kyubi3009 |

Ok so lets get it straith, I'm playing an evil bard who worship a demon lord who happens to prety much turns my charisma to armor. I'm a voice of the wild archtype I have 1 level in oracle just for the secret of dexterity to charisma revelation and int to cha on knowledge so I can easily do the four part ritual all the way to succubushood.
That said I'm straith out learning the feat flame blade dervish as well as the spell flame blade from the druid spell list. How viable would that be for post level 15 content up to going after stuff like post level 20 epic bosses because my DM is kind of merciless.
Asking this because apparently Sarenrae gives tons of buffs I won't have access to.

Dasrak |
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Well, let's do the math. I'm not sure how you're getting access to Flame Blade spell, so I'm just going to presume that you're somehow getting it via your Bard spellcasting.
Let's presume you're a Succubus Oracle 1 / Bard 15 (which is equivalent to a 20th level character of a regular race), and have a total of 44 charisma. That gives you 1d8+24 damage per hit with your flame blade.. Presuming you have 30 dexterity, that gives you +29/+24/+19/+14 attack against touch AC. That's 95% accuracy against most foes, for an average of 108 DPR. This puts you comfortable in the green range of the 20 level benchmarks, which is fairly good.
So overall this seems to hit good damage benchmarks at 20th, and the only big concern here is that you're locking yourself into purely fire damage, which means against fire-immune or fire-resistant enemies you will need a backup plan.

kyubi3009 |

Well, let's do the math. I'm not sure how you're getting access to Flame Blade spell, so I'm just going to presume that you're somehow getting it via your Bard spellcasting.
Let's presume you're a Succubus Oracle 1 / Bard 15 (which is equivalent to a 20th level character of a regular race), and have a total of 44 charisma. That gives you 1d8+24 damage per hit with your flame blade.. Presuming you have 30 dexterity, that gives you +29/+24/+19/+14 attack against touch AC. That's 95% accuracy against most foes, for an average of 108 DPR. This puts you comfortable in the green range of the 20 level benchmarks, which is fairly good.
So overall this seems to hit good damage benchmarks at 20th, and the only big concern here is that you're locking yourself into purely fire damage, which means against fire-immune or fire-resistant enemies you will need a backup plan.
Elemental spell metamagic? Also yea voice of the wild get druid spell access from archtype features.

Dasrak |

You'll probably need to take elemental spell multiple times to get sufficient coverage, since fire is an extremely common immunity and is often found paired with another immunity in electric, cold, or acid. Even then, there are monsters who resist all four (for instance, daemons typically have acid immunity and fire/cold/electric resistance)

45ur4 |

Take these feats:
Empower Spell for extra damage (remember, it will empower the 1d8 +10 tptal),
Benthic Spell to bypass eventual fire immunities,
Ascendat Spell feat to be able to cast a mythic flame blade for 1d8 + 20 damage, then multiply this for 1.5 for empower and add charisma.
To be able to cast it as Ascendant Spell, take the Spell Perfection feat, then Additional Traits feat for the Magical Lineage trait, choose Flame blade, to reduce its metamagic level by one).
I prepared a character similar to that, if interested take a look, in my idea it was a Bloodrager. Up to this day never had a chance to play it:
bloodrager Enlightened Bloodrager, Metamagic Rager
bloodline elemental (fire)
enlightened spellcasting produce flame, flame blade, pale flame, flame strike
FCB +LV rounds of bloodrage
traits magical lineage (flame blade),
stats 10,10,13,10,10,18
1 Point-Blank Shot
1 Two-Weapon Fighting
3 Flumefire Rage
5 Empower Spell
7 Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
9 Flame Blade Dervish
11 Greater Two-Weapon Fighting
13 Benthic Spell
15 spell Perfection (flame blade)
17 Ascendant Spell
19 Rapid Shot