some new tech based items



is allowing anyone to edit these items (probably since not many will agree with prices/bulks/or levels)

but be considerate & don't delete anything!
as I have a backup and will just replace ANYTHING deleted, and I check it daily!

and the last 3 pages is a little write up I did on how to set up a useful system for colonies

Added suggested changes to end of doc. Changed units to be consistent with rules.

Parachute was way off. You can land safely far off target or die on target.

I thought I'd post what I've got already if you want a chance to edit simply click the link in the first post

Specialized equipment

Gravity boots or belt
The following use 4 charges per hour, except for floating which uses 1 per 10 minutes. Will take 20 or 40 charge cells.
1. Can increase movement 10 feet, allows for ignoring all terrain types, can walk on water, prevents user from being knocked over,
can exert 120 bulks of force to keep user in place, can allow for levitation of user up to 60'
2. Can be used to negate up to 5 bulk of carried weight
3. With wind and levitation allows for a floating speed based on kmph speed of wind any wind speed above 25 kph is uncontrollable and dangerous! Using this device this way requires an Acrobatics or Athletics Diff Check.

Floating Rates
move rate Diff Check
1-5kph 10’ 15 Failure means simply being forced to ground
5-15kph 20’ 25 Failure means forced to ground taking (3d6 b)
15-25kph 40’ 35 Failure means forced to ground HARD (9d6 b)
w/ poor maneuverability

Lvl 8 Bulk 1 cost 25000

Magnetic boots
A must for any person serving on a station/ship exerts the force of 100 bulks toward keeping user securely attached to the metal object (works with all alloys of metal)
Lvl 2 Bulk 4L cost 75

Gravity inhibitor
This device negates gravity providing extra carrying capacity based on the device itself. Will take any cell 1 charge per 30 minutes of use (•= If carried)
inhibits 25 bulk
Lvl 5 cost 500 bulk of unit 5•

inhibits 50 bulk
Lvl 8 cost 5000 bulk of unit 10•

inhibits 100 bulk
Lvl 11 cost 25000 bulk of unit 20•
Special Note I Suggest Considering making these use HP and Hardness as they will be big targets!

Military Load Bearing Equipment
Lvl 3 Bulk 2 Cost 350
Strength +4
May be combined with either Load Vest or Utility Belt. Holds up to 10 bulk of gear.

Load Vest
Lvl 3 Bulk 1 Cost 200
Strength +1
Holds up to 10L of items readily accessible. Has two upgrade slots that may only be used for Quick Release Sheaths.
Bulk listed is when not worn.

Radiation Sensor
Visual Lvl 1 Bulk - Cost 1
Range 3 m Provides a visual indication of radiation present but not intensity
single use

Drop ball (single use item)
This device allows for orbital insertion of anyone from orbit.
Semi-dangerous to use it requires athletics check of 20 to avoid injuries from the fall (2d6 B)
environmental clothing protects from the insertion part (2d6 F if not)
[storage area of 10 bulk]
Lvl 8 Bulk 20 cost 1500

provides increased sight distance
10x Lvl 1 Bulk L Cost 25
25x Lvl 3 Bulk 2L Cost 125
50x Lvl 5 Bulk 3L Cost 250
100x Lvl 7 Bulk 5L Cost 500
1000x Lvl 10 Bulk 1 Cost 5000
range finder increases cost by 125 and bulk by 2L & 1 lvl

Optical gun sights
Reduce range penalty by 1 for a number of range bands equal to Mk # when taking an Aim moving maneuver.
Rangefinder/ auto targeting - Ignore range penalty for first two range bands. All models use a 10CR non rechargeable cell that lasts 6 months, may drain as result of critical fumble.
Mk 1 Lvl 1 Cost 200 Bulk 1L small arm, long arm, heavy
Mk 2 Lvl 3 Cost 400 Bulk 1L small arm, long arm, heavy
Mk 3 Lvl 7 Cost 1200 Bulk 2L small arm, long arm, heavy
Mk 4 Lvl 10 Cost 5000 Bulk 3L long arm, heavy
Mk 5 Lvl 14 Cost 25000 Bulk 5L long arm, heavy
Adding a Rangefinder increases cost 1000 and the Lvl by 1

Radiation Meters
All models uses a unique 10cr cell with 40 charges. Rate of energy use is per hour (Can also be added to a computer for 110% cost)
Model 1 Lvl 4 Bulk 3L Cost 150 Range 10m Intensity 5m DC 25 1 charge
Model 2 Lvl 7 Bulk 1 Cost 1500 Range 20m Intensity 10m DC 20 2 charges
Model 3 Lvl 10 Bulk 2 Cost 5000 Range 50m Intensity 50m DC15 4 charges
Provides an audible and visual indication of radiation areas at the ranges listed. Passing a Perception or Engineering check of listed DC will reveal the radiation source and the highest intensity.

fire extinguisher
standard abc/d fire extinguisher 5 uses before requiring recharge
Lvl 3 Bulk 2 cost 50

fire extinguisher recharge station (includes 2 fire extinguishers)
can recharge any fire extinguisher and produces 10 uses per recharge pill (must hook up 2 extinguishers to refill) takes 30 minutes
*= plus the bulk of up to two fire extinguishers
Lvl 6 Bulk 2* Cost 5000

Recharge Tabs
Lvl 1 Bulk L Cost 150

Bug Control Device
(can be added to a computer for 5000 which is automatically sound/visual)What can I say it's a bugging device range is 300m
Uses any size charge cell at 1 per 15 minutes of use
Lvl 6 Bulk 2 cost 1000
Lvl 9 Bulk 4 Cost 5000

Requires a bug control device to function
Lvl 2 Bulk 0 Cost 500 Sound only
Lvl 5 Bulk L Cost 1500 sound/visual

Bug detector (can be added to a computer for 2750)
Detects bugs with a diff 15 perception roll to a range of 30m
(Without a bug detector ~ bugs are diff 35 perception rolls)
Uses a 20 charge cell at a rate of 1 per hour
Lvl 7 Bulk L cost 2500

White noise generator
this ingenious device produces the same effect as a radio scrambler out to 30m, with an added side benefit as it interferes with the operation of all spy drones (not mechanic drones), and use of bugs is impossible.
Any cell and uses 4 charges for 15 minutes
Lvl 12 Bulk 3 cost 25000

Using a parachute requires both Perception and Acrobatics checks. You must be trained by someone with at least 5 ranks in Acrobatics and parachute use, typically costing 1000 cr.

To start your jump make a DC 20 Perception check to identify the landing point and best time to jump. To safely land make a DC 15 Acrobatics check, this places you D10 x 10’ from your intended target in a random direction. For each point you pass by you may adjust the distance by up to 10’. Failing by 5 or more increase the target error to 5D10x10’. Failing by 10 or more requires a DC 20 Acrobatics check to avoid injury. A failed landing causes ( DC - 10 - roll )D6 lethal damage.

Failing the initial perception check causes you to be off target by nD10x100’ where n is the number or 3000’ altitude bands. You may make a new perception check every 3000’ drop to identify the error. Passing any Perception check identifies you are off target and allows you to adjust. You can reduce the distance off target by 1000’ each altitude band by making a DC15 Acrobatics check. Passing by 10 or more allows you to adjust by 2000’. Failing by 5 or more adds 500’. If off target by more than 500’ when you reach 3000’ altitude make a final Perception check (DC 20) to identify a new safe landing spot. If off target less than 500’ you can either land 5D10x10’ in the direction you were off or make a DC 20 Acrobatics check to land at original target.

If you start the jump more than 1000’ from the desired landing point you may adjust your position by making a DC 15 Acrobatics check every altitude band. Useful to avoid being spotted as you jump.

Grav Chute counteracts gravity reducing fall rate on demand. Includes automatic feather-fall spell gem on double crit failure.

Use the following modifiers for Perception and Acrobatics checks.
+1 DC per altitude band after the first (Perception checks only)
-5 DC if from a moving craft and pilot makes a DC 20 piloting check (initial Perception check only)
-5 DC if target location coordinates known and using GPS/ inertial nav (Perception checks only)
+5 DC if above heavy cloud cover (Perception checks only)
+4 DC for rain/ snow/ sand storm
+8 DC for heavy rain/ snow/ sand storm
+2 DC Stong, +4 DC Severe, +8 Windstorm, +16 Hurricane force winds

When adjusting position with Acrobatics check and wind is within 45 degrees of desired direction reduce the DC.
+10 DC darkness
+5 DC if trees/ buildings within 100’ of landing spot, +10 DC if higher than 100’. (landing roll only)
+5 DC if difficult terrain (landing roll only)
-5 DC if opening parachute at 6000 or higher
-10 DC if using Grav Chute (Acrobatics checks only)
+10 DC High Gravity, +20 DC extreme gravity
+5 DC thin atmosphere, Note: parachute will not function in less than thin atmosphere
+10 DC making a attack while landing (below 1000’) (Acrobatics checks only)
+10 DC changing landing location after landing roll, make new check (below 1000’) (Acrobatics checks only)
A critical fumble on the Landing Roll means your parachute fails to deploy. Automatic systems deploy the reserve parachute. Make a new landing roll at +10 DC. A second critical fumble results in the reserve not opening. If under 3000’ you have 1 round to activate a magic item/ spell/ potion.
Landing without a parachute open causes 30D6 (B) damage.
Assume speed is 1000’/ round (down) before opening parachute and 200’/ round (forward and down) with it open.
Parachute Lvl 3 Bulk 3 cost 3000
Grav chute Lvl 10 Bulk 4 Cost 30000

Survival equipment

underwater rebreather
Uses electrolysis to produce oxygen from water and removes CO2, providing the user with breathable air. Uses 40 charge cell, 1 charge per hour.
Lvl 3 Bulk 1 cost 1500

all weather sleeping bag
provides a bed to sleep on in all weather conditions from -40c to 40c. built in microheater/microcooler uses a 20 charge cell at a rate of 1 charge per hour
Lvl 3 Bulk 1 cost 250

Gravity Water canteen
(made of super light aluminum & an antigrav unit)
Uses 20 charge cell at 1 charge per 6 hours
Holds 5 bulk of water
Lvl 5 Bulk 1 cost 250

Condensation Canteen (water accumulator)
Continuously accumulates water from the air. Holds up to 1 Bulk. Includes a simple water filtration system for use when manually filled, takes 2 minutes to fill. Uses any size charge cell.
desert/tundra Produces 1 L / 2 hours Uses 4 charges per 8 hrs
dry Produces 1 L / hour Uses 2 charges per 8 hrs
standard Produces 2 L / hour Uses 1 charge per 8 hrs
Wet/High Humidity Produces 2 L / ½ hour Uses 1 charge per 8 hrs
Lvl 3 Bulk 1 cost 1500

water filtration system
Composed of a combined mechanical and reverse osmosis filter. Powered by any size charge cell or manually. 1 charge will filter 20 L of fresh water at a rate of 1 L per minute. Dirty water or manual power each double the time required. Salty water requires desalinization tabs.
Lvl 3 Bulk 1 cost 500

Water Purification Tablets
Chemical purification for parasites on water, does not remove salt. particulates (dirt) or toxins. Sold in packs of 25 tablets each purifying 5L of water.
Lvl 1 Bulk L cost 25

Desalinization Tablets
Breaks down the salt content in water. Sold in packs of 100 each will purify 5L of water.
Lvl 1 Bulk L cost 25

Water Bladders
A collapsible water storage tank with carry handles, faucets, 10’ of hose, hand pump, cleaning tools and tie downs.
Available in 5, 10, 25, 100 bulk capacity.
Easy connection to filtration systems and condensation canteens to expand capacity.
May also be used as source for filtration units. Filling takes 1 minute per bulk using the supplied hand pump. The 25 and 100 units come with a powered pump moving 10 bulk/ min, it uses any charge cell at 1 charge/ 10 bulk.
Weight is 1+1/10th the bulk capacity of the bladders un-full.
Rigid versions are available at 2x the price and 5x the bulk, increase the item level to 5 for double output.
Lvl 1 Bulk varies cost 20 per bulk

Laser torch/ plasma cutter (Handheld)
(Note: assumes HP values from table are based on man size hole 5’ x 2.5’ (15 ft total))
Hardness 1-10 50cm per round 100 HP per min
Hardness 11-20 25cm per round 50 HP per min
Hardness 21-30 25cm per min 10 HP per min
Hardness 31-40 25cm per 2 min 5 HP per min
Hardness 40+ 25cm per 10 min 1 HP per min
Length per round or minute is max rate, in many cases time will be based on HP.
Uses a standard charge cell (any size), 2 charges/ minute.
Lvl 4 Bulk 1 cost 2500

fire starter
uses a 20 charge cell to create plasma for fire starting.
Depending on conditions these are the number of charges required to start the fire
hot/dry 1
standard 2
Cold 3
Wet 4

Lvl 2 Bulk L cost 25

S(standard)CC - standard is based on time aboard absolom station
P(planetary)CC - planetary will give an approx time on the planet in question (set from initial planetary scan), along with standard time
S(satelite)CC - IRMiSS will provide exact time on the planet, provide approx year length and provide a calendar. Also provides standard time/date function. (can be added to a computer system for 385)

SCC Lvl 1 Bulk 0 Cost 5
PCC Lvl 3 Bulk L Cost 150
ICC Lvl 5 Bulk 3L Cost 350

Glow Stick
simply 2 chemicals that when mixed produce light

Lvl 1 Bulk 1L per 10 units Cost per 10 based on options

(always add option costs together!)
Example (10 units) 24hr ~ 20m ~ Lantern costs 175 (Bulk 2L)

Duration Cost Light Cost
1 Hour 5 3m 10
2 Hour 15 6m 15
4 Hour 30 10m 25
8 Hour 50 20m 40
12 Hour 75
24 Hour 100

Flashlight style +10
Lantern style +35 doubles bulk)

MCS (Magnetic Compass System)
Magnetic uses the planet in question magnetosphere and indicates north plus your relative heading from north can be determined with a physical science: topography diff 15 or planetology diff 20 or survival diff 15 roll
ICS (Inertial Compass System)
inertial uses the initial data scan of any planet for its topographic map and gives you direction and distance from a set point
GPS (Global Positioning System)
(must be used with a IRMiSS) can provide exact coordinates and direction of travel along with a map of the topography out to 250 km

MCS Lvl 2 Bulk L Cost 25
ICS Lvl 6 Bulk L Cost 650
GPS Lvl 9 Bulk 1 Cost 1000 (can be added to a computer system for 1100)

Medical equipment

stasis bed
places a critically injured patient into stasis; solar panels provide power during the day otherwise uses 100 charge cells and uses 10 charges per hour of use (always has 1hr of emergency power ~ recharged daily and a 3 minute buffer)
built on a sled gravity inhibitor --- hence no bulk when activated (but cannot function as a grav sled without breaking it)
Lvl 12 Bulk 35 carried cost 105000

Recharging equipment

solar charging unit
base for solar panels capable of recharging batteries (up to 4) at a rate of 1 charge per solar panel per 30 minutes in bright sunlight (clouds increase the charge time to 1 hour)
Lvl 4 Bulk 2 Cost 1500

solar panel
Lvl 4 Bulk 1 Per panel Cost 2500 each panel

fusion charging unit (12 batteries)
this device is an extremely rare super high tech device that breaks down any matter placed into its hopper into power. (Works great with dirt, easily obtainable and plentiful!)
Mode 1 Provides power at a rate of 20 charges per hour for 1 bulk of matter. (noisy mode)
Mode 2 Can recharge at a slow trickle of 1 charge per 10 minutes for L of any material (silent mode)
Lvl 18 Bulk 5 cost 500000

Large Devices (note all satellites have power to maintain themselves indefinitely with included solar panels. The backup charge is for the computer, most satellites remain in orbit thru inertia/ gravity or in some instances lagrange points)

*= irrelevant bulk must be placed into orbit from a spaceship

inertial reckoning micro satellite system (IRMiSS)

consists of up to 30 satellites that can be placed in geocyncranus inertial orbit of any planet that will allow for use of global positioning system compass and cronoclock among others.

and many colonies consider these cheap and easily replaceable so they are inertially placed, as they have thrusters which can keep them in orbit for 10 years guaranteed.

Lvl 10 Bulk * Cost 13045 each

Includes a Standard IRMiSS satellite computer
Tier 3 computer
secure data (250 credits worth of data)
range 3
security 4
self charging (backup 12 weeks)

LOL one reason highly specialized scientists are always required for exploration groups is this little tidbit you can take 20 and anyone with training in physical science: planetology can set up this system with no roll required. The diff roll for a +4 set up is 40 physical science: planetology and the basic setup diff roll is 20!

data control satellite(s) (DCS) (these are locked into orbit with gravity devices and have large solar arrays) This satellite controls other satellites (the one listed below is a IRMiSS configured model with control capabilities for 30 Individual satellites)

Simply requires someone trained in physical science: planetology to set into stable orbit

Lvl 10 standard model
Lvl 12 wng model has a white noise generator
Lvl 15 decked out model includes an unlimited communicator and a white noise generator

*irrelevant bulk must be placed in orbit from a spaceship

Lvl 10 standard Bulk * Cost 719642 each
Lvl 12 wng Bulk * Cost 747142 each
Lvl 15 Decked out Bulk * Cost 782342 each

Standard DCS computer
Tier 8 computer
secure data (2500 credits worth of data)
range 3
security 4
self charging (backup 12 weeks)
control, complex 30

An Example:

2 DCS satellites(1 decked out + 1 standard wng)/Full + 4 IRMiSS
1,529,484 + 391,350 = 1,920,834 COST (before specialist setup cost)

Many colonies purchase these devices for insertion into the orbit of their planet, and they are listed for the sake of players who may wish to investigate planets (and not crash land LOL!!!!).

The value of these devices if already set up by explorers is added to the finder's fee when reporting the world as potentially colonizable. And are some of the few devices that will garner 100% market value! Plus many colonies bring spare IRMiSS satellites to replace those that have fallen from inertial orbit (even with the guarantee)!

This provides a convenient; albeit expensive way; to mimic a Pactworld planet. As such it's not common to say the least unless set up by the exploration company beforehand. Plus it's likely to be a big attractor to pirates looking to score said system, as such many colonial officials don't advertise they have one until some form of system defense can be arranged!

The IRMiSS satellites are small enough that long range space scanners can’t detect them without a physical science: planetology diff rating 40. Yet the DCS’s are dead giveaways without a white noise generator; physical science: planetology diff rating 20 (the inclusion of an unlimited communicator brings this diff down to 15) while a white noise generator will raise the diff rating to 40.

The cost of this system may seem prohibitive but compared to the stuff found around most Pact Worlds it's considered downright DIRT CHEAP! And remember a system that has a potentially colonizable status is worth a lot of creds! This just makes it all the more attractive to colonists, that along with a thorough basic exploration and investigation!

For several fixes/adjustments/additions

anything for silencers/suppressors in there?

MagicA wrote:
anything for silencers/suppressors in there?

ok how would you go about a silencer or a suppressor.

figure out the basis for the perception roll requirement to hear or see its location, but I'll remind you that often times with a long range shot the target usually gets hit with the bullet before they hear the shot itself (if they hear it at all) as most rifled shots are super sonic. If your looking at handguns you might hear the shot before you get hit depending on the relative velocity of the bullet compared to the shockwave. Most of the time the shot sound alerts others not the target and probably is only determinable by the relative loudness of the shot (how close/far away) and muzzle flash is probably what gives away a sniper.

Your much more likely to know where your target is if its shooting at you with a handgun, hence suppressors are less useful on handguns as say a long/heavy/sniper weapon! On the other hand its the opposite with a silencer, but every situation is different.

Plus these enhancers should have little to no effect on energy based weapons!

Here would be my take on them, and they would DEFINITELY BE ILLEGAL! outside military or extremely hard to get license for one. The high cost of these items is indicative of this! SM feel free to increase the cost of these items up to what ever you feel they should be if acquired thru any illegal means.

It is possible to use both of these enhancers at the same time but the affect on the range of the weapon is cumulative

Suppressors are a tough one by the rules.

The "hear sound of battle" is DC 0
Under environment factors it mentions the DC to detect people is +1 per 10' in most terrain, some are +1/ 20'. From 600' away it makes the test to hear a battle at least DC 30 and more likely DC 60 however I'm fairly certain you would hear the sound of gunfire from 200 yards unless you actively tried to.

As a comparison most firearms are in the 130-160db range placing them in the range of a jet during takeoff.

A good suppressor will reduce noise up to 30db and even with a subsonic ammo rarely drops noise below 100db. that is comparable to a jet plane at 1 mile.

As a compromise I would say firearms should increase DC to hear by 1/ 200' Reduce DC by 5 if many shots per minute, increase DC by 5 to determine direction. A suppressor would reduce [perception check] range increment by 50'. Subsonic ammo would reduce [perception check] range increment by 50' as well, it would also reduce the weapons range increment by half and reduce the die size by one (D6 becomes D4).

Suppressors have no effect on grenade launchers, magnetar weapons or gyrojet's. Subsonic ammo is not available for launchers or Gyrojet's as they are already subsonic.


Suppressors and Subsonic Ammo/

Detect gunfire DC 0 +1/ 200'
Detect direction of gunfire DC 5 + 1/200'
Suppressor OR Subsonic Ammo + 1/ 150'
Suppressor and Subsonic Ammo + 1/ 100'

Suppressor tier as weapon +1 with cost 25% of weapon.
Available for all Small arms, longarms and heavy projectile weapons except Gyrojet, Crossbolter, Magnetar and Grenade launcher.

Subsonic Ammo tier as weapon +1 and 150% of normal cost.
Reduce the weapons range increment by half and the damage die by one size.
Available for all Small arms, longarms and heavy projectile weapons except Gyrojet and Grenade launcher.

Lane_S wrote:

Suppressors are a tough one by the rules.

The "hear sound of battle" is DC 0
Under environment factors it mentions the DC to detect people is +1 per 10' in most terrain, some are +1/ 20'. From 600' away it makes the test to hear a battle at least DC 30 and more likely DC 60 however I'm fairly certain you would hear the sound of gunfire from 200 yards unless you actively tried to.

As a comparison most firearms are in the 130-160db range placing them in the range of a jet during takeoff.

A good suppressor will reduce noise up to 30db and even with a subsonic ammo rarely drops noise below 100db. that is comparable to a jet plane at 1 mile.

As a compromise I would say firearms should increase DC to hear by 1/ 200' Reduce DC by 5 if many shots per minute, increase DC by 5 to determine direction. A suppressor would reduce [perception check] range increment by 50'. Subsonic ammo would reduce [perception check] range increment by 50' as well, it would also reduce the weapons range increment by half and reduce the die size by one (D6 becomes D4).

Suppressors have no effect on grenade launchers, magnetar weapons or gyrojet's. Subsonic ammo is not available for launchers or Gyrojet's as they are already subsonic.


Suppressors and Subsonic Ammo/

Detect gunfire DC 0 +1/ 200'
Detect direction of gunfire DC 5 + 1/200'
Suppressor OR Subsonic Ammo + 1/ 150'
Suppressor and Subsonic Ammo + 1/ 100'

Suppressor tier as weapon +1 with cost 25% of weapon.
Available for all Small arms, longarms and heavy projectile weapons except Gyrojet, Crossbolter, Magnetar and Grenade launcher.

Subsonic Ammo tier as weapon +1 and 150% of normal cost.
Available for all Small arms, longarms and heavy projectile weapons except Gyrojet and Grenade launcher.

I believe by suppressor he means flash suppressor and your describing a sound suppressor or a silencer, the damage decrease actually probably isn't a bad idea either. And as I've stated its probably consistant to state that energy weapons don't make a heck of a lot of noise when discharged unless one is really close to them.

We were typing at the same time.

As for the original question I think he meant sound reduction. Silencers are technically sound suppressors but silencer is the common name.

Flash suppressors probably have more effect on the shooter than observers. You still get a flash visible from long range but not as bright. However the smaller plume and reduced intensity is less likely to interfere with shooters vision. They also may act as a compensator for muzzle movement caused by the shot. It could be assumed any firearm over tier 3 would have a flash compensator as standard equipment.

Suppressors just send out an opposite sound waves.
They look like bullhorns and create silence in a cone, like a breath weapon. Otherwise just like a silence spell.

If you base it on simulating a second level spell, probably one unit of energy every 10 minutes. 400 credits based on the signal jammer.


Just thought I'd point out: there are no critical failures or critical fumbles in Starfinder. RAW, rolling 1 a just a 1. Natural 20 is only a critical hit, not an automatic it. The attack STILL has to beat their AC for you to do double damage. There are no automatic success or failures, and except in the case of a natural 20 that actually hits doing double damage, there is nothing special about natural 20s or natural 1s, RAW.

The original post is a bit old of course - it should also be noted that some of these items (magboots for example) have been added in the official rules at this point.

I'm going to be introducing this in various places.

Berserker's code
This machine code loop can be installed in any technological construct.
Once called all systems become dedicated to destroying the current target. The construct appears to rage and gets the strength and hit point benefits. It does the full attack, then if there is still a functioning target, it loops back. Only if there is no target, or it deactivates, it goes back to the main program.

There are several possible conditions that can cause the call. Usually, combat starts. Certain gnome reprogrammed constructs rage when they see any goblinoids or orcs. Certain hackers will program it so raging happens when they hear a certain song such as pop goes the weasel.

Legality: Supposedly a major crime, most governments use it.

As an item, it might be found on a top secret memory chip. Constructs with a computerized brain or at least such implants, can access memory chips, which are more advanced flash drives. While an android will have a cyber jack similar to a human implant, robots will have an access port in their 'head' and several slots you can put memory chips in. Memory chips that self install programming are generally worth 1000 credits if unidentified, but 10,000 if fully explained. There are also chips containing a full, artificial personality, ones with a mission briefing(an adventure hook), and some popular VR games.

The games are just access keys that allow the end user to access the game online. The games can be used by anyone with a VR rig, not just constructs. Some gamers like to orbit Eox and play Gothic, which is very much like the game Vampire. There is an imbedded passcode for the sentinel in the game.

Half of this stuff is in the books, the mag boots, the radiation detectors, the bug

Goth Guru wrote:


The construct appears to rage and gets the strength and hit point benefits.

You'll need to define this more, since of course "Rage" isn't a Starfinder thing. If you do, make sure you balance it for Starfinder and not just port it right over from Pathfinder...

I will explain. They are no longer checking for damage or favoring damaged parts. They gain 2 temporary hit points for each hit die they have. I did not give them the bonus to will saves, they can be hacked to reboot or fooled into not detecting any more targets. I'm not sure what to do with the minus 2 to AC because I don't know yet how Starfinder handles that.

This was inspired by "Runaways", "Gog", and yes, that episode of Futurama.

After combat, they may shut down and go into maintenance and repair mode, because normal activity might cause further damage.

I did more reading. It's -2 to all 3 types of armor classes.

I'm not sure how you would explain a rage mechanic on a robot. It doesn't seem to make sense.

Also... what's this 3rd type of armor class you speak of?

It's a more efficient way of fighting. Win first, repair damaged units afterward.

1 Energy Armor Class
2 Kinetic Armor Class
3 Ac vs Combat maneuvers

Setting aside the possibility of a robot that literally does get enraged, because its capable of feeling anger. . .

Rage for an automaton would likely consist of turning off all the safety interlocks that normally protect the robot from damaging itself. Power consumption rates get cranked up, overheating ignored, motors and pistons all redlined, and any interlocks that would normally shut stuff down on detecting damage disabled. Which is to say, basically the same stuff a human body does when entering a berserk rage.

Metaphysician wrote:

Setting aside the possibility of a robot that literally does get enraged, because its capable of feeling anger. . .

Rage for an automaton would likely consist of turning off all the safety interlocks that normally protect the robot from damaging itself. Power consumption rates get cranked up, overheating ignored, motors and pistons all redlined, and any interlocks that would normally shut stuff down on detecting damage disabled. Which is to say, basically the same stuff a human body does when entering a berserk rage.

Yes, that's it exactly.

Of course it doesn't actually get mad. There is no screaming or rage face. It's killer robot mode. That's why it's mostly covered up. The possibility makes most of us fleshies anxious. But then, giant, flesh eating bugs are scary too.

This thin spacesuit is lined with special cells. It allows a resident of a living planet or plane to leave home and explore. They are also used by mega parasites looking for a new host.

It is extruded rather than manufactured, except for the tanks on the back, which are full of blood like plasma.

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