Daring Champion vs Virtuous Bravo: who ya got?


Hi there,

I'm working up a character concept that could end up as either one of the two classes in my subject line. Right now I'm leaning toward the Cavalier. Here's the main points of difference I'm seeing.

Skills: DC gets more per level, and gets a few nice choices (I'm thinking Order of the Dragon, so Perception and Survival, the latter of which I like for concept reasons). VB loses spells, but keeps Spellcraft? Gee, thanks.

Saves: VB wins here handily. Gets good Will, and Divine Grace, it's not even close.

Class features: pretty even, I think. The one thing VB seems to have in its favor is getting the OP&R deed, which the DC doesn't.

Anyone else see anything that moves the needle one way or the other?

Thanks for your time.

Ghorrin Redblade

Lay on hands is pretty big, but may compete with the swift actions of deeds.

Paladin: Way better defense (Divine Grace, Lay on Hands, OP&R), better offense (Smite Evil), Divine Bond.
Cavalier: Better skills, Greater Tactician.

Everything else is pretty minor stuff in my opinion.

Basically, the question is how much mileage you're gonna get out of Coordinated Charge.

Silver Crusade


take that 2 level pally dip then go dc

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