Bestow Curse alternative


There have been a few posts written on alternative curses, which were very good. I was wondering if being curses with having to reroll all rolls twice and take the worse result (as per misfortune but to also include damage rolls (D6's, D8's etc) would be a fair curse for Bestow Curse? Would it be considered on par with the other curses? Weaker then the other curses? Stronger? Can anyone suggest something else?

Bestow Curse is pretty good. I'd say rolling twice and taking the worst result is actually much easier on the opponent than the example it gives you with the "Each turn, the target has a 50% chance to act normally; otherwise, it takes no action."

If you're looking for curse-like abilities, try Hex's from the Witch and Hexcrafter classes, namingly Slumber. Doing a Slumber hex and coup de grace while your opponent is asleep is as OP as it comes.

Wise Old Man wrote:

Bestow Curse is pretty good. I'd say rolling twice and taking the worst result is actually much easier on the opponent than the example it gives you with the "Each turn, the target has a 50% chance to act normally; otherwise, it takes no action."

If you're looking for curse-like abilities, try Hex's from the Witch and Hexcrafter classes, namingly Slumber. Doing a Slumber hex and coup de grace while your opponent is asleep is as OP as it comes.

Thanks. Ya I'm an Invoker Witch in one of my campaigns currently. Slumber is quite strong until you run into enemies who are immune to mind-affecting effects.

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You won't run into them forever, unless your GM is looking for a way to spike your Slumber.

My hex list would include, Slumber, Misfortune, Cackle, Evil Eye, and perhaps Flight.

And Invoker...well, good luck!

Roll twice, take worse is too strong, I think. (The exception being against casters.) It’s decreasing total damage by around 50%, maybe more (between lowered accuracy and lowered damage). Then it also penalizes their saves on top of that. None of the other options can generally reduce offense and defense at once. I looked at the math, and (for expected values) this is pretty close to the -4. Applying it to damage rolls might be a bit much, given this is much more effective than the -4 at preventing crits.

Generally, I’d recommend using the “come up with your own” option for interesting and flavorful curses or specific situations, rather than a go-to combat curse.

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A selection of curses from pre-3.x days to give you some ideas, conveniently updated to PF.

Ancient Curse
(Necromancy) [curse]
Level: Clr/Or 7
Casting Time: 1 full-round action
Components: V
Range: special
Duration: special
Target: special
Saving throw: none
Spell resistance: no

You call down a poweful curse on someone who has offended your family, typically by disturbing a grave, stealing an important object or unlawfully killing of members. The spell must be cast in the place where the offence occurred and the reason for the curse must be clearly stated. The curse builds slow, taking months or even years to fully manifest and afflicts members of the target's family as well as the original offender. The curse manifests in a number of different ways, such as hauntings, poverty, bad luck, degenerative diseases (which cannot be cured by normal means like remove disease or heal) The curse may be lifted with an atonement spell, with an opposed caster level check required to successfully get through the curse's power. Alternatively, the offender or an heir to the offender may undertake a quest of penance. The quest should be difficult, sincere and have long-lasting effects. E.g. someone who was cursed for driving a village to ruin out of greed might be forced to relinquish all wealth and live as a pauper for the rest of his life.
Granted by: ancestors
Setting: OA

Bad Medicine
(Enchantment) [compulsion, curse]
Level: shaman 4
Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S, M, DF
Range: line of sight
Duration: permanent
Target: 1 individual or village
Saving throw: Will negates
Spell resistance: yes

The target takes a -2 penalty to attacks, damage, saving throws and skill rolls. Casters of 16th level or higher can target an entire village (animals included) at once so long as they are all within 1 acre. This curse requires a remove curse or better to remove.
Material Components: a handful or local herbs and an eagle talon and snake venom
Setting: Amerind

Bane (of Horus-Re)
(Necromancy) [curse]
Level: Clr/Or 8
Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S, DF
Range: touch
Duration: permanent
Target: creature touched
Saving throw: Fortitude negates
Spell resistance: yes

On a failed saving throw the target takes a -5 penalty to all saving throws, attack and weapon damage rolls, and attackers receive a +5 bonus to attack and damage rolls against him. This spell can only be removed by a reverse bane, wish or miracle.
Granted by: Horus-RE
Setting: FR

Bane of Basheba
(Necromancy) [curse]
Level: Clr/Or 2
Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S, DF
Range: touch
Duration: special
Target: 1 creature
Saving throw: none
Spell resistance: yes

The target takes a -4 penalty on his next saving throw, -3 to the one after that, -2 to the next, and finally -1 to the 4th saving throw. The spell lasts until remvoed with a remove curse or better, or until all penalties have been 'used'.
Granted by: Beshaba
Setting: FR

Bestow Curse

In addition to the normal effects of the spell, the following may occur. Mostly these can be interpreted as reasons for the penalties inflicted:
Adherence - part of all of the creature is covered in terrible stickiness, which prevents the effective use of
material components or foci for spellcasting.
Animal features - the victmi grows animal features, including but not limited to muzzles, fur, animal ears etc.
Appendage growth - one of the target's appendages grows to grossly disproportionate size
Appendage shrinkage - one of the target's appendages becomes very small
Babbling/belching/hiccuping/whistling - the target must make a Will save DC 15 each round to remain
silent. Must make a Concentration checkDC 15+spell level to cast spells
Body odor -
Casting requirements - the victim must do some ritual each time he tries to cast a spell. dance a small jig,
knocking on wood, etc.
Change skin color - the target's skin changes to something violently unnatural
Dancing - the target is compelled to dance at all times, resulting in a -2 penalty to AC and all physical skill
rolls other than dancing
Filthiness - the target is always dirty no matter how many baths it takes
Floral hair
Forgetfulness - suffers lapses in memory, which means a 25% chance of failing any action he attempts
Generocity - victim gives away all his wealth and possessions
Greed - the victim falls prey to overwhelming greed, and must aquire valuables as his primary motivation,
often leading to theft
Hair growth - the victim's hair grows to immense lengths, getting in the way of everything he tries
Halitosis - victim and all in 10 feet are sickened
Insatiable appetite - target is sickened with hunger
Insomnia/lethargy - victim is always exhausted
Kleptomania -
Metal allergy - target breaks out into hives when touching metal or is very close over extended periods of
time (e.g. wielding metal wapons or wearing metal armor)
Pathological lying
Profuse sweating
Serpent hair/limbs
Slurred speech
Smoldering - victim emits smoke from him
Spike grwoth
Truth - victim is compelled to be brutally honest
Uncontrollable laughter - must make a Concentration check DC 20+spell level to cast spells
Unintentional insulting - victim continually insults people either through compulsion or accident
Vulgarity - victim is always vulgar and rude
Wart growth
Weariness - victim is always fatigued
Weight gain - victim gains 5 lbs per day until he is twice his original weight
Weight loss . victim loses 5 lbs per day until he's half his original weight

Bestow Dire Curse
(Necromancy) [curse]
Level: Clr/Or 9
Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S, DF
Range: touch
Duration: special
Target: creature touched
Saving throw: Will negates
Spell resistance: yes

As bestow curse except that it inflicts all three of the listed penalties, the magnitude of the first two is doubled and the DC to remove the curse is +10. This curse can only be removed by means of a remove dire curse, wish or miracle. In place of the normal curse effects this spell may inflict certain other ill effects.

Aging - victim ages 1d6x10 years, if human (adjust by race), physical impairment occurs but not mental
Age regression: - victim is reduced physiologically and mentally to 16-2d8 years (if human; adjust according to race)
Agonizing pain - target takes a -6 penalty to all Dexterity-based rolls and AC, has hit points reduced by 25%
and must make a concentration check DC 20+ spell level to cast spells
Alter gender - sex changes
Alter race - target's race changes. If the target particularly dislikes one race, or one is particularly
inconveniencing for the victim's situation, this race is chosen
Alter sub-race - target becomes a different sub-race of its current race
Amnesia - target loses all episodic memory
Aura, anitpathy - the target takes a -10 penalty to all Diplomacy and Bluff checks (not feinting) and all creatures start as hostil (formerly friendly count as Unfriendly
Aura, attraction - the target becomes the object of the affections of all creatures who see him, who will want
to be in physical contact, hace his attention and will be agressive in fending off rivals
Blindness - as the normal effect except it cannot be cured by any means other than the ones liste above
Breathing - the target must breathe another medium than it normally does(air breathers must breathe water,
Conditional death - if the target performs a voluntary, unnecessary action that the caster chooses it
immediately dies (no save). The target does not necessarily know of the triggering action
Conditional petrifaction - as above except thet arget turns to stone (no save)
Confusion - as per spell, except it cannot be suppressed or removed other than as noted above
Deafness - as the Blindness effect
Deafening voice - the victim's voice is unnatrually loud. A whisper is as loud as ten people roaring, a yell as
loud as flight of dragons
Disfigurement - a serious physical deformity. The exact effect is left to the DM, but can include rendering a
limb useless, or extreme ugliness
Gelatinous form - the target becomes a virtual ooze, with no rigidity of form at all. Cannot speak, is immune
to precision damage but cannot use items or cast spells with V or S components
Giant size - the target increases one or two size categories, but equipment does not
Halitosis, deadly - the taret has a 10' aura of bad breath that functions as cloudkill and 10' beyond that as
stinking cloud. The victim is immune to this effect
Insanity - in addition to another effect, anyone attempting to remove the curse is afflicted by a permanent
confusion effect
Lycantrhopy - self explanatory
Multiple personalities - the victim now has 3-12 unique personalities that cannot communicate and which are
unaware of each other
Muteness - victim cannot utter a single sound
Polymorph - as baleful polymorph, except it cannot be rmoved except as noted above
Shrinking - the target is reduced to Tiny size. Equipment is not affected
Touch: numerous effects that cannot be turned off
chll - your touch deals 1d10 points of cold damage.
poison - targets touched must make a Fortitude ST DC 24 or die
scorching - touch deals 1d10 points of fire damage
shocking - touch deals 1d10 points of electricity damage
wilting - you deal 1d10 points of damage to plants
withering - as staff of withering
Undeath - the target becomes undead under the casters' control (unless the caster does not wish it). The
exact type is up to the GM
Vulnerability - the target becomes weak to a specific but non-ubiquitous substance (cannot be air while on
land or water while underwater). On the first round in contact the victim is sickend, 2nd nauseated
and 3rd+ must make a Fortitude ST DC 16 or die
Weakness - helpless and requires the aid of others to survive
Withering - no matter the food eaten or magic used, the target starts starving and will eventually die
Note: originally called Bestow Major Curse

Curse of Forgetfulness
(Enchantment) [curse]
Level: Brd 6, Sor/Wiz 7
Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S
Range: touch
Duration: permanent
Target: 1 spellcaster
Saving throw: none
Spell resistance: yes

The target loses the ability to comprehend and prepare certain spells, or in the case of spontaneous casters they lose one spell known. Each day, starting immediately upon the casting of this spell, the knowledge of one spell is lost, including the ability to re-learn them, use spell completion or spell-trigger effects with that spell. The target may learn other spells as normal but cannot learn lost spells. A break enchantment coupled with limited wish or wish or miracle is necessary to remove this effect. The reverse of this spell, Bestow remembrance can also reverse the effects of the curse.

Curse of Lycanthropy
(Transmutation) [curse, evil, polymorph]
Level: Sor/Wiz 6
Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S, M
Range: touch
Duration: special
Target: 1 humanoid
Saving throw: Fortitude negates
Spell resistance: yes

The target becomes afflicted with lycanthropy, usually a werewolf but whatever is most appropriate for the area or whichever you desire. This particular manifestation of lycanthropy cannot be passed on. During the three days of the full moon the target turns into a ravenous, murderous beast during the night and terrorizes the area. At the end of these days the target receives a new saving throw at cumulative +2 DC. A remove curse or break enchantment allows for a new save while limited wish, wish or miracle can remove the curse entirely.
Material Components: blood from a lycanthrope

Curse of Gypsies
(Enchantment) [compulsion]
Level: Sor/Wiz 3
Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V
Range: personal touch close medium long
Duration: permanent
Target: 1 creature
Saving throw: Will negates
Spell resistance: yes

The target is marked as an enemy of gypsies everywhere. This manifests in one of three ways
Repel equines: all equines of all sorts, including centuars, pegasi, hippogriffs and more, are hostile and will either flee or attack the caster. No Ride or Handle Animal or Diplomacy check will suffice to overcome this dislike. Bonded mounts or animal companions do not become hostile but require an appropriate skill check to convince to do anything.
Bad luck: once per day a single act the target performs will go terribly wrong. This is usually non-fatal in itself but often harmful and expensive, and almost always at the worst possible time.
Mark of the gypsies: an indelible mark on the forehead of the target that all gypsies instantly recognize. No gypsie will aid the target and possible harrass, attack or otherwise inconvenience the him.
Note: Vistani spell in Ravenloft

Curse Tablet
(Necromancy) [evil, death, mind affecting]
Level: Sor/Wiz 3
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Components: V, S, M
Range: 1 mile/level
Duration: Instantaneous 10 minutes round/level permanent special
Target: 1 creature
Saving throw: special
Spell resistance: yes

You inscribe a lead tablet with the target's name, drive a spike through it and invoke the spirits of the dead, then place the tablet in an occupied tomb. Every night the target sleeps he must make a Will save or suffer horrible nightmares of death and wake up exhausted and having lost half his current hit points, round down, minimum 1. If reduced to 0 hit points, the target dies. Succeeding three consecutive Will saves ends the spell. Casting bless or remove curse on the tablet ends the spell, as does casting remove curse or more powerful spells on the target. Breaking the tablet ends the spell but inflicts 2d4 points of damage to the target.
Material Components: a lead tablet and iron spike worth a total of 100 gp

Cursed Image
(Necromancy) [evil]
Level: Sor/Wiz 4 - hishna
Casting Time: 1 hour
Components: V, S, M
Range: 10 miles/level
Duration: concentration, up to 1 round/level
Target: 1 creature
Saving throw: Fortitude special
Spell resistance: yes

You make a clay image of the target whose current whereabouts you know to an accuracy of 100 feet, and whose appearance you are familiar with. You then manipulate the figure each round either causing the target to be stunned (Fort negates) or take 1d10 damage (Fortitude half)
Material Components: clay and skin, nails or heair from the target

Endless Slumber
(Enchantment) [curse]
Level: Sor/Wiz 8
Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S, M
Range: touch
Duration: permanent
Target: one creature or special
Saving throw: none
Spell resistance: yes

The target is put into a deep sleep that is close to stasis. The target need no food, drink or air but still dreams. You must make a successful touch attack, and a failed roll results in the charge being lost. Alternatively the curse may be implanted on an item or piece of food, e.g. an apple, and takes effect when the first bite is taken, when a piece of clothing is worn or a wound given by a weapon. Nothing short of a disjunction can remove the effect, though all endless slumbers also come with a waking condition, which can be anything desirable, though it must be possible, e.g. a solar eclipse, the death of a specific creature, etc. This spell bypasses normal immunities to sleep or mind-affecting effects, though it has no effect on those creatures that do not sleep at all.
Material Components: an entire, perfect, blue lotus flower (ca. 500 gp) and a pure chunk of amber worth 10 000 gp

Sleepless Curse
(Enchantment) [curse]
Level: Sor/Wiz 5
Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S, M
Range: medium
Duration: 1 day/level
Target: 1 creature
Saving throw: Will negates
Spell resistance: yes

The target becomes incapable of sleeping, rendering him immune to any sleep-based effects. This prevents rest and any effects dependant on resting, and the target takes 1d6 nonlethal and 1 point of ability damage to each ability for each day it cannot sleep. A simple dispel magic is ineffective, but remove curse, break enchantment and similar effects can remove this spell.
Material Components: dried blue lotus petal and a small burning brazier.

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I think having to roll all rolls and take the worse result is significantly stronger than any of the curses listed. Your chance to automatically miss doubled. Your chance to threaten a critical hit went from 5%, to .25%. Many of your attacks will do significantly less damage. Things like rogues sneak attack or a wizard’s fireball are also affected. Even rolls that don’t require an action like saving throws are affected.

The big thing about this curse is that it affects almost anything the character does. The curse that gives you a 50% chance to act will not affect saving throws or other things that do not require an action. The penalty to an ability score only affects things that are based on that score. The penalty on the other rolls is only -4 and affects only 4 things. It also has a greater effect if your chance to succeed is low. A character that has a 90% chance of succeeding now has an 81% chance, but if you have a 40% chance you now have a 16% chance.

I'm keeping an eye on this thread for more suggestions myself.

Mysterious Stranger wrote:

I think having to roll all rolls and take the worse result is significantly stronger than any of the curses listed. Your chance to automatically miss doubled. Your chance to threaten a critical hit went from 5%, to .25%. Many of your attacks will do significantly less damage. Things like rogues sneak attack or a wizard’s fireball are also affected. Even rolls that don’t require an action like saving throws are affected.

The big thing about this curse is that it affects almost anything the character does. The curse that gives you a 50% chance to act will not affect saving throws or other things that do not require an action. The penalty to an ability score only affects things that are based on that score. The penalty on the other rolls is only -4 and affects only 4 things. It also has a greater effect if your chance to succeed is low. A character that has a 90% chance of succeeding now has an 81% chance, but if you have a 40% chance you now have a 16% chance.

Indeed I figured this curse was powerful. But is it any more powerful than being able to curse the victim with Amnesia?

Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:

A selection of curses from pre-3.x days to give you some ideas, conveniently updated to PF.

Ancient Curse
(Necromancy) [curse]
Level: Clr/Or 7
Casting Time: 1 full-round action
Components: V
Range: special
Duration: special
Target: special
Saving throw: none
Spell resistance: no

You call down a poweful curse on someone who has offended your family, typically by disturbing a grave, stealing an important object or unlawfully killing of members. The spell must be cast in the place where the offence occurred and the reason for the curse must be clearly stated. The curse builds slow, taking months or even years to fully manifest and afflicts members of the target's family as well as the original offender. The curse manifests in a number of different ways, such as hauntings, poverty, bad luck, degenerative diseases (which cannot be cured by normal means like remove disease or heal) The curse may be lifted with an atonement spell, with an opposed caster level check required to successfully get through the curse's power. Alternatively, the offender or an heir to the offender may undertake a quest of penance. The quest should be difficult, sincere and have long-lasting effects. E.g. someone who was cursed for driving a village to ruin out of greed might be forced to relinquish all wealth and live as a pauper for the rest of his life.
Granted by: ancestors
Setting: OA

Bad Medicine
(Enchantment) [compulsion, curse]
Level: shaman 4
Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S, M, DF
Range: line of sight
Duration: permanent
Target: 1 individual or village
Saving throw: Will negates
Spell resistance: yes

The target takes a -2 penalty to attacks, damage, saving throws and skill rolls. Casters of 16th level or higher can target an entire village (animals included) at once so long as they are all within 1 acre. This curse requires a remove curse or better to remove.
Material Components: a handful or local herbs and an eagle talon and snake venom
Setting: Amerind...

Who updated these?

Atalius wrote:
Mysterious Stranger wrote:

I think having to roll all rolls and take the worse result is significantly stronger than any of the curses listed. Your chance to automatically miss doubled. Your chance to threaten a critical hit went from 5%, to .25%. Many of your attacks will do significantly less damage. Things like rogues sneak attack or a wizard’s fireball are also affected. Even rolls that don’t require an action like saving throws are affected.

The big thing about this curse is that it affects almost anything the character does. The curse that gives you a 50% chance to act will not affect saving throws or other things that do not require an action. The penalty to an ability score only affects things that are based on that score. The penalty on the other rolls is only -4 and affects only 4 things. It also has a greater effect if your chance to succeed is low. A character that has a 90% chance of succeeding now has an 81% chance, but if you have a 40% chance you now have a 16% chance.

Indeed I figured this curse was powerful. But is it any more powerful than being able to curse the victim with Amnesia?

Amnesia isn’t something the regular list of options can do. If you mean the 50% chance of not acting, than yes, this is more powerful than that. (Any go-to combat curse you come up with probably will be if you’re regularly using it over the other options. That’s why I suggest custom curses not be for general combat use, but tailored to the situation and more flavorful.)

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QuidEst wrote:
Amnesia isn’t something the regular list of options can do.

Yep! It totally is.

Sanity and Madness wrote:
Bestow curse can also inflict a single insanity on a foe, although in this case the insanity is also a curse.
Types of Insanity wrote:

It inflicts a -4 penalty on Will saves and all skill checks and takes away your memories, causing you to lose all class abilities, feats, and skill ranks.

Yeah, it's ridiculously overpowered. But it's there.

You cannot bestow amnesia with Bestow Curse. If you fully read Bjorn’s post you would have seen that it requires Bestow Dire Curse, which is a 9th level spell.

All of the other curses have limits on how much they affect the character. The penalty to an ability score does not affect your ability to do things governed by the other ability scores. If I take a -6 STR it has no impact on things like casting spells, movement, or skills based on other stats. The -4 penalty will not severely hamper something you are good at. There are also a lot of things it does not affect caster level checks, and concentration checks are not affected. It also does not affect damage, initiative, arcane spell failure, or anything besides what is specifically spelled out. The 50% chance to act normally may seem like it affects everything you do, but that is not the case. First of all you have a 50% chance to totally ignore the curse each round. Second of all it only affects your active action. It has no effect at all on any passive action you make. You are not helpless you simply do not get an action. You still get a saving throw vs any spells you are affected by. If you are required to make some check based on what someone else does, you still get that.

The Curse you are proposing affects way too much. Keep in mind the duration for this spell is permanent. Even the same affects as the misfortune hex is probably too strong for this spell. Misfortune normally only lasts for a round, and can only be used against a target once per day.

I could see choosing one type of thing that always requires rolling twice. Choose one of the following types of actions attack rolls, saves, or skill and ability checks. When rolling for the type of action the character must roll twice and take the worse result.

A good way to look at this is to ask how you would feel if this happens to your character? Again keep in mind that this spell is permanent until removed. So how would you like to play your character for several weeks and have to roll every roll you make twice and take the worse result? I don’t know about other people but that would really ruin the fun of the game for me. If it is a onetime thing or even for an entire encounter it is annoying but not that is part of the game. If it goes on too long I am not going to want to continue with the character.

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Mysterious Stranger wrote:
You cannot bestow amnesia with Bestow Curse.

Yep! You totally can.

Mysterious Stranger wrote:

You cannot bestow amnesia with Bestow Curse. If you fully read Bjorn’s post you would have seen that it requires Bestow Dire Curse, which is a 9th level spell.

All of the other curses have limits on how much they affect the character. The penalty to an ability score does not affect your ability to do things governed by the other ability scores. If I take a -6 STR it has no impact on things like casting spells, movement, or skills based on other stats. The -4 penalty will not severely hamper something you are good at. There are also a lot of things it does not affect caster level checks, and concentration checks are not affected. It also does not affect damage, initiative, arcane spell failure, or anything besides what is specifically spelled out. The 50% chance to act normally may seem like it affects everything you do, but that is not the case. First of all you have a 50% chance to totally ignore the curse each round. Second of all it only affects your active action. It has no effect at all on any passive action you make. You are not helpless you simply do not get an action. You still get a saving throw vs any spells you are affected by. If you are required to make some check based on what someone else does, you still get that.

The Curse you are proposing affects way too much. Keep in mind the duration for this spell is permanent. Even the same affects as the misfortune hex is probably too strong for this spell. Misfortune normally only lasts for a round, and can only be used against a target once per day.

I could see choosing one type of thing that always requires rolling twice. Choose one of the following types of actions attack rolls, saves, or skill and ability checks. When rolling for the type of action the character must roll twice and take the worse result.

A good way to look at this is to ask how you would feel if this happens to your character? Again keep in mind that this spell is permanent until removed. So how would you like to play your character for...

"The Curse you are proposing affects way too much" not sure if this is the case. Keep in mind this is a spell that you need to be in melee touch range, also a spell that has a Will save, furthermore spell resistance does apply. Amnesia is likely every bit as powerful as this.

Amnesia is broken, and by the rules, not the balancing point for custom curses. “You may also invent your own curse, but it should be no more powerful than those described above.” (Referring to the options listed in the spell itself.) If your GM uses the old pre-Horror Adventures madness rules and allows that, nothing will beat amnesia.

QuidEst wrote:
Amnesia is broken, and by the rules, not the balancing point for custom curses. “You may also invent your own curse, but it should be no more powerful than those described above.” (Referring to the options listed in the spell itself.) If your GM uses the old pre-Horror Adventures madness rules and allows that, nothing will beat amnesia.

Is it really broken though? Against some enemies like Giants its not as crippling as it is vs an enemy cleric or necromancer. I think my curse is just as good, re-rolling everything twice.

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