Broken Monkeygod |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Fellow gamers, I knew you'd come!!
Hello? Wake up! You slowly open your eyes to see a concerned stable boy poking you in the shoulder with the butt of a pitchfork. Sitting up you see that you are lying in a stable. The smell is… unpleasant. You don’t recall how you got here, in fact the last thing you remember was an energy blast that… But this isn’t heaven. You hope it isn’t hell either because enduring a stable for eternity just might be a fate worse than death- wait. A quick pat down of yourself confirms, yup, you’re alive. Somehow.
You know that the world around you ended, or at very least, it definitely seemed that way. You were dead, you know that for sure. It seemed like just a dream that you met your god. It’s fading now, but you know you’ve been given a second chance. What you do with it is entirely up to you.
Heroes failed to save the day. Villains Rose. Gods were reborn or were freed. Golarion is broken.
The year is 4718, five years after the failure to close the Worldwound. Most the prior APs have occurred, and the PCs failed to stop them.
This is a game set in the aftermath. While there is a lot more going on, the Ruins of Pathfinder doc is a good place to start.
NOTE: Reign of Winter did not happen. As I am rather fond of Baba Yaga, and Elvanna, I plan to use them both.
Character Creation:
This will be an 8th level game, using both normal PF rules, and the Godbound rules as well.
Right now, your background is most important. I will post up actual character creation later, but for now, focus on your backstory.
You were involved in one the APs. You could have been a PC, whose group failed at the very end, or in the middle of the story. Maybe you were a shop owner and you and your business were destroyed once a BBEG went on the rampage. Perhaps you were a captain leading a squad to try and stop said baddie.
Regardless, you died, so tell us how. Pharasma has given you a second chance at life. Maybe the Lady of the Graves knows you had something left to complete in life or it could be for her own inscrutable purposes. Feel free to give us a few hooks.
Please note that dotting for interest is frowned upon. We’ve taken considerable time to put this game together, so please take some time to write up your initial post. By we, we mean there are three of us working together to bring this adventure to you. I'm the head GM. Assisting are Choon and Fnord72.
We may give preferential rights to those that have been active on the interest thread. This is not a guarantee. First we’d like to hear how you lost and what you plan to do about it now that the world has gone to pieces.
Finally, I am hoping to not overly restrict the PCs, which is part of the reason I sought Co-GMs. Part of that means you can be evil, but please, no 'evil and murder for the sake of evil and murder' characters. ((If you must play an evil PC, check out the personality archetypes in Champions of Corruption))
What this also means is that you're going to be free to 'wander' and interact with the world as you see fit. Wanna go defeat the undead under Tar Baphon? Sweet, have at it! Wanna go join the forces of the Demons, and overun the rest of Golarion? Cool!!
There's a lot going on, and I want my PCs to have a chance to explore as they will.
This is a re-recruitment. Due to some tough times over the holidays, including my 94 year old grandmother being rushed to the hospital the day before Christmas Eve, this game has gotten a bit derailed, and we've lost a few players.
Right now we have 3, Lian, Loc and Karen, who will hopefully post here to share their characters.
We are looking for at the very least *one* new player, possibly two or even three.
The PCs are all about to land on the main land, after waking up in the stables of the Blessed Cup in Absalom. They are seeking a way to meet with the Inner Sea Alliance to lend their aid to dealing with the rampaging demon hordes from the Worldwound. Depending on your character, you might be on one of their ships, or in a city they land at. Or they otherwise meet up with shortly after you wake up.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask, either here or via PM.

Broken Monkeygod |

Character Generation!!!
Races: Any under 20 RP. No custom races. You may alter existing races, up to 20 RP. However, please show restraint, and common sense when adjusting your race.
Classes: Almost any, unchained required, no guns! Monks may only take archetypes that are adjusted for unchained.
Mythic: NPC’s and monsters. We might add in PC mythic tiers later, depending on the nature of the game. Do not ask, or hope for mythic, as its totally uncertain right now.
3rd Party: Legendary Games Mythic ONLY. Asking about anything else is like dotting for interest. Severely frowned upon.
Level: 8
Point buy: 25
Ability point increase: +2 per 4 levels
Alignment: Any BUT!!! Characters MUST be willing to work with group, no PvP.
Feats: Characters gain a feat at every level. However, even level feats must be taken from areas that are not Combat or Metamagic feats and must be related to your background. Character sheets must indicate at what level feats were selected. This means that fighters are getting two feats on even levels, one bonus combat and one non-combat.
Unchained Rogues are eligible for skill unlocks, other classes may take Signature Skill.
Fighters receive a stamina pool and combat tricks. Other classes may qualify through feats.
Traits: 3, one of which must be from the AP your background is tied to.
Skills: Background skills are available, characters receive an additional 2 skill points per level for background skills.
Wealth: 33,000 gold, no more than half on one item. I am also considering a special artifact system for *ONE* signature item for the PCs, but it will be gained in game, and thus is not something you need to worry about at the start. However, knowing what your character's favored weapon/armor/item could be, is important.
Godbound: We are using Words (p.29-55), the Fray dice (p.20), and Divine Fury(p.21).
The Apotheosis word must be chosen and cannot be chosen at character creation.
Characters start with 2 Words and 6 gift points
You died, during an AP, either as an adventurer on the path, or a causality of events(possibly even after the PCs failed).

Broken Monkeygod |

You did wake up in the Blessed Cup, but I will do a quick intro post, and try to get you meeting up with the other PCs on the mainland asap.
Depending on the AP you failed in(or otherwise died from), it is very possible your family, friends, allies, etc are all dead.
It's also possible they survived, and are in hiding.
OR you could have a backstory where you hail from an area not overly touched by the 'Bad Stuff' and your family is fine. However this would need to not only be a really compelling story, but it's also likely it will take *significant* effort to see them again.
Basically, feel free to include any NPCs in your background, but do NOT expect to see /rely on seeing them in game.

Lazyclownfish |

I've got an idea for an orphan from Korvosa who would focus on stealth and deception. Died in Curse of the Crimson Throne. Probably unchained rogue, though he could technically work with some more martial options. I plan to just submit the backstory once I've written it and worry about the character sheet later. I like the idea of being a psuedo-divine entity of trickery without doing anything magical(outside of Divine Powers, of course).
I had one question though. I read through the initial recruitment thread and didn't see it(I may have missed it if it was answered). Is it more likely that our character is reborn as the same race or as a different race as he was when he died? The character kind of works either way, so I want to go with what's more likely.
Edit: Actually, I had some inspiration about this. Would you allow a human to be reborn either as a child or as a halfling with the same appearance that he had as a child, but retaining his adult mind? I have some cool ideas stemming from this thought.

Jereru |

Hi! Dotting this.
Na, really. I'm thinking about possible backgrounds, and thought I would ask some questions to have better tools for the writing.
a) Is it assumed that we were high level (at least 8) people when we died, or could we be lower? A possibility is that I am boosted as a result of the Second Chance (yeah, capitals).
b) Same as above, with racial features. Can they be a result of the Second Chance? If, for example, I pick a dwarf and give him a SLA, or natural armor.
c) I'm not that familiar with APs at certain levels, and I don't want to read through them (really want to play them one day). I'm specifically looking for a situation where a village (or an individual, depending on answers to b) above) could have been buried alive in a mountain, volcano, or some other big rock formation. Are there any that you know?
As you might probably discern, I'm willing to play an earth-related race (dwarf, duergar, oread, etc) geokineticist, and thought being brought back to live from a pile of huge rocks would be totally cool. Now, depending on what AP and what scene it comes from, I'll think more in depth about the past life of the character (or his clan/village/whatever).
Thank you in advance. I hope I'm not being frown at! :)

Lazyclownfish |

How should we calculate hit points?
In the original recruitment thread linked above, they answer a lot of questions. HP are max per HD.
They haven't decided if they're doing mythic yet from what I've read, so right now all you need is the godbound book and official paizo content. If they add mythic, it looks like they're allowing the Legendary Games mythic material, but I wouldn't buy anything yet.
I read through the Godbound material and it needs some conversion, which I think they're doing as players select abilities.
It seems very much like they want us to focus on flavor/concept and worry about the details of the mechanics later.
Also, in the original recruitment thread, many answers were delayed as the three GMs needed to discuss before making decisions a lot of the time.

Cuàn |

Which APs after Wrath of the Righteous have happened and have they also failed?
I guess this mostly goes for Mummy's Mask as the expansion of the Worldwound probably interferes with the others. I guess Ruins of Azlant could also happen, even if it probably has an extra element of fleeing the Inner Sea region.

Goseki Koike |

This is Digger Chandler's submission: Goseki Koike.
Goseki was part of an international party assembled to take down Jhavul (Legacy of Fire). Unfortunately, they were slaughtered by a dragon in the parallel dimension of Kakishon. Reborn, stronger than ever. I'll write up a more in-depth backstory and such, but here's the crunch I've worked on all day. Please let me know if I screwed something up.
Goseki is a frightening melee combatant and could also serve as a face. His neutral alignment represents detachment he feels after being raised as a powerful being. He, in his previous life, was NG. I'm interested to see how he develops over time.

Redblade8 |

I have a character idea that doesn't stem from an AP, but rather from a fellow's homebrew story set in Lastwall. Looking at the "Ruins" document, I think I could easily adapt him into the storyline of Belkzen & Lastwall. This is a half-orc UnRogue who'd been infilrated into Urgir, as the very first efforts of a tentative alliance between Lastwall and the Burning Sun orc tribe. At some point after Hundux and Grask Uldeth's failed first summit, Zohruk was discovered and assassinated by agents of Krun Thuul, who had themselves insinuated into the Grand Palace of Urgir.
Before I devote any further energy to this, do I have your assent to procede?

CaptainFord |

You have my attention! I've always been a sucker for "pulling things back from the brink of absolute defeat" kind of scenarios.
SO, I've been kicking this idea around for a while, but I'm wanting to make an Eldritch Knight, primarily using the Swordbinder wizard archetype, because sword beams kick ass! So, perhaps Wizard 5/Fighter 1/EK 2 kind of build...
As for backstory, I've been wanting to make a "Champion of Aroden" for a while now. A warrior who aims to blend magic and martial prowess in the more "traditional" way, and despite Aroden's perceived death believes the god still exists and it simply no longer holding humanity's hand as they stumble forward, hence why he's gone. But my EK would pretty much be something like the last genuine believer that Aroden still lives, and stands ready to try and defend the world from the historic threats of mankind, such as serpentfolk, the undead, demons and aboleth... and looking at the setting, with 3 of those 4 running amok, he's got some work to do!
Anyways, his backstory is that he started out trying to retrieve the last shard of the Shattered Shield of Arnisant, or the Shield of Aroden. His goal is that he believes that when the shard killed Tar Baphon, his soul rushed right back to his phylactery, and if he can find the shield shard, it could be used to trace Tar Baphon's "residue"
back to his phylactery, which he could then destroy and end the lich once and for all. Problem was, he kinda got killed part way through locating the shard. But now that he's back, he believes that Aroden has managed to pull a few strings and give him a second chance at finishing the job.
As for skills... he's a blacksmith by trade so as to better emulate his deity, so he'd probably be bringing his own equipment to the fray. Which reminds me, how strict are you about pre-game crafting? Would feats like Craft Magic Arms and Armor and using things like Spell Scribed Armor be permitted?
EDIT: Also, I was planning on making him a Taldan noble, and he started his march for Gallowspire from the south in Taldor. How is the country faring? I can't find any indication of its status on the provided link, and odds are, his first action might be to get in contact with the nobility and convince them to loosen their coin purses and lend financial support to the Alliance.

Groundhog |

from the south in Taldor. How is the country faring? I can't find any indication of its status on the provided link, and odds are, his first action might be to get in contact with the nobility and convince them to loosen their coin purses and lend financial support to the Alliance.
Going by Reign of Winter, Taldor would be pretty cold, especially the southern parts of it. Expect perpetual winter-related famine and resulting migrants.
Hey, the portals from RoW could be a cool way to get around, now that I think about it.
Not that my speculations are official or anything. They're not.

Lazyclownfish |

Quote:from the south in Taldor. How is the country faring? I can't find any indication of its status on the provided link, and odds are, his first action might be to get in contact with the nobility and convince them to loosen their coin purses and lend financial support to the Alliance.
Going by Reign of Winter, Taldor would be pretty cold, especially the southern parts of it. Expect perpetual winter-related famine and resulting migrants.
Hey, the portals from RoW could be a cool way to get around, now that I think about it.
Not that my speculations are official or anything. They're not.
Actually, Reign of Winter is omitted from the list of failed APs. It didn't happen at all according to the recruitment post.
I imagine Taldor is just fine. It's pretty far away from all the bad stuff.

Broken Monkeygod |

Reign of Winter isn't happening for two reasons. One, purely selfish, is I really rather like both Elvanna and Baba Yaga as characters, and I didn't wan't to lose out on them.
Secondly is a far more practical reason: I have zero desire to incorporate all the various rules/conditions/concerns for cold weather, into an already complicated game.
That said, Taldor is one of the three nations of the Inner Sea Alliance, which is made up of Cheliax, Taldor and Andoran.
Let me see if I can find my expanded posts on the current state of the world.

Broken Monkeygod |

For sake of ease, assume you'll all learn this upon waking up at the Blessed Cup.
All of Mendev has been overrun by the demonic horde, and everything east of Starfall in Numeria as well. Surprisingly, the bizarre inhabitants and even stranger technology of the Silver Mount was able to turn back the vile demons. There's whispered rumors of things known as 'Iron Giants' decimating vast swaths of the Abyssal horrors that poured out of the Worldwound.
Sadly, the same could not be said for Brevoy, as that entire nation was also destroyed by the forces of Deskari.
The unending horde marched straight into the River Kingdoms, easily crushing any and all resistance among the fractured states. There's rumors of a hold out in what used to be the Stolen Lands, and is now supposedly a section of the First World. However, nobody has been able to confirm said rumors. Areelu Vorlesh rules the former River Kingdoms and what was once northern Galt, and it is whispered she is now the new Demon Lord of Succubi.
Meanwhile, Treerazer has take over the remains of Kyonin, southern Galt, as well as the northern portions of the Five Kings Mountains and northeastern Druma.
There are three major alliances that have sprung up after the events of the Worldwound
Inner Sea Alliance: Once it seems Golarion’s apocalypse is at hand, Andoran, Cheliax, and Taldor form the Inner Sea Alliance. All three have the wealth and forces to contend, but Cheliax is the best suited to combat the demon horde. Hellknights train and outfit recruits by the hundreds every day. Though most of the forces of Hell are uninterested in the outcome of the conflict, powers in Cheliax are able to secure the aid of an infernal duke and his army of devils. Taldor and Andoran both provide armies, taking Galt and splitting its lands between them.
*NOTE*: Galt is currently *not* split between Taldor and Andoran.
West Encarthan Confederacy: After Ustalav falls and the Inner Sea Alliance is formed, Lastwall, Molthune, and Nirmathas follow suit and create the West Encarthan Confederacy to march north to defend the new front lines. Razmiran falls within a month of invasion, and its refugees
brave Lake Encarthan to reach the western shores to join the confederacy. Internal conflicts invite corruption, but the soldiers are strong and know their battlefields. The West Encarthan Confederacy manages to hold the lines and the demonic threat is contained in Ustalav as long as the Inner Sea Alliance stands.
*NOTE*: Ustalav is under the dominion of Tar-Baphon, who has expanded out past the country he was was entrapped in, though not too far.
Undying Sun: This is a rather mysterious alliance, formed of Qadira and Jalmeray. Backed by the incredible magickal might of both nations, they have formed a strong coalition that seeks to take the fight to the many perils that have befallen Garund. Thanks to it's extraordinary wealth, it's also able to provide considerable support to the ISA and WEC alliances, often in the form of elite mercenaries, many of whom are of an otherworldly origin.

Cuàn |

I'm curious about the APs that came out after WotR.
EDIT As actually addressed in your state of world post.
Hell's Rebels and Hell's Vengeance both didn't happen as the forces of good have something better to do than fight Cheliax. Then again, Hell's Rebels might also never take place because Barzillai Thrune was never sent to Kintargo as he's needed elsewhere.
Giant Slayer and Strange Aeons are in odd places. The heroes from both APs come from areas overwhelmed by the demonic legions. However, the events leading up to that would still have occurred so their bad guys could have won unimpeded. Now I don't think that's a biggy for Giant Slayer but I believe the Strange Aeons one could cause some trouble.
Ironfang Invasion could have occurred without issue. In fact, the invasion might have been much smoother with Nirmathi (and Molthuni) forces distracted by a threat of demonic invasion.
Mummy's Mask would probably not be impacted at all. So what happens here is open for debate. If it failed we could see a potential southern ally for the demons.
That leaves Ruins of Azlant, which would play more or less simultaneously with this game. Not entirely sure if this one would work though. Due to the demons the initial group of settlers probably was bigger. That, in turn, makes it less likely the events that started the AP would occur.
Another question: How is the relation between Tar-Baphon and the demons? How do they both relate to Belkzen? The last is mostly because both APs talk about the Orcs aligning with their big bads if those win.

DM Fnord |
The first post states the year is 4718.
Shattered Star and Jade Regent are both "sequels" that assume the prior AP was successful. Some editing may be necessary considering those prior AP's did fail.
AP's that failed:
Rise of the Runelords
Curse of the Crimson Throne
Second Darkness
Legacy of Fire
Council of Thieves
Serpent's Skull
Carrion Crown
Skull & Shackles
Shattered Star
Wrath of Righteous
Later AP's have not occurred (including Reign of Winter).
Mummy's Mask wouldn't happen because of Legacy of Fire.
You'll have to go find out about the orcs and Tar=Baphon/demon hordes.

Chases Moonlight |

I’m just a poor boy, nobody loves me.
An Adolescent Marius, while watching the terror in Korvosa from the rooftops:
My whole life has been nothing but running and hiding. I want to make a difference, but I’m nobody in a sea of sheep and there are wolves on all sides. It’s useless. What can I do alone that a group of real heroes could not? The answer is nothing. I’m not strong enough. I don’t have powerful friends. It’s a waste of time.
Marius grew up with a different name. Several, actually. Scamp, Runt, Slave, Boy. And many more, none of them particularly flattering. His single mother dead by the actions of a scummy local crimelord, and then taken in by the same man’s ‘generosity’, the boy led a tortured youth. Forced to learn subterfuge and trickery to earn his keep, he knew little of joy or comfort for a very long time. The only semblance of freedom he had was when he was out picking pockets and playing little tricks on the townsfolk. Still he found no joy. Only bitterness.
Relief, for what it was worth, eventually came in the form of a group of ‘heroes’ who murdered the crimelord and set him free. Aimless, but used to thriving in chaos, the boy made his own way in the aftermath of the king’s death. The next few months were a struggle as food became scarce with the plague and the city locked down under martial law. The boy watched in the crowd as the same ‘heroes’ who rescued him were executed before the queen, wearing her new Crown of Fangs.
The boy spent the next few years just trying to avoid the notice of the Grey Maidens and, after they were all dead, the devils that remained behind. In the chaos that made up Korvosa after this, the boy became an adult. Still scrawny, but fully grown, he took on the name his mother gave him again, Marius, and decided to apply his unique skills to the desperate situation in his home city. For a woefully short period of time, there was a light in the darkness that was Korvosa under the immortal queen. Marius was quick and tricky, and with the queen’s attention focused elsewhere, he did surprising amount of damage to her plans. But tricky can only go so far. And though he got into and survived several fights, he could barely make an impact on the overall situation. It was hopeless… which is exactly what he was thinking when he was caught and executed.
There was a vague sense of an empty grey nothing when a voice began to speak. Not necessarily to the boy, but the boy could hear. ”Sometimes the spark of greatness is never allowed to flourish before a soul returns to me. Usually this is no concern, part of the natural order. But perhaps this time, there is a reason to try once more.”
When he awoke, the first thing he thought after he scampered away from the pitchfork and into the corner was that both the ‘boy’ who poked him and the barn were unusually big. Never one to question his good luck, the fact that he was alive didn’t faze him in the slightest. But why was everything so much bigger than before? That’s when it hit him. The barn and the boy weren’t unusually large. He was unusually small. With a rush, he moved surprisingly swiftly toward the nearest trough where he was greeted with the reflection of an old, but familiar face. It was the young orphan boy who had found himself at the mercy of a certain crimelord in Korvosa so many years ago. Or was it so long ago? His memory was fuzzy on the details.
Is this some kind of joke?
Marius appears to be a young boy of about ten with bright blond hair, dark eyes and a devious expression on his face. Though he was a human before, now he’s something somewhat different. A child with the development and motorskills of a full adult, he’s a terror for anyone who underestimates him, which is almost everyone at this point. Numbed by his terrible and painfully short life, he’s not playful or particularly humorous. He’s a serious trickster, using deception and subterfuge for survival.
At one point, Marius had a spark of altruism when he tried to oppose the immortal queen in Korvosa, but that was rapidly quashed when he was too quickly caught and killed. So while he’s bitter and pessimistic, that spark is still buried in there somewhere. And despite his biting sarcasm and distrust for others, he longs for the kind of companionship he shared long ago with the other orphans at the fishery. If he found a group of people who would put up with him and who could earn his trust, he would be willing to compromise himself somewhat to join them. He learned the hard way that he can’t do it alone.
Ok, this is Lazyclownfish's submission. For race, I planned to combine the racial traits of Human and Halfling, which is 19 RP. I haven't built a character sheet for him yet because I can see him being built a few different ways. One cool idea I had was to use the Vigilante class but reverse the identity roles, having the Vigilante identity be his actual identity and the social identity that of a nameless orphan boy that nobody would suspect of anything. Other options are Bounty Hunter Slayer or Unchained Rogue. I plan to use Dirty Tricks as a way to debuff in combat for a support option when damage isn't the best answer.
I know for words he'd probably take Alacrity and Deception, though I'm open to suggestions on that.
His alignment is probably Chaotic Neutral, but don't use that alignment as a license to be disruptive or 'do whatever I want'. It's more about his views on freedom vs order(especially given his backstory) and his deceptive tactics in and out of combat.
His development in game would be related to trying to overcome the instincts he learned as an orphan in order to develop friendships and trust. There is the definite possibility of his alignment swinging back to Chaotic Good as well, depending on events.
I'm extremely open to criticism and suggestions.
Finally, do you need a completed character sheet for this submission to be considered or is this enough? I can build a character fairly quickly.

Jereru |

a) Is it assumed that we were high level (at least 8) people when we died, or could we be lower? A possibility is that I am boosted as a result of the Second Chance (yeah, capitals).
b) Same as above, with racial features. Can they be a result of the Second Chance? If, for example, I pick a dwarf and give him a SLA, or natural armor.
c) I'm not that familiar with APs at certain levels, and I don't want to read through them (really want to play them one day). I'm specifically looking for a situation where a village (or an individual, depending on answers to b) above) could have been buried alive in a mountain, volcano, or some other big rock formation. Are there any that you know?
I really don't want to be a pester, just thought you probably skipped this among all other post, which is totally understandable.
Also, another thing. Those Gifts that give you +9 armour... Do you think I could tweak one of them to make it count as heavy armour? One of my class features only functions while wearing heavy, and I could also give it a nice appearance, like obsidian skin or pebble armour.

Cuàn |

The first post states the year is 4718.
Which is the current year so based on that Ruins of Azlant would be underway and all those before that would have occurred.
Shattered Star and Jade Regent are both "sequels" that assume the prior AP was successful. Some editing may be necessary considering those prior AP's did fail.
After re-checking the Ruins document I'd say that Jade Regent is actually included. Minkai isn't mentioned but I guess that is because it's outside the Inner Sea region.
Mummy's Mask wouldn't happen because of Legacy of Fire.
Could you please explain this one to me?
Nothing in the Ruins document suggests Mummy's Mask could not happen. The part on Osirion simply states and attack on Sothis, nothing else. In fact, the ensuing chaos in the land would only make Mummy's Mask more likely to occur, and fail.You'll have to go find out about the orcs and Tar=Baphon/demon hordes.
Fair enough.
Later AP's have not occurred (including Reign of Winter).
I can understand that it simply requires more work. However considering the year the game plays in I'd say there actually is a lot to be gained by adding the other APs. The exceptions would be the two Hell's APs, those simply wouldn't happen, and Strange Aeons is another potential no go as that might mess with things a bit too much.
Besides, Iron Gods is actually specifically addressed by Monkeygod as something going on.Surprisingly, the bizarre inhabitants and even stranger technology of the Silver Mount was able to turn back the vile demons. There's whispered rumors of things known as 'Iron Giants' decimating vast swaths of the Abyssal horrors that poured out of the Worldwound.
Parts of Ironfang Invasion would impact it all if that one either doesn't happen or if it fails. The Fangwood contains a whole bunch of fey devoted to Cyth-V'Sug with a leader eager for her patron's attention. I suspect they'd eagerly join the side of the demons.
I'd be looking a devilspawn Tiefling that comes from northern Ustalav. He'd be the product of the infernal cult of Alichino that resided in the northern city of Karcau. He would have been part of the cult's attempts to halt Tar Baphon's march north and develop their own infernal enclave. They failed, were wiped out and raised as undead. It was the spread of the Worldwound that freed him from his undead state as the demons quickly ended his time as a wight.
The idea would be that his added racial abilities would be leftovers from his time as one of the undead.

Sir Drystan Goldenflame |

This is Ouachitonian. I’m going to submit in this alias, but I’m not done building it yet. The gist is that he’d be an aasimar paladin or Ragathiel, one of many who fell when the Worldwound broke open (I’m playing the first book of WotR right now, don’t want to spoil it for myself so the details of exactly when in the AP he fell will probably be a little vague). His patron raised him up and augmented him, then commissioned him to take vengeance on the demons and wipe them from the face of Golarion. The augments would be changing stats from Flexible to Advanced (+2 RP to +4 RP) and adding Greater Spell Resistance (+3 RP). One of his words would definitely be Fire. Probably Might or Sword for the other one. Paladin 6, then Crimson Templar after that until we run out of levels (I’ll go back to Paladin if we get that high). Will be very “Smite first, ask questions later”, but since there’s a necromancer in the party, he’ll probably be heavily trading on “Under exceptional circumstances, a paladin can ally with evil associates, but only to defeat what he believes to be a greater evil” also. Non-combat bonus feats will be dominated by Aasimar racial feats (my next two will be wings at 10, metal wings at 12).
Edit: Thinking more about it, I may use something besides paladin for the starting class, if only to avoid the Code of Conduct headaches. Maybe Bloodrager or something.

Redblade8 |

A small question about Traits. We're to select 3, one of which must be a campaign trait from the AP in which we died. The character I'm putting together wasn't in an AP, but ties into the Ruins of Pathfinder document (see my previous post, up this page a bit). Could someone please advise on what might be the most relevant AP from which to choose a trait?
Thank you.

GM Choon |

a) Is it assumed that we were high level (at least 8) people when we died, or could we be lower? A possibility is that I am boosted as a result of the Second Chance (yeah, capitals).
You could be just about any level you wanted before death. I think Loc was a higher level when he died, but you don't have to be.
b) Same as above, with racial features. Can they be a result of the Second Chance? If, for example, I pick a dwarf and give him a SLA, or natural armor.
I don't see why not. Who you were before is more fluff than anything else.
c) I'm not that familiar with APs at certain levels, and I don't want to read through them (really want to play them one day). I'm specifically looking for a situation where a village (or an individual, depending on answers to b) above) could have been buried alive in a mountain, volcano, or some other big rock formation. Are there any that you know?
There are many in which that could happen at various levels. Rise of the Runelords provides many such opportunities.

GM Choon |

I have a character idea that doesn't stem from an AP, but rather from a fellow's homebrew story set in Lastwall. Looking at the "Ruins" document, I think I could easily adapt him into the storyline of Belkzen & Lastwall. This is a half-orc UnRogue who'd been infilrated into Urgir, as the very first efforts of a tentative alliance between Lastwall and the Burning Sun orc tribe. At some point after Hundux and Grask Uldeth's failed first summit, Zohruk was discovered and assassinated by agents of Krun Thuul, who had themselves insinuated into the Grand Palace of Urgir.
Before I devote any further energy to this, do I have your assent to procede?
Thanks for your interest! As far as working that into an AP, Monkeygod and Fnord have more knowledge in that area. I just wanted to let you know that you were seen!

Redblade8 |

Thanks for your interest! As far as working that into an AP, Monkeygod and Fnord have more knowledge in that area. I just wanted to let you know that you were seen!
Thanks for your reply. I'm going to start putting numbers onto Zohruk. He'll be an UnRogue, likely with a Gunslinger dip. Of those Godbound words, I think Alacrity and Deception fit Zoh best. (If I read the above correctly, we have to pick two Words, at some point we will have to pick up Apotheosis, but not yet, do I have this straight?)
Oh, rule question. From Unchained, there was the "Fractional BAB/Saves" rule for multiclassed characters. Yes or no to use that?

Lian Brook |

I'm a Kitsune diplomat/Sorceress, and my sheet's all ready from the first go-around.
She, while originally hailing from a trade city on Tian Xa as a human, moved to the River Kingdoms and found love during an attempt to forge a new Kingdom, which got eaten by Fae, Lian tried to rally some of the neighbors together, but wasn't able to do so fast enough and was slain and reincarnated as a Kitsune. She also has all the tails.

Broken Monkeygod |

You don't need to pick up Apotheosis at all, you just can't start with it.
It's wholly based on having a flock/church/congregation and since you're literally just waking up from being dead(quite possibly for some time), it kinda doesn't make sense for you to have worshipers, as you're not even really aware your demigods(or whatever lol).
I will get to the other questions later, if my other GMs haven't, but I need a nap. I slept like *absolute* crap last night.

Jereru |

I don't see why not. Who you were before is more fluff than anything else.
Sorry, it's just some things and concepts I've read in the old thread, which led me to believe I had had to be a high level and the special features had to come from a kind of subrace or offspring. No worries, though.
I've also read there that you were using Feat Tax Rules. Is this still a thing? Since it hasn't been mentioned here, you might have changed your minds.

Jereru |

This subspecies of Hobgoblins dwell in caves deep under big rock formations or inactive volcanoes. They are stout, even for a Hobgoblin, and well adapted to life under the surface.
Tass Hobgoblins lack the cruelty of their more common cousins, and tend to connect with Nature in a primeval way, worshipping things like the raw elements or the sun and moon.
Their origin is speculated to be a crossbreed with some lost clan of dwarves, somewhere in the past. How this came to happen has never been explained, though force and conquer is the most probable explanation.
Flexible Stats: +2 Dex, +2 Con (2 points)
Advanced Con (4 points)
Advanced Wis (4 points)
Greed (1 point)
Sneaky (5 points)
Stonecunning (1 point)
Darkvision 60’ (2 points)
For a total of 19 points, I’ve added some dwarven features (Greed, Stonecunning and the stat bonuses) to a hobgoblin and created a crossbreed. I hope you approve it.

Redblade8 |

Which, TBH, is a bit annoying. I can see taking it out from under the giant pyramid of feat prereqs, but it still provides a benefit in a very common circumstance that gave it value beyond what it had as prereq-filler.
(Contrast this with say, Combat Expertise, which in a recent errata had its wording changed to say, "At twenty minutes past every hour at your gaming table, if you have this feat, you can punch the person on your left with no repercussions," and no one noticed, because no one takes CE for what it does, they take it for what it allows them to take.)

Godwyn Blaecwulf |

Alright...given how many campaigns I have had end prematurely in Wrath of the Righteous, I think it be fair to have a character from there. Therefore...
Godwyn Blaecwulf was born into a family of crusaders. His father, a cleric of Iomodae, and his mother a paladin, he was destined to join their ranks. Born in the city of Kenabres, his parents feared that the taint of the worldwound would taint their unborn child. Using their connections in the crusade, daily rights and blessings were placed upon the unborn child to counteract their fears. The result was that the opposite of their worries came to pass. When he was born, it was clear that he was Heaven-Touched. They named him Godwyn, or 'friend of God.'
While he followed in his mother's footsteps to be a paladin, his divine blessings went further than just his appearance. He was an oracle, able to spontaneously and without training channel the power of the divine. But, like most oracles, this came with a price. For Godwyn was touched by the heavens, and found that they would brook no lie to come from his lips. Even a 'white lie', as they are called, would bring about him a divine sickness that would lay him low.
Most people would be jealous of his many blessings and high station. But for Godwyn, the path has been a lonely one. For he has had to not only live up to the expectations of his parents, but that of his birthright as well. All within the community see him as more of a symbol than a person, and that is a lofty goal to aspire too.
As a young man, he became a Crusader, and fought in the battles against the demons of the worldwound. This all came to an end, however, when the wardstone within the city exploded. Godwyn was at the the Cathedral of Saint Clydwell, and the last thing he remembered was falling into darkness. Instinctively, he used his gifts to shield others around him from the fall. It proved to be his undoing, for several tons of rocks fell upon him, crushing the knight. While his body could heal the most grievous of wounds, it could not do so when he took upon the burden of so many others.
Now that Pharasma has given him a second chance at life. And he is not going to waste it.
See profile for build. But it's an Oradin. lvl4 paladin, lvl4 life oracle. Decent AC (29), good saves (15/10/15), able to do alright in close combat, and a party healer (lay on hands/channel/spells/life-link). And finally, because of the free feats, and as he was based off of a human, he has improved improvisation. So he can at least try and help with any skill check.
Still needs a bit of tuning (such as with all of his languages), but it's about there.

![]() |

Two relatively quick questions...
First, what is the state of the world regarding Strange Aeons? Did it simply not happen? Did it happen, but the few direct effects on Golarion are largely unknown/hidden due to Tar-Baphon's takeover of Ustalav? Etc.
Second, I noticed that making slight modifications to the character's race is allowed. Would that include something like adding lesser change shape to an otherwise standard human? The character I have in mind at present would has a second personality as a result of having their brain royally messed with by something from the Black Tapestry (hence why I'm also asking about Strange Aeons) and I thought it'd be interesting if said personality had its own "body" that it could swap out to when active (presumably also due to Black Tapestry tinkering).