"Flatten" Button Broken

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I'm having trouble keeping the view 'flattened'

The page layout keeps flipping back to the outline format with each forum title, not the latest posts.

It is an inconsistent problem that just started about 10-15 minutes ago.

Edit: Focus/Defocus

Now this setting keeps flipping as well.

Liberty's Edge

I experienced an issue with the Focus as well (suddenly a bunch of sticky threads that I don't remember reading were popping up).

THEN I experienced a more annoying glitch which took me to the main forum page and didn't save my work (fortunately it was a few words) when I submitted a post edit.

Liberty's Edge

Was going to edit my post to say that I posted about the broken edits glitch because the time frame makes me think they're caused by the same issue, but editing doesn't seem to work on this thread, either.

Paizo Employee Software Test Engineer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I'll investigate immediately.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

For staff:

I'm on a Win10 machine, Win10 Pro Version 1703, OS build 15063.674

Firefox 56.0 (32-bit)

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