Starfinder Society Programs - Retail & Promotional Boons (Perks)

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Sovereign Court 4/5 * Organized Play Manager

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Given that it is taking longer than desired to get the Starfinder Society webpages up, the team decided to post the Starfinder versions of the Retail Support Policy and the information on the Perks program as a stickied message. This is valid for use until it gets posted on the policy portion of the Org Play website.

This program is designed to encourage players to reward retail locations that are providing space for Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild players. Locations utilizing the program should advertise its presence to their clientele. We realize that each location is unique, and has an overriding right to determine what is best for their business, so participation in this program is not mandatory. In cases where the specifics of the program don't align well with the retail's procedures (for example, if they don't provide receipts, or they run daily tabs), the event coordinator should work with the retailer to best approximate the intent of the policy.
Game stores and other retail locations are an important part of the Starfinder Society community, and it's important to support them so that they continue to provide support for Starfinder Society play. Under this program, players can redeem receipts in exchange for modest benefits for the entire party.
Redeeming a receipt simply involves showing it to the event coordinator, who marks the receipt to denote that it was used. A player can only use a receipt in this way on the day of the purchase, and only for an event at that venue. The receipt need not include Paizo products—any products the venue sells count as qualifying purchases. Players cannot acquire or redeem receipts during their own turn or during any player's encounter; otherwise, players can acquire and redeem receipts during play only when doing so does not significantly disrupt gameplay.
If the combined value of the receipts redeemed by players at the table exceeds $10, all of the characters at the table receive the ongoing benefit described below, and each character chooses one of the single-use benefits described below. If the combined value exceeds $50, you may use the enhanced version of the applicable benefits instead. (In countries that use currencies other than US Dollars, use approximate equivalents of $10 and $50; don't worry too much about figuring out the exact exchange rate.) The ongoing benefit lasts for up to 5 hours, and each character may use their chosen one-time benefit once in each scenario played during those 5 hours. Characters can only receive the benefits once during any 5-hour block. No matter how many receipts the players have, the table can never use the same benefit more than once during a game session; they can, however, gain both benefits during a session.
Ongoing Benefit (for all characters)

Harder to Kill: Reduce the number of Resolve Points required to stabilize by 1.
Enhanced Version: Reduce the number of Resolve Points required to stabilize by 2.

Single-Use Benefits (each character chooses one)

Cheaper Healing: Before the end of the session, you can use the benefit to reduce the Fame cost of purchases listed on the Basic Purchasing Plan boon* by 1 (minimum 0). Qualifying purchases include dispel magic, lesser restoration, make whole, remove affliction, break enchantment, greater dispel magic, restoration, regenerate, or raise dead. Enhanced Version: Reduce the cost above the cost by 2.
*(Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide page 27).

Recover from Wounds: Anytime you spend a Resolve Point to regain Stamina Points through resting, you can recover 2 points of ability damage.
Enhanced Version: Increase the amount of ability damage recovered to 4.

Bonus Wealth: If you do not use the subsidized healing benefits above, you can instead choose to roll twice and take the higher result when rolling a Day Job check.
Enhanced Version: You also increase the credits you earn from the Day Job result by 50%. This does not stack with other boons that apply to Day Job checks.

Paizo Employee 4/5 Organized Play Lead Developer

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Promotional Boons

As a thank you to players visibly supporting Paizo’s organized play programs, players wearing/using the qualifying items on this page may benefit from the corresponding Promotional boon. A character can only slot one Promotional boon, unless she has a special rule that overrides this (such as the Acquisitives Sponsorship Social boon).

Slotting Promotional Boons: A Promotional boon is slotted at the same point in a scenario when other boons are slotted. To slot a Promotional boon, the player must meet the prerequisites listed with the specific boon. These prerequisites most often include physical possession of a physical gaming accessory.

Promotional Boons

Boon Name & Description

    Promotional Bonus — Gain a once-per-session bonus on skill checks

    Promotional Convention Support — Gain a once-per-session Hit Point boost

    Promotional Record Keeper — Gain a once-per-session stamina regain or lower a starship skill check DC

    Promotional Reroll — Gain a once-per-session reroll

    Promotional Service Award — Gain a once-per-session boon swap


Promotional Bonus (Promotional Boon)

You have brought an accessory that displays your visible support to Paizo’s organized play program. This grants you a skill bonus based on the faction your accessory promotes.

Prerequisites: Bring and display a qualifying faction pin to the game.

Benefit: Once per session, while wearing a Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Faction Pin matching the faction’s champion boon your character currently has slotted, you may add 2 to any skill check. If you apply this benefit to one of your faction's favored skills, listed below, you instead roll 2d4 and add the result. For this roll you also treat the faction's favored skill as if you were trained, even if you don't have a rank in it.

  • Acquisitives: Bluff and Profession

  • Dataphiles: Computers and Engineering

  • Exo-Guardians: Athletics and Intimidate

  • Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo): Diplomacy and Perception

  • Wayfinders: Life Science and Survival

Alternatively, once per scenario, while wearing a Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Faction Pin, you may add 2d4 to a Culture skill check. For this roll you also treat Culture as if you were trained, even if you don’t have a rank in it.


Promotional Convention Support (Promotional Boon)

You have brought an accessory that displays your visible support to Paizo’s organized play program. This grants you a onetime boost of Hit Points during a scenario.

Prerequisites: Bring and display an authorized convention support item to the game.

Benefit: Once per session, as a standard action, you can heal a number of Hit Points depending on your Reputation Tier with All Factions. If your Reputation Tier is 0 or 1, you regain 1d8 Hit Points. If your Reputation Tier is 2 or 3, you instead regain 3d8 Hit Points. If your Reputation Tier is 4, you instead regain 6d8 Hit Points.

Special: You can only slot this boon if the scenario is being run at the convention associated with the authorized convention support item. For an item to be considered an authorized convention support item, it must have prior approval from the Organized Play team. Event organizers are encouraged to email to verify the validity of convention items for this purpose.


Promotional Record Keeper (Promotional Boon)

You have brought an accessory that displays your visible support to Paizo’s organized play program. This grants you the ability to reduce the Resolve Point cost for a Stamina rest or to improve a starship-related skill check.

Prerequisites: Bring and display a Starfinder Player Character Folio to the game.

Benefit: You can use this boon, once per session, in one of two ways. The first option is to reduce the Resolve Point cost of resting to regain Stamina by 1 (down to 0 RP). The second option is to reduce the DC of any single starship combat check (including a gunnery check) by 4; this decision must be made before making the check.


Promotional Reroll (Promotional Boon)

You have brought an accessory that displays your visible support to Paizo’s organized play program. This grants you a onetime reroll during the session.

Prerequisites: Bring and display a qualifying t-shirt or messenger bag to the game.

Benefit: You can reroll a single d20 roll you make during the course of the scenario. You must follow all the reroll rules as listed on page 243 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook when using this reroll.

Special: When a player uses a free reroll, she may present her Paizo Organized Play membership card (available on their My Organized Play page) and receive an additional +1 for every GM nova she has earned, for a maximum of a +5. Note, this bonus applies to the higher result of the reroll, not just the second roll.


Promotional Service Award (Promotional Boon)

You have proven your dedication to Paizo’s organized play program. This grants you the ability to swap out a boon during a scenario.

Prerequisites: Bring and display a qualifying campaign service award (i.e. campaign service coin or Wayfinder).

Benefit: You can reroll a single d20 roll you make during the course of the scenario. You must follow all the reroll rules as listed on page 243 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook when using this reroll.

Alternatively, once per session, by spending ten minutes (including as part of spending a Resolve Point to regain lost Stamina), you can swap out any one boon for another boon that occupies the same boon slot. You cannot use this ability to replace a slotted boon with a boon that uses up or take place during Downtime. You cannot use this ability if you’ve already used the reroll option provided by this boon.

Special: When a player uses a free reroll, she may present her Paizo Organized Play membership card (available on their My Organized Play page) and receive an additional +1 for every GM nova she has earned, for a maximum of a +5. Note, this bonus applies to the higher result of the reroll, not just the second roll.

This boon’s second ability overrides the standard rule that once a boon is slotted it cannot be changed.

Dark Archive 4/5

Thank you for these! Question - For rerolls, is that supposed to be GM stars, or novas?

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Germany—Bavaria

Should those rerolls not work with Novas rather than GM stars ?

Sovereign Court 4/5 * Organized Play Manager

Alanya wrote:
Thank you for these! Question - For rerolls, is that supposed to be GM stars, or novas?

Novas! Fixed :)

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

Tonya Woldridge wrote:

Ongoing Benefit (for all characters)

Harder to Kill: Reduce the number of Resolve Points required to stabilize by 1.
Enhanced Version: Reduce the number of Resolve Points required to stabilize by 2.

Is this to a minimum of 1?

Doesn't this mean low level characters cannot be killed except through Con damage? (well, unless an NPC sits there and full attacks you every round...)

The Exchange 4/5

For clarification will the Bonus Wealth boon also benefit GMs?

Paizo Employee 5/5 Starfinder Society Developer

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Jared Thaler wrote:
Tonya Woldridge wrote:

Ongoing Benefit (for all characters)

Harder to Kill: Reduce the number of Resolve Points required to stabilize by 1.
Enhanced Version: Reduce the number of Resolve Points required to stabilize by 2.

Is this to a minimum of 1?

Doesn't this mean low level characters cannot be killed except through Con damage? (well, unless an NPC sits there and full attacks you every round...)

Should be to a minimum of 1. There's no "we can't be killed" option here. :)

3/5 5/55/55/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Ohio—Dayton

If I'm reading this correctly, you can't gain a bonus from a faction pin and a folio re-roll in the same scenario, because you have to choose which one to spot in your promotional slot. Do I have that right?

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/5 *

Already been asked where would someone find the faction pins?

Paizo Employee 5/5 Starfinder Society Developer

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paul worrall wrote:
For clarification will the Bonus Wealth boon also benefit GMs?

That's correct! GMs can benefit from this aspect of the boon, but only if they spend Downtime on a Day Job.

Paizo Employee 5/5 Starfinder Society Developer

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Athos710 wrote:
If I'm reading this correctly, you can't gain a bonus from a faction pin and a folio re-roll in the same scenario, because you have to choose which one to spot in your promotional slot. Do I have that right?

Correct. Unless you're an Acquisitive and have the Sponsorship / Shameless Sponsorship boons. Then you can potentially bring up to 3 promotional items to a session and receive the associated boons.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

So, faction pins can be ordered when? :)

Paizo Employee 4/5 Organized Play Lead Developer

Damanta wrote:
So, faction pins can be ordered when? :)

There's nothing I can share yet, though based on the success of the Pathfinder Society faction pins, this is definitely an avenue we're investigating.

Dark Archive 4/5

Roy, is that a nova next to your stars? Is that what they'll look like?

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

Athos710 wrote:
If I'm reading this correctly, you can't gain a bonus from a faction pin and a folio re-roll in the same scenario, because you have to choose which one to spot in your promotional slot. Do I have that right?

Well, you cannot get a folio reroll at all.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

Alanya wrote:
Roy, is that a nova next to your stars? Is that what they'll look like?

It looks like it is a placeholder for the graphic.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

Will you change the Quest: Into The Unknown to allow for someone to slot a Promotional Boon? As of right now, due to text in the module, Promotional Boons are not available.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

Thurston Hillman wrote:
Jared Thaler wrote:
Tonya Woldridge wrote:

Ongoing Benefit (for all characters)

Harder to Kill: Reduce the number of Resolve Points required to stabilize by 1.
Enhanced Version: Reduce the number of Resolve Points required to stabilize by 2.

Is this to a minimum of 1?

Doesn't this mean low level characters cannot be killed except through Con damage? (well, unless an NPC sits there and full attacks you every round...)

Should be to a minimum of 1. There's no "we can't be killed" option here. :)

Can we get it modified to "If either the basic or enhanced benfit would reduce the cost to 0, then that benefit can only be used once per game?"

Because otherwise you have to have a 18 stat and and level 6 to gain any benefit from this, and 22 stat and level 10 to benefit from the enhanced.

As it stands, only 6 of the level 8 pregens (and none of the lower level pregens) can benefit from even the basic benefit, and none can benefit from the enchanced.

The Exchange 4/5 5/5

Jared Thaler wrote:

Can we get it modified to "If either the basic or enhanced benfit would reduce the cost to 0, then that benefit can only be used once per game?"

Because otherwise you have to have a 18 stat and and level 6 to gain any benefit from this, and 22 stat and level 10 to benefit from the enhanced.

As it stands, only 6 of the level 8 pregens (and none of the lower level pregens) can benefit from even the basic benefit, and none can benefit from the enchanced.

I agree with your modification suggestion so that it is at least does something in the early levels.

With the way players build characters I suspect you'll see a lot of use for the basic version by level 5, and some use of the enhanced as early as level 8.

Level 5 = 2 RP
18 or 19 stat = 4 RP
Mk 1 Personal Upgrade = 1 RP
Extra Resolve = 2 RP

Level 8 = 4 RP
Extra Resolve = 2 RP
MK 2 Personal Upgrade = 2 RP
18 or 19 stat = 4 RP

4/5 5/55/5

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Whoohoo! Now if we can get the Regional Support Program up and running before my Starfinder Society September Spectacular event we'll be aces ;-)

3/5 *

Can we gwt confirmation that the Scotty's shirts from this year count for that reroll (or is there a list up somewhere)? I'm pretty sure Tonya and Thurston confirmed that to me at GenCon when the conversation came up, but it'd be great to have it written somewhere!

Liberty's Edge 1/5 5/55/55/55/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Illinois—Fairview Heights

DrakeRoberts wrote:
Can we gwt confirmation that the Scotty's shirts from this year count for that reroll (or is there a list up somewhere)? I'm pretty sure Tonya and Thurston confirmed that to me at GenCon when the conversation came up, but it'd be great to have it written somewhere!

According to this FB post from Tonya, this morning, they are not.

The Exchange 4/5 *

Sebastian Hirsch wrote:
Should those rerolls not work with Novas rather than GM stars ?

When you are playing Pathfinder you use your GM stars on your reroll, and when playing Starfinder you use your GM nova on your reroll.

3/5 *

Freedom Snake wrote:
DrakeRoberts wrote:
Can we gwt confirmation that the Scotty's shirts from this year count for that reroll (or is there a list up somewhere)? I'm pretty sure Tonya and Thurston confirmed that to me at GenCon when the conversation came up, but it'd be great to have it written somewhere!
According to this FB post from Tonya, this morning, they are not.

Huh.... well thats unfortunate.

3/5 *

DrakeRoberts wrote:
Freedom Snake wrote:
DrakeRoberts wrote:
Can we gwt confirmation that the Scotty's shirts from this year count for that reroll (or is there a list up somewhere)? I'm pretty sure Tonya and Thurston confirmed that to me at GenCon when the conversation came up, but it'd be great to have it written somewhere!
According to this FB post from Tonya, this morning, they are not.
Huh.... well thats unfortunate.

I find that odd too, given that the shirts are Starfinder shirts but say nothing about GenCon, it would seem that the PFS analogous items would be Pathfinder shirts (whoch the Scotty's ones have aleays been) vs the pathfinder-themed con specific shirts (whoch the Scotty ones have never been considered in PFS).

It'd be great to get that reconsidered for sure.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

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Add me to the list of people who remain hopeful that Scotties shirts will be considered for rerolls. I never get to play at GenCon, and it makes me sad that the shirt is only good for promotional boons while at that convention.

Sigh. It's still a GREAT shirt, and it advertises Starfinder well, so I'll keep wearing it. I'll have to keep reminding myself that I bought it for the awesome art. It's a great conversation item to get people excited about Starfinder.


Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 **** Venture-Agent, Nebraska—Omaha

At least it still works for Pathfinder!

I expect to slot my Folio for my promotional boon more often than anything else.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

I've had a busy day so I may have glossed over it...but is there a list of what items qualify for "authorized convention support item[s]"?


Horizon Hunters 4/5 5/5 ***

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Just a big shout out to the Paizo Crew for getting this stuff out! Very much appreciated!

Shadow Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area South & West

Mike Bramnik wrote:

I've had a busy day so I may have glossed over it...but is there a list of what items qualify for "authorized convention support item[s]"?


There's some information in the second post in this thread

John Compton wrote:
For an item to be considered an authorized convention support item, it must have prior approval from the Organized Play team. Event organizers are encouraged to email to verify the validity of convention items for this purpose.

I suspect a Convention-specific T-shirt, pin, or fancy badge holder would count; some of our local conventions also offer a set of dice.

Grand Lodge 5/5

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber
John Compton wrote:

Promotional Bonus (Promotional Boon) <snip>

Prerequisites: Bring and display a qualifying faction pin to the game.

Benefit: Once per session, while wearing a Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Faction Pin matching the faction’s champion boon your character currently has slotted, <snip>

Alternatively, once per scenario, while wearing a Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Faction Pin, you may add 2d4 to a Culture skill check. For this roll you also treat Culture as if you were trained, even if you don’t have a rank in it.

This came up in the Society discord this morning: does it mean to read Pathfinder at the alternatively line or is that a typo?

Paizo Employee 5/5 Starfinder Society Developer

10 people marked this as a favorite.
Damanta wrote:
John Compton wrote:

Promotional Bonus (Promotional Boon) <snip>

Prerequisites: Bring and display a qualifying faction pin to the game.

Benefit: Once per session, while wearing a Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Faction Pin matching the faction’s champion boon your character currently has slotted, <snip>

Alternatively, once per scenario, while wearing a Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Faction Pin, you may add 2d4 to a Culture skill check. For this roll you also treat Culture as if you were trained, even if you don’t have a rank in it.

This came up in the Society discord this morning: does it mean to read Pathfinder at the alternatively line or is that a typo?

That is not a typo. The Pathfinder Society Pins provide a unique bonus when worn. I thought that Culture was an appropriate bonus for wearing something related to the pre-Gap Society.

Grand Lodge 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Thurston Hillman wrote:
Damanta wrote:
John Compton wrote:

Promotional Bonus (Promotional Boon) <snip>

Prerequisites: Bring and display a qualifying faction pin to the game.

Benefit: Once per session, while wearing a Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Faction Pin matching the faction’s champion boon your character currently has slotted, <snip>

Alternatively, once per scenario, while wearing a Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Faction Pin, you may add 2d4 to a Culture skill check. For this roll you also treat Culture as if you were trained, even if you don’t have a rank in it.

This came up in the Society discord this morning: does it mean to read Pathfinder at the alternatively line or is that a typo?
That is not a typo. The Pathfinder Society Pins provide a unique bonus when worn. I thought that Culture was an appropriate bonus for wearing something related to the pre-Gap Society.

Woohoo, I was right, and I thought that was the reason. Awesome, I'll have something to slot until my t-shirt arrives.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

Tonya Woldridge wrote:


This program is designed to encourage players to reward retail locations that are providing space for Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild...

Should Pathfinder actually be Starfinder?

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5

Jared Thaler wrote:
Athos710 wrote:
If I'm reading this correctly, you can't gain a bonus from a faction pin and a folio re-roll in the same scenario, because you have to choose which one to spot in your promotional slot. Do I have that right?
Well, you cannot get a folio reroll at all.

I actually used my folio for a reroll last Saturday during a slot 0 before all this came out. Kinda bummed to learn folio reroll is out for SFS, but sounds like it'll still come in handy.

Wayfinders 4/5

Thurston Hillman wrote:
There's no "we can't be killed" option here. :)

Aww, but I want to make Jason X...


Starfinder Charter Superscriber

An area coordinator for the ACG originally told us that only retailers listed at qualify for retailer incentive boons. As I have been made the area coordinator for Starfinder, and am running at two stores, one listed and one not, is his ruling correct? Reading the post it doesn't seem necessary to be listed, just that they are kind enough to offer us tables, and thus I encourage players to purchase Paizo products at said store. That said it's already on my to-do list to suggest that the second store join your list of retailers.


Sovereign Court 4/5 * Organized Play Manager

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Any retailer may use the retail incentive program.

Registered retailers get free scenarios, base sets of the Adventure Card Game, and access to promotional materials.

Sovereign Court 4/5 * Organized Play Manager

Gary Bush wrote:
Tonya Woldridge wrote:


This program is designed to encourage players to reward retail locations that are providing space for Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild...
Should Pathfinder actually be Starfinder?

Yep. Edited.


Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Tonya Woldridge wrote:

Any retailer may use the retail incentive program.

Registered retailers get free scenarios, base sets of the Adventure Card Game, and access to promotional materials.

Many thanks, Tonya!

Tomorrow is the first night of Starfinder here, and myself and my players are incredibly excited!

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Tonya Woldridge wrote:
Registered retailers get free scenarios, base sets of the Adventure Card Game, and access to promotional materials.

In the U.S. ...

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

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The Organized Play Accessory Perks & Promotional Boons page has been updated!

Of interest, the Starfinder Space Goblin Blood Orange IPA t-shirt is legal for any PFS or SFS game for re-roll.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

Gary Bush wrote:

The Organized Play Accessory Perks & Promotional Boons page has been updated!

Of interest, the Starfinder Space Goblin Blood Orange IPA t-shirt is legal for any PFS or SFS game for re-roll.

Oh, yay! It was the only souvenir I bought at GenCon! Thanks, team! Also, thanks to Gary for spotting it!

The Exchange 1/5 5/55/55/55/5

Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Gary Bush wrote:

The Organized Play Accessory Perks & Promotional Boons page has been updated!

Of interest, the Starfinder Space Goblin Blood Orange IPA t-shirt is legal for any PFS or SFS game for re-roll.

This is confusing because the link from the page leads to a paizo page that is selling a t-shirt that does not appear to be the same as the one offered for sale by Scottys at gen con.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

Well that is the graphic on the back. Tonya?

Sovereign Court 4/5 * Organized Play Manager

Gary Bush wrote:

The Organized Play Accessory Perks & Promotional Boons page has been updated!

Of interest, the Starfinder Space Goblin Blood Orange IPA t-shirt is legal for any PFS or SFS game for re-roll.

There has been some crossed wires between the Staffers and the perks page isn't correct. Some Starfinder items got listed on there that do not qualify for perks in the traditional sense of PFS. We also need to get the boon file uploaded so people can "slot" their bn

Unfortunately, late at night on Friday isn't the time to get revisions made. I'll get on this with the team first thing Monday and get a revised list posted asap.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Germany—Bavaria

Any update on this? I just had an enjoyable game, where the GM had to assume that the "Starfinder Society T-Shirts Year of Scoured Stars
Organized Play T-Shirts & Polos " count for the Starfinder reroll boon.

EDIT: I have a rather neat shirt with a Starfinder Logo, very classy ^^

Dark Archive 5/5

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Is there a clean presentation of this that we can keep at the stores or have posted? I was wondering if anyone had made up a graphic or grid that we could laminate and have available for our judges?



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Can I use these boons at any starfinder society event?

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