Gun Chemist Build. what should I change


I switched My Bounty Hunter character from Being a magus to a Alchemist after looking over the Gun Chemist Archetype.

The Game will now start at Level 8 and Be a 20 point Buy Game with wealth Buy Level.

Playing a Dual Talent human (+2 Dex and INT)

My characters Stats as of now are as follows

Str 7 Dex 16 Con 12 Int 20 Wis 13 Cha 10

Feats I have Taken Are

Feats -
ABF(1) Gunsmithing
LV(3) Preise - Shot
LV(5) Rapid - Shot
ABF(2) Rapid Reload (pistol)
LV(7) Extra Discovery

My Discoveries Are
LV(2) Frost Bomb (Staggered is good yes?)
LV(4) Smoke Bomb
LV(6) Stink Bomb (The Debuff is good from what i hear)
LV(7) Tanglefoot
LV(8) Fast Ordnance (Not sure if i should take this or something else)

For my weapon I am planning a +2 Pistol
I plan to use those Alchemist cartridges made with various material
I also plan to use pitted bullets poison and ghost salt

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I don't know much about that archetype but have you seen the explosive missile discovery?

MageHunter wrote:
I don't know much about that archetype but have you seen the explosive missile discovery?

no but i know one of Exclusive Discovery for the Archetype is Exploding Bullet,

Are you attached to being a Dual Talent human? Guns take the most feats to make work and you could really use that bonus human feat. You can run a devastating two weapon fighting build that rains bullets down on your foes using the Vestigial Limb discovery, Alchemical Cartridges and the Rapid Reload feat. You're going to want Dex more than Int in this build, and can happily have a 14-16 int. Remember that guns target Touch AC, so against most foes you can afford to pile on to hit penalties in exchange for extra damage. Could even dual wield double barreled pistols, if you so choose.

Note that Repeat Fire let's you pick a different combat feat if you already have Rapid Reload.

Sample Build

PBS (1st lvl feat.)
Rapid Reload (Human Bonus feat.)
Vestigial Limb (2nd lvl discovery)
Two Weapon Fighting (3rd lvl feat.)
Chemical Stability or a Bomb modifier (4th lvl discovery.)
Precise Shot (5th lvl feat.)
Choice of Discovery (6th lvl.)
Rapid Shot (Replaces Repeat Fire, also 6th lvl)
Extra Discovery (7th lvl)
Fast Ordinance or choice of Discovery (8th lvl.)

*Edit replacing Deadly Aim with Rapid shot, as DA doesn't work with touch attacks.

I also believe you may require the Exploding Bullet discovery to make Smoke or Stink Bomb work. Both discoveries cause effects with a radius equal to twice the splash radius of your bombs, and if you have no splash radius . . . 2x0=0.

I think you mean Explossive missle discovery? not exploding bullet.

You dont need that for smoke bomb nor stink bomb.

Smok bomb you can pick up whenever. Stink requries smoke bomb.

Unless this archetype changes something I don't know of

Zwordsman wrote:

I think you mean Explossive missle discovery? not exploding bullet.

You dont need that for smoke bomb nor stink bomb.

Smok bomb you can pick up whenever. Stink requries smoke bomb.

Unless this archetype changes something I don't know of

Gun Chemist

The Gun Chemist changes a few things. It replaces Bombs with Explosive Ordinance, which doesn't have a splash radius. Explosive Ordinance is basically Explosive Missile for free. Explosive Bullet is a archetype only discovery that lets the ordinance do splash damage, thus unlocking the smoke/stink bomb.

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Errant Inlad wrote:
*Edit replacing Deadly Aim with Rapid shot, as DA doesn't work with touch attacks.

Firearms are explicitly compatible with Deadly Aim. It's in the Firearms section of Ultimate Combat / the PRD.

Errant Inlad wrote:
I also believe you may require the Exploding Bullet discovery to make Smoke or Stink Bomb work. Both discoveries cause effects with a radius equal to twice the splash radius of your bombs, and if you have no splash radius . . . 2x0=0.

Ok That helps a lot. I was not sure on a few things with the Build.

The Exploding Bullet discovery is marked with a * which means it can't be stacked with things like smoke bomb correct?

MechaHydra wrote:
The Exploding Bullet discovery is marked with a * which means it can't be stacked with things like smoke bomb correct?

Ya that is what i want to know.

I want to know what all Bomb modifiers work with Alchemical ordnance

MechaHydra wrote:
The Exploding Bullet discovery is marked with a * which means it can't be stacked with things like smoke bomb correct?

I'm building a Goblin gun chemist at the moment and I think I found a way around that. The Saboteur archetype has a nifty discovery that you can take called Complex Bomb.

Complex Bomb: When the saboteur creates a bomb, he can choose to have it modified by two different discoveries that modify a bomb's damage (those discoveries marked with an asterisk). Each discovery modifies half the bomb's damage dice, rounding down. For example, a concussive/frost bomb from a 9th-level saboteur deals 2d4 points of sonic damage + 2d6 points of frost damage. Creating a complex bomb counts as 2 daily uses of the bomb ability.

It is in a grey area of RAW vs. RAI hence the: "he can choose to have it modified by two different discoveries that modify a bomb's damage (those discoveries marked with an asterisk)." My GM and I concluded that splash damage modifies damages and therefore can be combined with other discoveries. We are still discussing if combining it with smoke is legal. The "(those discoveries marked with an asterisk)" seems to include all asterisk discoveries.

So either I am taking the smoke bomb route as combat control. Or I am going more pyromaniac style with Exploding bullet/Immolation Bomb/Rocket Bomb/Cognatogen/Complex bomb/Explosive missile with a +1 Conductive Dragoon Pistol.

18 int + 4 (fox cunning) + 4 (Cognatogen) + 2 (belt) = 28 Int (+9)
9+7(level)+4(min bomb) = 20 damage * 3 (explosive missile & conductive) = 60 damage in a 40 ft. radius for 4 rounds.
[and yes they can perform a full-round action to douse the flames, but it is not like the rest of my party isn't charging in at that moment.]

But that is when you are level 7 and put all your feats into Extra Discovery. My character only has a +13 to hit, but a summoner in the group told me he wants to work with my build by summoning a dog (goblins hate dogs) next to the enemy so I only have to roll a 2 to not misfire.

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