Create A Skittermander Contest

General Discussion

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Good Afternoon Starfinders,

It's us, the GM & Players from Cosmic Crit, we're an actual play podcast rolling through the Dead Suns adventure path, and having a good time while we do it. We've completed Book 1: 'Incident at Absalom Station' and are currently in the middle of Book 2: 'Temple of the Twelve', and we've had a few fun special episodes including our Critmas Special starring Skittermanders and plenty of interviews with Paizo developers, along the way.

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Each month we try and do a new fun world-building challenge for listeners and Starfinder fans, and for January the challenge is to create a Skittermander to add to our Random Skittermander Generator. So your creation needs a First Name, a Last Name, a specific colorization of Fur, and one interesting quirk or fact about them.

To submit send us an e-mail at or reply below. Feel free to submit as many Skitters as you'd like, we will take our favorites and contact the winners, as they will receive a free Starfinder PDF. We are hoping to make our 4d20 Random Skittermander Generator into a 4d100 table, so keep the Skittermanders coming!

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Thanks for listening if you do, and if you give us a listen thanks in advance. We love playing the game and want to share our passion for it with everyone. See you among the Stars!

-Patrick aka the GM

Winifred "Pew" Ursa has splendid, golden fur that drives all the male Skittermanders wild, but she knows what she likes, and what she likes is honey and bacon.

Dask Alaskus is as orange as he is determined to pass his Life Sciences courses, no matter how hard that is for an Intelligence 8 Icon Mechanic; Dask is famous for his videos, in which he asks biology questions so stupid, one has to admit that yes, there are stupid questions. His most famous, which went viral as a "Dask Alasking" meme for an entire semester of unamused college professors, was "if Barathu had bones, would they lactate, or just buy their milk at the store?", which is now legally heckling on several moons.

Vesk Dundee, named after the most dangerous known organism on the Skittermander home planet of Vesk 3, is a wanted criminal throughout the Vesk Empire for Helping Without a License; he is notorious for sneaking into people's homes and filling out their tax forms entirely incorrectly, then stuffing them in the mailbox (addressed to the wrong address), and sneaking back out. Due to the penalties for tax evasion among the Vesk, it is estimated he is the most lethal Skittermander in known space. Vesk is dark brown, with an adorable yellow scruff on the top of his head.

"Zim-zim", real name unknown, is easily the third most popular Skittermander drummer in the Pact Worlds. Largely white, with black patches on his face, he doesn't play for the well-known band, The Invaders; instead, he shows up at every one of their performances, and inevitably manages to get on stage to "improve" their performance with his drumming. Music aficionados have noted that The Invaders regularly sell more tickets the longer Zim-zim evades capture on stage, a fact the band's manager is extremely aware of.

Captain Phazzit Somulin,brilliant emerald green fur with a shock of pure white over his left brow (turns out you can't charge batteries faster with a bigger current). An impatient Skittermander who decided while overhearing a conversation on Absalom Station that the best way to help out the Starfinder Society was to commandeer a ship and go aid those in need.

Ozzee Garff aka Mauler, A ridiculously muscle-bound Skittermander (think peak Schwarzenegger) whose deep red fur is shaved in patterns that emphasize his bulk.

Ri llusern is a Skittermander with soft, orange fur, deep red sunglasses, and heavy golden chains. His stage name is "The Lantern King", and he live streams rap battles with other popular and trending Icons. More often than not, this involves catching them unaware, and unready- Though some of his best friends are Icons able to steady themselves, and play along.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Su'ni Ob'ok believes most of her kind are dangerously short-sighted, and that the best way to help as many people as possible is to work long-term for some sort of law-enforcement agency. She's earned numerous decorations during her 5 year tenure with the Stewards, and the Free Captains are starting to fear her bright orange fur and matching solar blade.

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Some really amazing ones here. Though as a reminder they should fit the general size and shape of our Random Skittermander Generator, so the quirk/potpourri needs to be a little brief. Keep them coming, everyone.

Name: Jex Rijo
Colour: Fuchsia
Quirk: a former hotel attendant who lasted three hours in the job before Helping a Starfinder with their baggage entangled him in an epic interstellar quest.

Name: Rex Jijo
Colour: Hot Magenta
Quirk: a current hotel attendant who's expecting his brother to come home "any day now" from a short hop out into the Vast.

Skijjet Knarlfung. Smokey grey. tries to be evil so hard to impress his friends but ends up helping far more than he harms

NAME: Quagga Daxie
COLOR: rainbow (dyed, naturally yellow)
QUIRK: clumsy, tries too hard to be funny, secretly a spy.

NAME: Fib Ribble
COLOR: cyan with darker blue tabby stripes
QUIRK: on a mission from his vesk commander whose dying words were "go to Absalon station and deliver this package to aaarrgh!"

NAME: Thoramine Jones
COLOR: red
QUIRK: A healer and dealer in drugs both legal and illegal. he hopelessly thinks he can redeem illegal drugs from misuse and addiction and return them as legitimate medicine if he carefully controls the dosage.

NAME: Sivit Kivvie
COLOR: white
QUIRK: A fashion model who models exotic furs. She claims to be albino but most think her fur is bleached.

NAME: Kor Arrux
COLOR: jet black
QUIRK: A devourist but only because he genuinely wants to help the universe attain its final goals of entropy and heat death. After all, if you help the universe you help everyone.

NAME: Ibbi "Pumpkinseed" Abbie
COLOR: orange
QUIRK: A one time explorer of abandoned and run down parts of Absolon station abandoned during the gap. She found an aquarium with a few barely surviving sunfish in it. She decided to feed, breed, and set up a business offering fresh fish.

Scarab Sages

NAME: Truchar
COLOR: Purple
QUIRK: a hypnotist of great renowned! Sporting a fabulous pocket watch, though mostly for show, his true powers are in his voice. see him here! GlasstopGames Skittermander: Truchar

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