Wild Child Brawler (1) / Martial Master Fighter (5) = confusing Martial Flexibility

Rules Questions

I'm building a character and this was one of the setups I was looking at, but I would like some clarification on the Martial Flexibility aspect.

Do I stack the class feature? If so, what wording do I default to Brawler or Fighter? Separate Pools?

I know stupid question, but I always double/triple check my results or answers.

Hybrid Classes wrote:
Parent Classes: Each one of the following classes lists two classes that it draws upon to form the basis of its theme. While a character can multiclass with these parent classes, this usually results in redundant abilities. Such abilities don’t stack unless specified.

They definitely do not stack. If you get two independent pools, or just one pool, is probably debateable. What's the end game here, trying to double dip "Extra Martial Flexibility" to end up with 12+1/2lvl uses per day or something?

I've actually built a character with these two classes together....they are separate pools. And separate activations.

Unless a skill says specifically that it stacks, they do not.

You will have one use of martial flexibility at level 1, and one at level 5.

And was it worth it? Especially at 6th level. I think the ability to use as swift / 2 as one move would be far more worthwhile than the extra 2 uses being gained here.

toastedamphibian wrote:
And was it worth it? Especially at 6th level. I think the ability to use as swift / 2 as one move would be far more worthwhile than the extra 2 uses being gained here.

I stand corrected. I was GOING to do that, but ended up going a different way. I ended up taking the Brawler fighter archtype and took it for 4 levels.

I did look at it, and though it wasn't worth it in the long haul...especially since the character is PFS, and you only have 1 or 2 combats a session/day. If this was a home game with 3 or 4 combats a day/session, then I would have thought differently.

Most recently i've been playing a rogue/brawler multiclass (4/3) and I love the idea of martial flexibility, but rarely find myself using it. Full attack or charge almost always ends up the better choice in most encounters.

Looking forward to level 10. If the game ever starts up again. Martial Flexibility AND Brawler's Flurry seems hugely superior to OR, even if it means fewer uses. Possibly a side effect of the rogue damage bump throwing off my perspective.

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