Feinting penalties?

Rules Questions

So it's a -4 against non-humanoids, and a -8 against creatures with animal intelligence (1-2).

Obviously feinting a dragon is a -4 for being non-humanoid.

Feinting a human under the effects of feeblemind gives me a -8.

If I feint a dog, is it a -12 for being both non-humanoid and of animal intelligence?

Sovereign Court

Yes, penalties stack.

Scarab Sages

Merm7th wrote:

So it's a -4 against non-humanoids, and a -8 against creatures with animal intelligence (1-2).

Obviously feinting a dragon is a -4 for being non-humanoid.

Feinting a human under the effects of feeblemind gives me a -8.

If I feint a dog, is it a -12 for being both non-humanoid and of animal intelligence?

Yes, penalties stack. For a Dog, you might consider using Handle Animal, anyway. You'd be "Pushing" them if they didn't know the trick you wanted them to do.

Though the big "penalty" on feint is that the DC can be determined by Sense Motive + 10, which isn't a hard skill to level up.

And don't forget that feint auto-fails if the target lacks an intelligence score.

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