Cavalier & His Mount

War for the Crown

I'm absolutely stoked for this AP and I'm hoping to get one of my friends to DM for this for our group.

Do you all believe that this campaign will accommodate mounted combat? Seems silly for a campaign based around knights, kings, ect. to not keep the one class with those themes in mind while making the adventure path?

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

Looking at the first AP section, it may accomodate mounted combat at times, but remember that this is an urban AP and as such a larger mount or a more "beastly" mount will have a hard time getting into places, not only space-wise but socially.

In other words, be able to function without a mount, and not a one-trick pony.

Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of combats took place indoors.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens Subscriber

If I every get to play this I'll be going Daring Champion - all cavalier, no mount.

Halfling Order of the Paw uber allies.

Grand Lodge

It shouldn't be too much of a problem even in cramped quarters if you have your mount pick up the Narrow Frame feat.

Jurassic Pratt wrote:
It shouldn't be too much of a problem even in cramped quarters if you have your mount pick up the Narrow Frame feat.

That helps make the mount more easily manageable in smaller places, but not necessarily the social aspects of the problem.

It is unreasonable to expect to bring your horse, for example, inside the senate, the palace, or a noble's dinning room.

The Exchange

Ral' Yareth wrote:
Jurassic Pratt wrote:
It shouldn't be too much of a problem even in cramped quarters if you have your mount pick up the Narrow Frame feat.

That helps make the mount more easily manageable in smaller places, but not necessarily the social aspects of the problem.

It is unreasonable to expect to bring your horse, for example, inside the senate, the palace, or a noble's dinning room.

That's also not outside the realm of possibility.

If you take part in PFS at all, I strongly encourage taking a look at #9-13: The Lion's Justice! You'll get a hint right on the cover! ;)

With Books 1 and 2 in hand I can safely say that while you will definitely have times when you cannot use your mount (though to be honest, in most of those instances you wouldn't need to anyway), you will ABSOLUTELY get several instances to really shine as a mounted Cavalier (Book 2 has at least one very obvious case). It's mentioned in the Player's Guide but I'll reiterate that Honor Guard in particular is a nice thematic choice for this AP if you want to do the noble Knightly bodyguard thing, which is very fitting if you have other players who are angling more for intrigue over combat (and are therefore very squishy). There are of course many other good choices for the Cavalier in general, and even if you won't always have access to it, there are enough moments in the AP where having a mount (well, specifically a horse or maybe some magical beast) will work in your favour. Personally, I'd love for one of my players to take Cavalier.

Oh and another thing: without going into detail about it, there are also some special items throughout this AP, many of which tie in with the concept of a traditional heroic knight of the Empire's glory days. So if you're a big fan of shiny gear, it's a solid pick. ; )

I wonder if the Drakerider archetype is a good idea. I mean, yeah, it is a bit of anti-thematic, but if played right, you could turn it into a thematic choice.

Also, if you wanted to play a unusual yet unique (and again if played right might be thematic) cavalier, you could use the saurian champion.


Just play a Ghost Rider cavalier. Only conjure up your mount when its convenient, and have the added fun of riding a ghost horse through the Senate.

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