Fiendish Proboscis for infinite summons

Rules Questions

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Am I reading this correctly?

Fiendish Proboscis (Su)


The arcanist can spend 1 point from his arcane reservoir as a standard action to grow a long, articulated proboscis covered with small spiky hairs. The appendage grows from the arcanist’s face and houses a highly flexible, muscular tongue tipped with a cartilaginous barbed quill. The proboscis lasts for 1 round per arcanist level, during which time the arcanist cannot speak or use verbal components.

The arcanist can end this exploit’s effects early as a swift action. As a standard action, the arcanist can attack a target with the proboscis’s tongue. This is a primary natural weapon with a 10-foot reach. Attacks with the tongue resolve as a touch attack. If the arcanist uses his tongue and hits a creature capable of casting spells or using spell-like abilities, he drains a portion of the target’s magical ability and adds 1 point to his arcane reservoir (points gained in excess of the reservoir’s maximum are lost). If the arcanist hits a creature that cannot cast spells or use spell-like abilities, the tongue instead drains a portion of the target’s life force and heals the arcanist of 1d6 points of damage. Regardless of the target’s ability to use magic, the tongue’s unnerving siphoning of magical or life energy causes the struck creature to become sickened for 1 round.

The fact that it doesn't exclude friendly casters, or have a limiter such as 'absorbing' prepared spells or uses for spontaneous casters. An occultist (arcanist) can leech off their own spell casting summons, or a friendly spell-caster.

I don't get how the ability to get infinite summons at such a low level is balanced.

You can't use verbal components while it's active, it sickens friendly targets, and if you abuse it the GM is supposed to give you a permanent corruption as per the Outer Rift Exploits text.

Silver Crusade

That's only if they use their last reservoir point, if they safely stay above it, they can avoid all consequences.

For a decently sized pool, they have more 'juice' than other characters their level, in fact, practically infinite as the reservoir can be used for more things that the occultists summoning ability.

Ayanzo wrote:

That's only if they use their last reservoir point, if they safely stay above it, they can avoid all consequences.

For a decently sized pool, they have more 'juice' than other characters their level, in fact, practically infinite as the reservoir can be used for more things that the occultists summoning ability.

Correct there is no consequence so long as you do not expend your last point, which given that you can get as many as you want is unlikely. Also forget friendly spellcasting allies or summons, you can just attack yourself for free arcane reservoir points as you are a creature capable of casting spells. On the plus side, at least this finally gives a use to the FCB that adds to your arcane reservoir cap by giving you more uses of your abilities between recharge sessions.

Silver Crusade

Any reasonable GM would ban, or alter this exploit. I'm not sure Paizo will ever errata this.

Should we FAQ a question when really what it needs is an erratum?

Shadow Lodge

Paizo's FAQs are errata, so...

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