weird monster hunter style dino thing.

It is mostly nice as a low commitment god. He just doesn't care- a real 'throw the virgin into the volcano, but that doesn't really change the fact that the volcano will erupt' type deal. Sure, he has a 'dog eat dog/strong conquer the weak' thing going on, but besides that he just doesn't really care much.

It is nice if you just want to use it as an idol symbolizing strength/ferocity.

Dark Archive

Thank you all for the insight. Campaign got delayed till next week so I have some time to research these suggestions.

It might be helpful to mention that my lizardfork is more likely to be the climber variety and from an arid I environment than the standard swimmer type from a swamp.

Raymond Lambert wrote:

Thank you all for the insight. Campaign got delayed till next week so I have some time to research these suggestions.

It might be helpful to mention that my lizardfork is more likely to be the climber variety and from an arid I environment than the standard swimmer type from a swamp.

Well, you could focus on desert related deities. You could go with Saerenrae since you are CG.

Not Evil Sobek!!

The Great Old One Yig, Father of Serpents, is CN, and his domains include Scalykind.

Some of the older gods take the form of their worshippers too. So, there could be a lizard version of Abadar, Desna or Gozreh.

The Empyreal Lord Picoperi does not have a lot of information, but the symbol of a snake on a tree branch suggests ties to reptiles. Another minor Empyreal Lord Jalaijatali has the water lizard as a sacred animal.

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