Enemy drinks Dreamtime tea

Rules Questions

What happens after I give my enemy Dreamtime Tea via Beguiling Gift? Once he falls asleep can he be woken from attacks like a sleep spell or is he basically out cold for 2D12 minutes and can't be woken up from attacks?

when sleeping a creature can be woken up if taking damage or by aid another, but since dreamtime tea specifically say they are unconscious they can't be woken up unless the duration is expire or you have something that stop the unconscious condition

Thanks, seems like a decent early game strategy. Thanks John!

Drugs in Pathfinder are significantly exploitable. Before a GM  allows use of them I'd recommend implementing some house rules (These rules should really be implemented by Paizo for the game too though):

1. Drugs cannot be weaponized like poisons
2. Anything immune to poison are immune to drugs as well

Even then there might be some other problems still around, but those two are the main ones.

I don't see anything particularly problematic about using Beguiling Gift with drugs though, since that's the whole conceptual intent of the spell.

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