About Broken Monkeygod
Karen: Half Orc Monk 2/Cleric 6 - Failed AP: Carrion Crown - Words: Earth and Health - Alignment: Lawful Good
Mugmuff Darktalon:Goblin Ninja 8 - Failed AP: Rise of the Runelords - Words: Alacrity and Sword - Alignment: True Neutral
Lian Brook: Kitsune Sorcerer 8 - Failed AP: Kingmaker - Words: Deception and Fertility - Alignment: True Neutral
Matuoka Ken'Ichi: Human Fighter 8 - Failed AP: Jade Regent - Words: Endurance and Sword - Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Loc Ludenburg: Human Necromancer 8 - Failed AP: Carrion Crown - Words: Death and Knowledge - Alignment: Neutral Evil
Anastasia Vekova: Dhampir Paladin 8 - Failed AP: Shattered Star - Words: Sun and Night - Alignment: Lawful Good