Hurricane Irma (2017)

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Oh god, Fort Meyers got hit hard. As in walls of water hard.

I hope she's OK.

Praying over here.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Me too. *worries*

Everyone else in those regions, hope all remains safe for you.

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If you know anyone in Carolinas (Rysky?) take storm surge v seriously. Comes on very fast and is very powerful, if you're not watching for it, you won't have time to pack or even evacuate.

Cellphone service has been completely borked since start of storm. Only sms texting was working intermittently, just discovered cell internet started working about 5 min ago. Prob not get power back on until Monday according to power guy from Tx who drove down our street today.

Local damage is mind boggling. This is not Charley or Irma damage, bigger than Donna, maybe bigger than Andrew damage. Hurricne Ian slowed, then stopped just offshore on approach so area got pounded extra long as it was very slow to move on. Barrier islands got 12-18 ft storm surge. Even recent buildings at new hurricane code got massive damage. Several local bridges heavily damaged unsafe & unpassible. St James City bridge gone. Newish Sanibel Causeway missing several huge chunks just gaps one 50-60 yards; one of center roadway causeway islands almost completey washed away. Main north Fort Myers Beach bridge seems navigable but police had to close it/guard to non-residents because so many people trying to drive in to gawk/ photo/video the destruction and residents trying to clean up. Many coastal mainland areas still under water surge still hadnt completely receeded there. Couple hospitals no power or water, so evacing patients out.

We saw 10ft plus storm surge on our road stopped barely before it came into house. Some minor damage to roof shingles on garage apt lots of trees down had to chainsaw limbs off equinox suv to free it. No power, tap water boil only, generator capacitor failed and camping power not strong/amp enough so everything in fridges & chest deep freeze is spoiled. Still have canned food & bottled water, propane camping stove works (coffee!!!!); publixes started opening today on generator power but no ice water or perishables. 5 or less gas stations in county open on generators. Most stores & gas stations cant open until power restored.

Sister's family same situation as us. My brother & his wife only spotted storm surge rising up their road in Olga (about 10 miles east further inland), only had time to grab few things and carrier their cat. They only just got out in his big work truck in thigh deep water other neighbors couldnt. Today discovered water rose up almost 5ft inside their house lost everything including her new car, no flood insurance. They lived next street over from canal and hurricane pushed storm surge up the Caloosahatchee River 30+ miles inland to their house.

Will try to check in again over weekend but dont expect for me certain until power & dsl back on. Thanks for being concerned it means a lot.

Glad you're safe, but man that sounds rough. Good luck.

Silver Crusade

Sorry, Tennessee.

*sends more hugs*

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

So glad to hear you're safe, Amby, even with all you are having to cope with. Sounds like you are well prepped, at least. Sorry to hear about your brother's family's house.

Amby, so glad you are safe.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

So happy you are safe, Amby.

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Thanks again for thinking of me.

Several of the street lights at intersections on the mail blvd are working as well as several gas stations, though some seem to running from generators. Long lines for gas. Several food trucks up and running with hot meals, at least one giving away food. The ballparks in Lee & Charlotte are giving away free water and mres.

WinnDixie and two Publixes by us are back open, and we got a couple days worth of perishable groceries and ice. And a 24pk of cold beer. Im not much of a beer drinker normally, and Im not a fan of this cheap Busch that Dad likes, but I'm on my second can and it really hits the spot. Cold beer, a sliced deli chicken sandwich w tomatoes & sharp cheddar, and plain potato chips is close to heaven right now.

Saw a 6-8 truck convoy of emergency supplies pass us coming in from Maryland. We also saw a couple power company crane trucks surveying the houses on our road this morning, so hopefully thats a good portent.

Brother and his wife have already thrown out everything from their house, including a lot of savable stuff. She is in full manicpanic mode and riding his last nerve. I know its traumatic for them both but jesus woman. I may need to trank her with some of my leftover xanax.

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Yay! You're alive!!

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captain yesterday wrote:
Yay! You're alive!!

Yep, all thanks to WIS being my dump stat. As Commander Riker would say, "Fate protects fools, little children, and ships named Enterprise."

Or as Uncle G.R.Я̆ .R.Я̈ .R.Я̄ .R.ᴚ. "Marty" Xanxost would say:

"That which is Dumb may never die.
Never, never put salt in your eyes.
These Baatezu are dead, it's time for pie."

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Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I was born in Florida and moved out before my 1st birthday. It is probably the wisest decision I ever made. ;)

Grand Lodge

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Wow, talking about waking up an old Thread.

For whatever reason, this one didn't worry me as much as Irma did a few years ago -- still in Sarasota on the water.

I stayed home for this one -- didn't even lose electricity (internet was out for 36 hours).

Some of my friends were without electricity for a few days, some for over a week. I feel sad for one of my friends -- he and she just moved down here from Philly about 10 months ago (their first hurricane) and they have four kids the oldest of whom is 6, and she's pregnant. And wouldn't you know it, their roof was badly damaged; two rooms of their place were flooded out. They have to live elsewhere for a while while FEMA gets to them. Their First hurricane and they have a bundle of little ones running around -- and she's pregnant. Plus, his work is stunted because of the hurricane, but that has picked up again by now -- and FEMA has put them pretty near top of the list so they're getting the help they need quickly.

(And I never lost power.)

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