Wrath of the Righteous gestalted - We Will Not Surrender To The Evils Of Your Birth


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Ctrl-A then Ctrl-C can be a lifesaver, too. Of course, you always remember to do it right after you hit 'Submit Post'...

Anyway, I think Haruto here is all done. Quick note: he follows the Japanese/Chinese name order, meaning Ueto is his family name and Haruto is his given name.

Liberty's Edge

Yes, I usually do copy and paste. Then I switched tabs, forgot about it, and overwrote it with cat pictures. Natural 1 on Wisdom.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

That's happened to me so many times...

Also, it looks like my combination of indecision and busyness has resulted in every distinct role having at least one application already... I'm probably going to submit something and I apologize to whoever's toes I step on.

I'm half considering trying my hand at building Golarion's greatest swordsman for this, probably involving either straight Fighter and Sleuth Investigator or Unchained Rogue of some kind but I'm honestly not sure how well that would measure up compared to the Paladins, Rangers, and Clerics based ideas that are kicking around already.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

@Han- That's kind of my problem too... I have a fighter/investigator build that would be cool (and has an interesting background), and he would potentially do a lot of damage late game but it seems like a shame not to have any magic and I don't want to be kicking out so much damage that the GM has to up everything's hp to the point other players feel like they're not keeping up. Then I have an idea for an alchemist/arcanist that I really like but I'm worried he might be too fragile, and that his bombs will be completely worthless against challenges scaled for melee monsters. I have a couple more 'middle of the road' ideas but those are the ones where I most likely to step on toes (and are mostly not as fleshed out in my mind).

@GM- do you have a power level in mind that you're hoping for? It seems from the stat restrictions that you want high-powered but not over the top?

@nate don't be deterred by being too powerful or too fragile because its a party game and I believe in WotR that you fight mass combat as well.

There'll always be monsters that are immune or resistant to whatever damage you do, and other players to balance that.

Create what you want to play and the it'll be up to selection to balance it out.

Shadow Lodge

@nate and Han
That's why much of my future character build is centered around making the party stronger (item crafting, bodyguard, flagbearrer, possibly teamwork feats) and making the enemy weaker (curmudgeon smash, dazzling display)
But my to hit is good and can get better with cleric spells buffing me and my familiar getting my combat feats means I have a little buddy to apply some of those buffs to me and make those debuffs work better and more consistently with a second set of actions

Of course some of that will have to wait until I can get an improved familiar so I can have a little buddy with arms

To thrain, satisfaction isn't found in who can fight the best and kill the demons the fastest and hardest
True satisfaction is found in ensuring everyone survives and in equipping others to succeed

If Thrain were to be told the tales of Arthurian lore and was then asked who he most wanted to emulate, he wouldn't say King Arthur or Merlin he'd leobably say the lady of the lake for her finding the most capable warrior and equipping him with the most powerful holy sword in existence (though the loyalty of lancealot is also commendable)

This got longer than I thought it would

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

LF2- my alchemist/arcanist would probably be largely a buffer too, the most worrisome thing about him is that he'd only have d8 HD and at least until we get into mythic his defenses would be no better than a standard wizard...

Shadow Lodge

Well, you'd have an alchemical bonus to con or dex, alternatively even if you went alchemical bonus to int, that still gives a natural armor bonus
Between your two classes you'd also have all good saves
And there is an arcanist exploit that lets you counterspell as an immediate action, so you don't have to worry about other spell casters, and for the melee guys, your allies are there to provide a meat wall
Throw on accelerated drinker and you can do a decent job of in battle self healing

Silver Crusade

Two questions:

1: When you say "maximum gold for your class," do you mean max for both classes added together?

2: Are we allowed multiple submissions?

Anak-cakar, Chosen of Achaekek

Theme song


So it was in those days that evil roamed freely about the land, and the forces of good were powerless to protect the innocent. Madness took hold of the people, and those gripped in its thrall consorted with foul creatures from the Abyss and made sacrifices unto the Demon Lords, the very oppressors that had corrupted them. Their hearts were as black as their masters, their deeds as wicked, and many fell to their cruel depravity.

One boy, not yet a man, was taken, and his body was tormented as his soul was forced to bathe in their evil, but unlike so many others, he did not die. His body was left wracked with the scars of vile rituals, his mind broken by hatred. As he lay, still yet to die, the boy cried out for vengeance. With his dying breaths, he pledged himself forevermore to any who would grant him his hateful release.

This boy, not yet a man, did not live to hear his prayers answered, did not live to receive the deliverance he demanded. And so the boy, never to be a man, found himself in the Boneyard, awaiting final judgment before the throne of the Lady of Graves. Even as he stepped forward, just the shell of a ghost devoid of all memories of self save for vengeance-thirst on dying lips, a great gash was rent in space. From the hole, torn open from the other side, stepped through a hellish sight - a monstrous mantis, red as the blood that dripped from its claws. Achaekek, He Who Walks in Blood, took the boy for his own as Pharasma, Lady of Graves, raised not so much as one hand to stop it.

And so it was in that day that the boy, never to be a man, became something else. Now a creature, reborn of vengeance and hatred. Now a hunter of men, destined to slake the blood-thirst of nations. Now the embodiment of a prophecy, thought never to be fulfilled. When the Mantis strikes, the Locust will fall.

Achaekek, the Mantis God, was born of the gods' own jealousy to guard their divinity from those who would seek to usurp it for themselves. It is to the Mantis God that the rest now turn to lay low one of their own - Deskari, the Lord of the Locust Host. But Achaekek is a tool of the gods, his claws never to be turned against them. He Who Walks in Blood cannot kill a god, be they angel or demon. For better or for worse, the gods, even Achaekek, cannot interfere in the Worldwound.

The Red Mantis are no mere assassins, and Anak-cakar, Chosen of Achaekek, is no mere Red Mantis. He appeared one day in the Crimson Citadel with no memory of himself, but eager to serve He Who Walks in Blood. On the day of his arrival, the Blood Mistress received a strange vision - a mantis and a locust clashing. Just at the moment when the locust prepared to strike the final blow against the losing mantis, it was beheaded with one fell swipe of the mantis's claw.

The significance of this vision was a mystery to the Blood Mistress, but even through the haze of meaning she recognized Achaekek's will, and the new arrival was trained in their ways. The arrival - whatever he or it was, it was not human - proved voracious and single-minded in its dedication to the holy rite of assassination. Where others would lose themselves to the pleasures of the Honey Gardens after a successful mission, this stranger - this Anniyan - would return to the Pagoda of the Mantis and spend hours in prayer and ritual.

Meaning was finally accorded to the Blood Mistress's vision one day when she received a most interesting missive. Queen Galfrey of Mendev, in either a stroke of genius or a fit of desperation, sought a contract - on Deskari, the Locust Lord of Hosts. And so Anniyan was summoned, and before the Blood Mistress and the Vernai, he was told of his purpose. No more was he Anniyan - he was named Anak-cakar, Chosen of Achaekek. He would be sent to Kenabres and make his way beyond the Wardstones, to the heart of the Worldwound. His presence would show the world that even Achaekek stood against the tide of chaos that threatened to overtake Golarion. He would succeed where all others had failed and accomplish for Achaekek what the gods themselves could not do. He would cut a swathe through the demon hordes and turn the tide of the failing Fourth Crusade, and at the end of it all, he would assassinate Deskari.

Physical description:
Anak-cakar is the Chosen of Achaekek, and it shows. Even when he removes the infamous helmet, he bears some strange resemblance to a mantis. Shaggy snow-white hair can't disguise the short antennae the sprout from his head, and even with his blood-red irises, nobody would mistake him for a mere albino. His skin is dry, almost hardened like chitin, and his fingers are too long to be natural. When he takes off his armor, his frame is somehow much smaller than the armor would indicate. From far away he might be able to pass for a more normal sort of humanoid, but up close, it would be less unsettling if he would just keep the armor on.

Anak-cakar, once dead, now lives for one purpose - to destroy Deskari. He has no memories of anything but the Crimson Citadel, which is not unusual for a Red Mantis Assassin; each assassin willingly forsakes their former life, memories and all, when they come to the Crimson Citadel.

Or rather, he had no memories.

Ever since he received his mission, he has been having dreams of a different life. Most of the dreams are just flashes - scraps of someone else's mundane existence. But one recurring nightmare plagues him. In this dream, like all of the dreams, he is not Anak-cakar, Chosen of Achaekek, but a human boy. And he is in great agony. A demon cult has abducted him and subjected him to rituals of unspeakable evil. Every time he wakes, he can taste the boy's dying cries for vengeance, still fresh on his own lips. Now in Kenabres, he finds, to his own confusion, that he recognizes the city. He has never been to Kenabres, never even left the Crimson Citadel except for a few glorious assassinations. Most disturbingly, some part of him recognizes one of the other crusaders. Who is Anevia Tirabade, and why does he remember her as a younger girl?

Ever since the dreams began, doubt has started to creep into his mind. Never before has Anak-cakar, once Anniyan, had cause to waver in his faith or wonder at his purpose. But now, even as he begins his holy quest, he finds himself wondering if maybe there had been a life before the Crimson Citadel, and if remembering that life isn't somehow key to completing his sacred ritual. If there is one thing he knows, it is that these dreams have given him an unquenchable desire to spill the blood of demons and those who would worship them.

Kill demons, discover his past, assassinate Deskari.

Anak-cakar, Chosen of Achaekek, is serious and single-minded in his determination to complete his mission. Unburdened of the need to operate in secrecy, he has the confidence and sureness of purpose of a holy knight knowing that he carries out the will of his god and all gods. He takes pleasure in the range of reactions that his presence on the battlefield provokes in others - for most, the Red Mantis Assassins are a myth, and one they'd rather wasn't true. And to see one, to fight alongside one with similar purpose, creates in even the most zealous worshipers of Iomedae a crisis of conscious that is splendid to witness.

Ever since coming to Kenabres, he has begun to notice changes within himself. He is discovering new facets to his persona, new reactions to the world that he never experienced in the Crimson Citadel. Just the other day, he said something that might have been a joke, and when he sees the pain and suffering of others, some part of him feels something that he imagines must be sympathy. Such feelings do not belong to him, least of all these sudden doubts. Assassination is not easy; if it were, it would not be a worthy veneration of He Who Walks in Blood. But the Vernai do not send their agents on suicide missions. He, Anak-cakar, Chosen of Achaekek, was blessed by his god with the greatest honor imaginable. His calling had been confirmed in direct communion with Achaekek himself! Why is it that now, of all times, would he begin to feel... fear?

Direct, determined, but increasingly given over to random displays of other emotions. There is a lot going on in his head that has him confused as parts of his former self begin to manifest for unknown reasons.

Plot hooks:
Who was he before his rebirth? Who were the cultists that subjected him to their ritual, and what was its purpose? What is Anevia Tirabade's connection to his past life? When all is said and done, will there be anything left of him, or can an assassin learn that there's life after revenge?

On a different note, what price did Queen Galfrey promise in exchange for this mythic assassination? How does the open and unconcealed presence of a Red Mantis Assassin challenge or change the character and ideals of the Crusade?

Note on alignment:
You said LE only with a really good reason to fight demons. Anak has every reason to fight demons, even so far as taking it all the way to the City of Locusts. He has no reason to fight the other PCs or members of other faiths (as long as they aren't demon cultists), and the only creature he's even obligated to kill is Deskari himself. With the official (if not public) backing of Queen Galfrey and a mission specifically to represent Achaekek's faith alongside the others in the Worldwound, there's no reason for problematic conflict. Furthermore, as he regains his memories and the lost parts of himself, his alignment will hopefully shift toward LN.

Build concept:
Anak is mostly a striker. With Smite Chaos and Sneak Attack on top of Two-Weapon Fighting with crit-fishing, his big trick will eventually be huge single-target damage. In the meantime, he's also something of a tank. With decent HP and AC, all good saves, full BAB, and Lay on Hands, he's a front-line fighter that happens to hugely benefit from cooperative action like flanking. I'd also like to take the Red Mantis Assassin PrC on one side of the gestalt, because it's iconic and not something you'd normally get to play. I'd plan on going straight Champion path.

Considering an aasimar bard/oracle or paladin/bard. Rolling for alternatives to the spell-like abilities.

1d100 ⇒ 36
1d100 ⇒ 59
1d100 ⇒ 23

Shadow Lodge

I was looking at the various mythic paths and hetrophiant doesn't really help my build much, being a warpriest and not a cleric druid or oracle so I'm considering changing my campaign trait to child of the crusade or exposed to awfulness
Child of the crusade would not require a change to backstory but exposed to awfulness would

Shadow Lodge

Oh right
I can go duel path
Nvm I'm good

Okay, my actual submission. I went through five or six concepts before I got something that I liked and that I had a good time creating a story for. Let me know if you (you being anybody here) have any questions or thoughts in general.

Lothar Khalidson, Untouchable Primalist Bloodrager (celestial bloodline)//Oath of Vengeance and Holy Light Paladin:
Lothar Khalidson
Male human (Kellid) bloodrager (primalist, untouchable rager) 1/paladin (oath of vengeance, warrior of the holy light) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 15, 84, 85, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 118, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 60)
LG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +3
AC 16, touch 10, flat-footed 14 (+6 armor, +2 Dex, -2 rage)
hp 14 (1d10+4)
Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +3
Speed 40 ft. (30 ft. in armor)
Melee earth breaker +4 (2d6+13/×3) with rage and power attack; I will create separate weapons reflected the various combinations of skills
Special Attacks angelic attacks, bloodrage (13 rounds/day), smite evil 1/day (+3 attack and AC, +1 damage)
Paladin Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +4)
. . At will—detect evil
Str 20, Dex 14, Con 19, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 17
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 16
Feats Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, Extra Rage, Power Attack, Reckless Rage[ACG]
Traits stolen fury, wary of danger
Skills Craft (armor) +3, Heal +3, Intimidate +7, Linguistics +0, Perception +3, Survival +3
Languages Abyssal, Common, Hallit
SQ fast movement
Other Gear chainmail, earth breaker[UE], 110 gp
Special Abilities
Angelic Attacks (Su) Melee attacks are good-aligned, and do +1d6 to evil outsiders.
Bloodrage (13 rounds/day) (Su) +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 to Will saves, -2 to AC when enraged.
Combat Expertise +/-1 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Deadly Aim -1/+2 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Detect Evil (At will) (Sp) You can use detect evil at will (as the spell).
Fast Movement +10 (Ex) +10 feet to speed, unless heavily loaded.
Power Attack -2/+4 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Smite Evil (1/day) (Su) +3 to hit, +1 to damage, +3 deflection bonus to AC when used.

Lothar's story:
Lothar, Son of Khalid, was born during the titanic clash between the balor Khorramzadeh and Terendelev the silver dragon. The abyssal rage and righteous fury combined for days as the two wreaked havoc around the Worldwound, turning night into day and sundering the ground where they fought. Khalid took his son’s birth as a portent of his destiny and nearly from the moment that he could walk, trained Lothar in the techniques to harness his own anger, fear, hatred, and determination, and direct it inwards to overcome the physical limitations of his body – Lothar’s training was an effort to return to the roots of all Avistanian barbarians and become something more than a simple berserker. The warriors of Sarkoris, before its destruction, were renowned and are remembered as a mixture of a witch’s arcane powers and the stereotypical barbarian’s ferocity, channeling both into something greater than the sum of its parts.

But it was not to be. Lothar was a fine warrior, and a better craftsman, but he seemed to focus on reacting to danger and defending himself and others from it, rather than seeking out the thrill of battle. Even his smithing abilities were better suited to creating armor than weapons, and his own weapon of choice was a hammer, rather than an axe or sword or even his bare hands – common in tales of those primal fighters, many choosing to take on traits of animals in their bloodlust. Lothar himself was a reserved young man, and although he tried his hardest to make his father proud, he always felt that he had come up short in that regard, and that he could do so much more if he could just find the inner fire that he seemed to be missing. When Lothar’s religious tendencies are asked about, Lothar will willingly admit that he often offered prayers to the Dwarven deities Torag and Angradd – the defensive tactics and strategic thinking from Torag reflecting Lothar’s own temperament, combined with the aggressive tactics prevalent in Angradd’s methods reflecting Lothar’s barbarian heritage – and both are worshipped alongside Gorum as a source of strength and the patron of his raging tactics.

Knowing that his family, his clan, and his sister clans are beset on all sides – the demons of the Worldwound to the west, the orcs of Belkzen to the south, the dinosaurs and then the White Witches of Irrisen to the west, Lothar spun in a circle to pick a direction and set out on his own as soon as his father and the clan elders approved of the request. In what can only be divine providence from Desna herself, Lothar found himself walking into the twisted, shifting landscape of the Worldwound. Lothar, despite whatever Desna might have wanted, decided to go around the demonic wasteland rather than attempt to fight his way through it on his way to Nerosyan, the capital of Mendev and the center of the ongoing crusades against the demonic plague.

Unfortunately, life is never as straightforward as it should be. Lothar was set upon by ten cultists of some demon lord – he never did learn which one – and managed to slaughter seven of them before he was overwhelmed and incapacitated. When he woke, he found himself bound to a stone table, in what looked to be an ancient demonic temple. There were several others on similar tables around him, bound as he was, evenly spaced in a circle around an alter that Lothar could only see the back of from his spot. The soft, rhythmic chanting of the high priest drew Lothar’s attention, and he caught the eye of one of the cultists – or at least he thought it was the eye. With their deep hood drawn up, no features were visible for Lothar to focus on, except a pair of burning red specks where Lothar assumed the cultist’s eyes would be. And, of course, not being versed in the Abyssal language, the sigils and runes on the cultists’ blood red robes and carved into the walls and pillars in the temple provided no information at all. But there, as Lothar looked into the shadowed visage of whatever it might be, Lothar’s focus narrowed and he knew one thing above all others: he did not want to die.

At first, the change in Lothar was miniscule, and expected. His muscles tensed, his heart began to race, his vision began to narrow, and Lothar noticed out of the corner of his eye, a cache of weapons – likely from the prisoners – in a corner of the room. The chanting from the priest grew louder and Lothar knew that he had precious little time to disrupt the ritual, but right then, a small butterfly, so completely out of place in the temple, landed on the binding around Lothar’s right wrist, and Lothar knew that he would be able to get free, stop the ritual, and help the others escape. With a prayer to Desna for freedom from the bindings, and a roar borne of pure focus, Lothar pulled the chains straight out of the stone with a shower of rubble. A quick yank later and Lothar’s legs were free and he charged past the single cultist between him and the weapons. There in the pile, lay his own massive war hammer, and his smaller, throwing hammer. Lothar grabbed both and found his first target: the High Priest, still chanting. Still attempting to focus and finish the ritual - which Lothar noted that he could now understand, though he did not know why. Making his choice, Lothar charged the High Priest, cutting down the few who dared to step in his way, barely slowing his stride in the process before finally smashing his hammer into the High Priest’s face with all of his might.

A thunderous [b][larger]CRACK[/larger]/[b] and a moment of utter darkness permeated the room, and when Lothar could see again, the altar in the center of the room had shattered, the cultists were sprawled out on the floor, several of the other prisoners had managed to free themselves and join in the fight though the ritual had taken its toll from them each of them as well, and Lothar finally fell to his knees, exhausted. It was only later, once he had regained his strength and left the temple desecrated and ruined, and finally continued on his journey towards Nerosyan that the enormity of what had occurred registered to Lothar. He had found that spark, that fire which allowed him to transcend what he could have accomplished on his own. He had found his destiny, as a fabled Bloodrager. And more than that, several symbols have appeared on Lothar’s body. A small butterfly on his left wrist and the Sword in the Mountain on his right wrist have each marked him as a servant of deities – Gorum, the favored deity of barbarians, and Desna, the favored deity of travelers and those seeking freedom, the two deities of his youth, his heritage. And then the stylized hammer of Torag on Lothar’s left shoulder, and Angradd’s smoking forge on Lothar’s right shoulder – his deities of choice and the ones that suit him most in his mind’s eye. Lothar vowed then that he would live up to this blessing. He would become a Paladin in their names. And he would begin by reaching Nerosyan, and cleansing the Worldwound of the demonic scourge once and for all.

Appearance and personality:
Lothar, like most Kellids is taller than the average human, standing 5’ 10” but is built lean – the land of their home does not produce enough to allow Kellids to get fat. His hair is very dark and shoulder length all around. He does not bother with attempting to tie it back or tie it up, he just lets it hang as it will. His eyes are a muted blue, though when he enters a bloodrage, they go pure white, reflecting the celestial origin of his power.

Lothar is more quiet than one might expect of a barbarian, not quite to the point of brooding, just… reserved. He lets the people who want to think about tactics do so, either making his own path in the meantime, or waiting for direction from one he trusts to lead him. Of course, all of that gets thrown to the wayside when confronted with demons and their cultists. Prodded on by multiple good-aligned deities, and often recalling his near-sacrifice, Lothar will never hold anything back against those borne of pure evil, nor does he distinguish between demon, daemons, and devils. They should all be returned to their particular hell, and if possible, pursued and destroyed.

Inspiration picture

Walugi, have you been able to look at the Mythic Hero's Handbook yet?

I'd like to know if we are allowed more than one submission just because I know that as an LE character you need a really good one and I wanna play regardless of alignment

Should hopefully have my submission completed by the end of tomorrow.

A mite bit worried we may have lost the GM, hope we didn't scare him away....

Shadow Lodge

That would be exceedingly disapointing

Lord Foul II wrote:
That would be exceedingly disapointing

Agreed. There are only a couple of characters where I've enjoyed making a backstory quite as much as for Lothar.

I certainly hope he's still here as well. Even if I don't get in, it would be fun to watch.

And I was looking forward to being all mysterious in a high-power campaign, too.

Shadow Lodge

... maybe someone else could DM?

I mean don't get me wrong, I hope he comes back, but there's a plethora of good characters here

Heck, if someone's willing to take on such a high power table, they could DM for whoever doesn't make the cut.

Of course, that would involve not playing, so might not be good for everyone.

Shadow Lodge

Also they'd have to have the book

Silver Crusade

This looks entertaining, to say the least. A gestalt Wrath game would probably be epic as epic can be, assuming the pre-existing balance issues of WotR could be corrected. From personal experience with this AP, book one is trying to not get your face stomped in, then you proceed to put on the steel-shod stompers and basically Mr.T demons the other 5 books.

There is a way to fix it and I would be happy to help the GM with some ideas if he is looking for any help with balancing encounters and making accomodations for increased PC power. With Dretches, for instance, the Creature Mob Template does wonders, turning a boring, easy fight fight with a single demon about as strong as a brain-dead Kobold into a brawl with a frothing horde of the things that actually poses a threat.

Shadow Lodge

Would you be interested in DMing?

Silver Crusade

While the idea is appealing to me, I would like to see what this guy has in store. I have already ran the AP once and enjoy other peoples take on the campaign, seeing what they can come up with to push it from the solid framework into a full-blown Godzilla-sized chunk of awesome.

I am already running one game and don't want to take up another so soon, as it's both bad form to make commitments so soon and I am working on some submissions for two games that I intend to play in, which leaves me with little time to gear up for a new campaign.

So, for now at least, I will politely decline.

Shadow Lodge

He's not posted since the 22nd, but I understand not wanting to overburden yourself

Silver Crusade

Thanks for understanding.

I will monitor the thread to see how things are progressing as I am intrigued at the prospect of how a game like this would go. If anyone decides to step up, my offer for innovative encounter redesigns and general advice still stands.

Shadow Lodge

I do hope there is something to monitor lol

Damn. I saw six new posts on here and got all excited.

Yeah, stop playing with people's feelings :P

Haha yea, I was hopeful too.

I was gonna apply, so the game was cursed. It's how it works.

Yep. I was all, "Ooo, the GM's back", but nope, not happening. Still interested if someone wants to step up and GM.

If someone does want to GM, but can't afford the PDFs, I would be happy to help out in order to get the game going. Contact me by PM if so.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

I definitely can’t take on an AP... and right now I cant take on any new GMing at all... but... if all goes well I have an idea for a single adventure (possibly leading to other single adventures) that I might be recruiting for in January... I haven’t finished planning it yet but I’m thinking somewhere around 9-11th level, gestalt, probably with one mythic tier... so if nobody steps up you all can file away your ideas until then

Shadow Lodge

Sorry for getting everyone's hope up

Fingers crossed somebody takes this game up. I’d love to play it out


Might wanna get your hopes up a bit more.

I might be able to take this up, but there will almost certianly be some (likely minor) changes to the premise and some full disclosure hiccups to be mentioned.

When i get home, i'll put together the full details.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

So, the upsides-

I can Probobly get the game going.
I've GM'd a fair bit.
I have waaaay too much free time on my hands, often.

The downsides-

I've never ran a premade adventure path.

I may need some help on some of the technical aspects- such as, if the book includes any sort of map, I may need help to figure out how to move said map to something players can see and interact with.

The other things-
Recruitment will be rerun for a while, allowing those who have showed interest to grab a spot back.

The game will likely not be run quite the same as waluigi intended.

I'm almost certianly going to modify the module on some level.

There will almost certainly be homebrew stuff.

The charecter creation process will be slightly changed.

There are other things i'm considering and may pitch later, but these are the big deal things that will fundimantally make or break if you want to bother, I'd imagine.

So that's the heaping pile of catches.

If i get some interest, I'll fire up a new recruitment with the changes.

Wrath of the Righteous recruitments always get a lot of attention, I say go for it.

Willing and waiting

I'll certainly be keeping an eye on the thread to see your new take on the campaign!

Liberty's Edge

I'd still be interested, and willing to help with any technicality.

Interested, of course. I might even change the character to avoid clustering the Divine+Martial spot.

Keep hammering out the details of what you'd want to do, icehawk333, and let us know! 'Cause I'd be more than willing to try this AP out -- the gestalt factor alone leads me to double-down! I have no experience with mythic rules, however . . . .

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