Won't know until the Archive but CM on larger creatures

General Discussion

Thinking about this.
If your trying to grapple a gargantuan creature If the check will still be KAC +8 assuming its not stated as impossible it would be just as difficult as grappling any other creature of its CR.

I don't think we will know how it will work until alien archive but I was just thinking about that. maybe there will be a modifier for size. although I feel they have hinted their won't be.

I hope it doesn't just state something like you can not use combat maneuvers against large or larger enemies.

If anyone has any theories I'd be interested in hearing them. OR you know some fact I don't know.

Think of it like this. If the creature were smaller then its CR would be lower, and therefore its AC would be lower because it's now weaker and diddier, and so its hide is not as thick anymore. And because its AC is lower, it's easier to use maneuvers against. It's all tied together.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Uh yeah, you go ahead and grapple the space hippo with tentacles for a nose, I'll wait over here. In the ship.

I'll be rooting for you though! Lemme know how it works out!

Do we already know that CMAC for monsters/enemies is KAC+8?

Franz Lunzer wrote:
Do we already know that CMAC for monsters/enemies is KAC+8?


So Got Alien archive and they went with simple kind of weird that they don't get the stealth penalties for being big or bonuses for being small. I guess that is the disconnect they talk about for PC's and NPC's the no hit or ac bonus or penalty doens't bother me but the stealth does.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Starship Captain Yesterday wrote:

Uh yeah, you go ahead and grapple the space hippo with tentacles for a nose, I'll wait over here. In the ship.

I'll be rooting for you though! Lemme know how it works out!

If you are a skittermander, the hugging tactic is the only tactic.

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