Using whip like rope?

Rules Questions

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I was wondering opinions on using the whip Indiana Jones style, sort of like a grappling hook but within the whip's range. I think it sounds fair and I'm sure my GM would be down. I'm looking for others' opinions just to further gauge this.

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Here is what you need

In your hand a whip has a life of its own, wrapping around pillars and beams with ease. You can use a whip as if it were a rope with a grappling hook at the end. Attaching your whip is a standard action, but detaching it is a full-round action.

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I would be totally OK with this in a game I GM'd without any feats or traits, but if you want to stick by the rules you need something to let you do it. Talonhawke ninja'd me with the simpler option, but another way of gaining this ability is via: Improved Whip Mastery


Tacticslion wrote:


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HeartOfWilds wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

It means "I find this thread interesting and want to follow it later, so I'm posting just to let the server know I've posted, so that it shows up in my browser with a little dot next to it and shows up (at all) in focus mode."

Admittedly this is not immediately obvious to the new observer ;-)

Shadow Lodge

Rope Swing from Spheres of Might covers this quite a bit.

Cellion wrote:
I would be totally OK with this in a game I GM'd without any feats or traits, but if you want to stick by the rules you need something to let you do it. Talonhawke ninja'd me with the simpler option, but another way of gaining this ability is via: Improved Whip Mastery

I've been playing my Simon Belmont themed Magus in a Rappan Athuk campaign a friend of mine has been running. I've enjoyed Whip Mastery quite a bit. I'll be picking up Improved Whip Mastery next level and I agree it should allow you to get all of that cinematic fun you're "Jonesing" for.

My apologies for the pun, but I couldn't resist, lol.

Fuzzy-Wuzzy wrote:
HeartOfWilds wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

It means "I find this thread interesting and want to follow it later, so I'm posting just to let the server know I've posted, so that it shows up in my browser with a little dot next to it and shows up (at all) in focus mode."

Admittedly this is not immediately obvious to the new observer ;-)

Ooooh. That makes more sense. Thanks man. I've scrolled through boards but never really made an account. Didn't know that so thanks.

Dragonborn3 wrote:
Rope Swing from Spheres of Might covers this quite a bit.

So to make sure I'm understanding, no feats to do the whole "swing from a rafter or tree branch" thing just climb checks?

Shadow Lodge

Not exactly. You need a way to take the talent first. Read this.

Improved Whip mastery or the Trait i listed both will let you do it.

Edit: misunderstood the question there keep in mind the Spheres system is something that while awesome needs the GM on board with to start.

needed musical interlude

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