Shark small yet dolphin medium

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

According to the description of a basic shark, it is a shark that is 10ft long but it is considered a small shark.
A dolphin which is approximately 6ft long is considered medium...
Can anyone explain this?
It should be noted that a 10ft long shark is expected to occupy a 5ftx5ft area.

According to which source? It’s large in the Bestiary.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

The Druid animal companion shark starts out small (and the dolphin medium), but that's the only small one I can find with a quick look.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Agreed, druid animal companions are the only place where a shark appears to be of size small, but animal companions don’t share the statistics of their Bestiary versions, so there’s nothing that says it’s meant to be 10 feet long.

Also, flagging for wrong forum.

Guys, the account is Mako42, portrait of a shark, and the account has 1 post complaining that sharks aren't being portrayed correctly.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

... so this is shark related?

Sharks come in all sizes. The Dwarf Lantern Shark is only about 8 inches long.

Liberty's Edge

Mako42 wrote:

According to the description of a basic shark, it is a shark that is 10ft long but it is considered a small shark.

A dolphin which is approximately 6ft long is considered medium...
It should be noted that a 10ft long shark is expected to occupy a 5ftx5ft area.

Where are you getting that a 10' shark is 'small'? The PRD says that the 10' long shark in the monster manual section is a Large creature, while the shark in the druid section does not state a length and is a medium creature.

Also, like many words in Pathfinder, "small" is a defined concept. You may also see "small" used as a descriptor. Sometimes you do need to use the context of the sentence to decide how the word is being used.

John Napier 698 wrote:
Sharks come in all sizes. The Dwarf Lantern Shark is only about 8 inches long.

they posted 2 months ago.....

Silver Crusade

Cuteness overrides the necro.

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