Damnation Inquisition

Rules Questions

Liberty's Edge


I just want to make sure I am running this ability correctly. The Damnation Inquisition has the following granted power:

Fear the Flames (Su)
You can give a creature you can see within 60 feet one chance to avoid an eternity of suffering by ordering it to carry out any one simple action that would take no more than 1 round to complete. Good and neutral creatures that refuse become shaken for 1 round (Will negates), while evil creatures that obey gain a +2 morale bonus on all rolls and checks made for 1 round. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. This is a language-dependent, mind-affecting effect.

Therefore, a character can order an evil enemy to say "lie down" in combat with this ability. The save would be 10 + 1/2 character level + primary caster stat.

Is this correct?

Thank you.

There is no penalty and no need for evil creatures to obey you. They can simply refuse. No save required.

To be more specific, the save is associated not with the command issued but rather the shaken effect when refused (for Good/Neutral folk). No target, regardless of alignment is ever actually forced to obey your command beyond the soft incentives of maybe getting shaken or getting a bonus.

In other words, it's really not a good ability.

Liberty's Edge

Thank you for the responses.

Have a great week!

Actually, if you are evil, it could be a buff.

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