Alien Archives, Air Elemental, Feat: Flyby Attack

Rules Questions

Grand Lodge

12 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

I can't seem to find the "Flyby Attack" feat anywhere in the Alien Archive or Starfinder core rulebook feat. I'm assuming it works the same way as it did in Pathfinder, but very few things work the same so... what does "Flyby Attack" do?

It is only mentioned as the feat on the air elemental graft (p. 47 AA)

Only mention I see of it is the Air Elemental Graft in AA. No actual rules for it though, so...

A FAQ addition is definitely needed

I Imagine they took it out because spring attack is no longer just for land speed .....just says speed...which according to speed section means it's whatever speed your using ..(fly, swim, ect) .... so just replace it with spring attack

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Pathfinder Adventure, LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Reviving this thread as its still an issue, and has now been printed into more material.

Dawn of Flame repeated this error in the new elemental grafts in that AP's books, and a new stat block in Fly Free also uses the erroneous feat selection.

It's also important because its allowable for PC selection in a summon graft.

Xoshak4545 wrote:
I Imagine they took it out because spring attack is no longer just for land speed .....just says speed...which according to speed section means it's whatever speed your using ..(fly, swim, ect) .... so just replace it with spring attack

Per Dead Suns 4, we have a stat block supporting swapping it appropriately for Spring Attack, so I take this as precedent for an FAQ as well.


To further muddy the waters...

Kriegakos wrote:
Flyby Attack (Ex) As a full action, a kriegakos can fly up to its speed and make a single slam attack without provoking an attack of opportunity from the target of the attack. The kriegakos can move both before and after the attack, but must fly at least 10 feet before the attack, and the total distance flown can’t be greater than the kriegakos’s fly speed. The kriegakos can’t use this ability to attack a foe that it is adjacent to at the start of its turn. Before making the attack, the kriegakos can attempt an Acrobatics check with a DC equal to 20 + the target’s level or CR. If it succeeds at this check, the target is flat-footed to the kriegakos’s slam attack, and if that attack hits, it deals an additional 4d8 acid damage.

Pretty awesome ability to give to your summons ^_^

Nefreet wrote:

To further muddy the waters...

Kriegakos wrote:
Flyby Attack (Ex) As a full action, a kriegakos can fly up to its speed and make a single slam attack without provoking an attack of opportunity from the target of the attack. The kriegakos can move both before and after the attack, but must fly at least 10 feet before the attack, and the total distance flown can’t be greater than the kriegakos’s fly speed. The kriegakos can’t use this ability to attack a foe that it is adjacent to at the start of its turn. Before making the attack, the kriegakos can attempt an Acrobatics check with a DC equal to 20 + the target’s level or CR. If it succeeds at this check, the target is flat-footed to the kriegakos’s slam attack, and if that attack hits, it deals an additional 4d8 acid damage.
Pretty awesome ability to give to your summons ^_^

Well this is hilariously awkward! I'd love to have air elementals pop up using this and dealing acid damage too lol

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