Trouble with the website.

Customer Service

I am trying to use the holiday18 code and the website is not accepting any form of payment. Is anyone else having trouble?

I was trying w/o the code. Not accepting payment.

Sovereign Court

Having the same problems. Trying to place an order for X-Mas.

Customer Service Representative

Hello Junltd,

I don't see anything in your cart so I can't see what may have been going on. Are you still having the issue?

Customer Service Representative

Hello Drake and Corax,

On both your accounts I can see stuff in your carts, but in both cases there is not a payment method on the order. If you add a payment method give it a try and let me know if you are still having the issue.

Diego Valdez wrote:

Hello Drake and Corax,

On both your accounts I can see stuff in your carts, but in both cases there is not a payment method on the order. If you add a payment method give it a try and let me know if you are still having the issue.

The payment method has been entered numerous times. On different browsers. And different credit cards. It tells me that the change is made, but then when you go to the last step, it says there is no payment method selected. I can't count how many times I've ordered from this website, so it's not like I'm new to the process. Something is broken, and at a most inopportune time.

There's nothing in the cart since I put it all in the 'save for later' section since the payment methods were not working.

I am having the same issue that Drake, Corax, Mulgar, and Hammithan have all mentioned. I can't really add anything to what they've already told you.

Customer Service Representative

Hello everyone,

Thank you for the updates. I have let the tech team know so they can investigate. As soon as I have more information from them I will let you know. In the meantime we should be able to input the information manually on our end. Feel free to give us a call between 10am and 5pm pacific time, Monday through Friday and we can get it put in and submitted for you.

I has a similar situation. I want to buy some PDF, but when I click ''Place your order'', they said I will received a confirmation email, but I received nothing. If you can help me ! I had my pdf in my shopping cart and my payent method chosen.
(I'm sorry in french so my english is not the better one !)

Customer Service Representative

Hello Jonathan,

Your card is being declined due to, "General decline of the card. No other information provided by the issuing bank." This is a decline on your banks end so I don't have anymore information about why they are declining it.

Customer Service Representative

Hello Everyone,

I just got some information from the tech team. They are still working out a resolution but they have given me a workaround for those of you who can't or would rather not call us.

If you click on My Account at the top of the page you will be taken to a page with 2 columns of boxes. On the right hand column you will see a box titled 'My Payment Methods'. It's about the 5th box down. Clicking on that will take you to a page where you can see any payment methods you have on file. I believe this should be empty for all of you that have posted on this thread. On the right hand side you will see a box with a couple of buttons in it. In between the 2 buttons it says, "Remember new payment methods by default for future orders". Check that box, then push the 'Change' button below it. Now click the 'Add Payment Method' button in that same box. This will bring up the same box you use to input your card information in the checkout process. Fill that out. After you have added it the page will still be blank, but if you refresh it you should see the payment method you just added. If you go through the checkout process now you will still see the payment method you added that the final step is not recognizing. Click the button to select a different payment method. You should see the one you just entered as a select able option with a "Use This Payment Method" button next to it. Click that. You should be able to finish the transaction now.

I call to my bank and they said that the payment is authorized but in waiting. I didn't know what happens on this side. The bank waiting to you to take the payment. And on the other side, the payment don't go because they waiting to you to take it. I will try another ways to make the payment.

Customer Service Representative

Jonathan Lauzon wrote:
I call to my bank and they said that the payment is authorized but in waiting. I didn't know what happens on this side. The bank waiting to you to take the payment. And on the other side, the payment don't go because they waiting to you to take it. I will try another ways to make the payment.

Hi Jonathan,

I responded to your email about this earlier this morning.

If you have any more questions, please let us know.


I tried again today and it still does not work. Having the same trouble as everyone else and i'm very surprised that there's been so little response.

Customer Service Representative

Junltd wrote:
I tried again today and it still does not work. Having the same trouble as everyone else and i'm very surprised that there's been so little response.

As Diego said earlier, the tech team is still working on a resolution.

It sounds like they have something worked out for the next site update (not sure when that is happening), but unfortunately there is not a great work around in the meantime.

If you want us to try to submit the order for you, please confirm that the items you want are in your shopping cart, then send us an email to confirm the last 4 digits of the card you want to us, and the expiration date, and we'll see if we can do some poking and prodding to get the order submitted.

Any news?

Customer Service Representative

No new news. Still waiting on the next website update roll and don't have any other work arounds at the moment expect the following:

If you want us to try to submit the order for you, please confirm that the items you want are in your shopping cart, then send us an email to confirm the last 4 digits of the card you want to us, and the expiration date, and we'll see if we can do some poking and prodding to get the order submitted.

I found this thread because I can't locate a place to put the holiday discount code. Are you still working on the issue or am I just missing something?

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

Customer Service Representative

Hello FattyLumpkin,

If you have your shipping method set to Ship with Subscriptions there will not be a place to put in the code as the field is on the payment tab and when you ship with your subscriptions the items will use the subscription payment method. You can add it by changing the shipping method to anything else so the payment tab appears. On the payment tab you can input the code. After that you can switch the shipping method back.

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