nicholas storm |
The only feats supporting fighting with 2 weapons is multi-weapon fighting which only applies to operative weapons or small arms.
Otherwise, there is no mechanical benefit for holding 2 weapons of the same type, since there is no mechanism for two weapon fighting in starfinder (other than multi-weapon fighting).

Ventnor |

It would probably better for your character to wield a taclash in one hand and a different 1-handed weapon in the other. That way, you've got the taclash in one hand when you need to use its reach or you want to trip or disarm someone, and you've got something like a plasma sword or a pulse gauntlet for taking down enemies who are right next to you.

Friendly Neighborhood Glabrezu |

The only feats supporting fighting with 2 weapons is multi-weapon fighting which only applies to operative weapons or small arms.
Otherwise, there is no mechanical benefit for holding 2 weapons of the same type, since there is no mechanism for two weapon fighting in starfinder (other than multi-weapon fighting).
Technically, there's also Fusillade which uses 4 small arms, but still, not the same thing as Two-Weapon Fighting from Pathfinder.

Ventnor |

Reach weapons now apparently can target adjacent enemies. So I'd use a pistol in the off hand for the occasional ranged attack
Taclashes are fairly weak damage-wise, as far as advanced weapons go. That’s why I think it’s a better idea to use a more powerful non-reach weapon in your other hand.
You’re not dealing as much damage as a dedicated 2-handed weapon user, but you do have more versatility in your tactics. That’s the trade off you’re making.

Cathulhu |

Cathulhu wrote:Reach weapons now apparently can target adjacent enemies. So I'd use a pistol in the off hand for the occasional ranged attackReturning starknife adds STR damage to ranged attacks.
Edit: also adds level to damage instead of half level for weapon specialization
Where is it that starknives get full level to damage? I never actually noticed anything about them, thrown weapons, or bows, and how they work with specialization.

Ventnor |

whew wrote:Where is it that starknives get full level to damage? I never actually noticed anything about them, thrown weapons, or bows, and how they work with specialization.Cathulhu wrote:Reach weapons now apparently can target adjacent enemies. So I'd use a pistol in the off hand for the occasional ranged attackReturning starknife adds STR damage to ranged attacks.
Edit: also adds level to damage instead of half level for weapon specialization
You get your character level added to the damage rolls of weapons you’re specialized in unless stated otherwise. The two cases in which it’s stated otherwise are Small Arms and Operative Weapons.