Guardianlord |

I was thinking of a different type of build for my next campaign. In it we have been warned that items and gear will be easy come easy go, and it will be relatively fast paced meaning time to craft specific greater items will be difficult. It also means a few classes relying on animal companions/familiars/bonded items/holy symbols would not be ideal choices. Gold will not likely be an issue, but safe places to spend it in will be. As such it will be a gear starved survival style game, so the ability to craft alchemical items and brew cheap potions is nice.
Full casters are out.
So I have decided to attempt to make a Halfling with the Warslinger and Adaptable luck alternate traits. Taking Well prepared can help with the losses of gear 1/day. Slipslinger feat will allow for ranged attacks without provoking using a slingstaff. And Lucky halfling can help with squishy save martials.
The idea is to be an alchemist handing out infusion buffs, use slings to throw bullets, rocks, and alchemical weapons at range. Use bombs to range heal with healing bomb or do closer ranged damage. Plus I was hoping to fit in the helpful halfling trait, so I can use total defence and aid another buff the party tank or DPR classes.
I'm not going down the entire Aid another Munchkin route, and I don't want to become cleric-light. I am hoping to be a DPR capable supporter as we will likely have some very powerful characters made by some skilled min/maxers who love melee.
Grenadier is a nice archetype for alchemist, but Brew potion is a very valuable skill in a low magic/few shops game.
25pt point buy. Anything first party Paizo is good, 3rd party requires GM permission.
My idea is: Alchemist/Fighter
Alchemist brings: Bombs, discoveries, brew potion, Swift Alchemy, Mutagen, healing.
Fighter brings: Martial proficiency, feats, Armor/weapon training.
1 Alchemist: Slipslinger
2 Alchemist: Healing Bomb
3 Alchemist: Point Blank shot
4 Fighter?: Rapid Shot
5 : Precise Shot
6 : Weapon Focus (Sling) or (Sling staff)
7 : Slipslinger grenadier style (Add alchemical weapon damage at 80ft increment, +STR, +INT, +Bullet damage)
8 :
My problem is that I will be coming on relatively late and i can't seem to fit well-prepared or lucky halfling into the build, which isn't critical, but would be nice to have while it still matters.
Clearly this build needs a lot of work, and I just don't know what the best route would be. My priorities are sling damage and support more than anything else.
I would appreciate any advice.

Guardianlord |

Here is what I have so far.
Halfling (Warslinger, Adaptable Luck)
Traits: Helpful Halfling (+4 to aid another), Not sure what would be best for a second. Maybe something to bump mutagen duration?
16 (14), 16 (18), 10, 15, 12, 7 (9) Stats, might dump DEX for STR as I will be able to wear medium armor and use magical weapons for accuracy. WIS is because my WILL saves will be not great.
1 Alchemist grenadier: Point Blank Shot.
2 Fighter (Vanilla?): Weapon Focus (Sling) [This counts as all weapons with slign thanks to slipslinger).
3 Alchemist: Slipslinger Style. (Discovery: infusions).
4 Fighter: Rapid Shot (or Arc Slinger, still not sure)
5 Alchemist (Rapid Shot or Deadly Aim)
6 Fighter: Armor Training
7 Fighter: Precise Shot
8 Fighter: Weapon Training
I will need iron Will at some point. Well prepared would be cool, but it is so hard to fit into an early build without doing harm to effectiveness.
Using the Sling Staff I can reload as a free action and add 1d6+STR+Splash Weapon +INT to damage if I apply a 1/3 cost Splash weapon.
Is there a better class to mix with Grenadier for decent Damage with a sling?
Are there particularly good enchantments for a Halfling sling staff (Counting as a thrown and ranged and melee I think)? Or are pure numerical bonuses the best choice?
Is there a more efficient way to become a good DPR Slinger that can also do support?
Any niche feats that would really help the build?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

avr |
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For support you might consider the brewkeeper PrC. It also gives a +2 sacred bonus to will saves for a round after drinking anything. You'd be reliant on buffs to improve DPR further, true.
Fighter does work for this since you need so many feats, and because armor training actually is helpful if you're considering medium armor. You'd get a second feat at character level 7/fighter level 4 BTW. It's not the only possible choice though.
Savage technologist barbarian gives +4 Str & +4 Dex when raging which is about perfect for you, and you'd only need 1-2 levels (2 if you want a rage power and/or another couple of rounds of rage).
If a sling staff counts as a thrown weapon - not sure it does in all ways - then a far strike monk gets a bunch of useful bonus feats (quick draw, the flurry is very like rapid shot, and 1 bonus feat at each of 1st and 2nd levels from a useful list for you), besides the saves etc, and if you take it to 3rd level then they get fast movement and a bonus when sniping, at 4th they get shot on the run and a ki pool.
Eldritch archer magus works with your chosen stats and offers nova damage, a wider range of spells, plus the ability to enchant your weapon as a swift action. It wants to take as many of your levels as possible, I wouldn't combine it with brewkeeper.

Guardianlord |

Thanks for the advice.
Unfortunately as brew Potion is traded away for Grenadier, Brewkeeper is locked until one can take Brew Potion as a feat, which is not terribly optimal for me. really cool Prc though, I will have to look at some way to use this in a build.
Monk would require WIS which I just can't afford if I want to go grenadier, sadly.
And if my GM hadn't warned us that items would be VERY easy to lose I would definitely go magus, but the Bonded item is an Achilles heel of a weakness for this upcoming campaign.
Savage technologist (barbarian) seems awesome for 2 levels; fast movement, 4-7 rounds of rage at +4/+4, and a rage power. The tough part would be choosing a great power (powerful blow, rolling dodge, or guarded stance seem decent for a 2 level barbarian). It would motivate me to drop to 10 WIS and add up to 12 CON for extra rage.
What would a good class order look like for this build if I went 1 or 2 levels of Savage technologist? I do want to front load feats early, but Barbarian rage and rage powers are extremely useful early as well.
Thank you for the advice.