More easily distinguish between Starfinder and Pathfinder on the forums.

Website Feedback

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There have been a few times now that I have clicked on a link to the message boards to chime in/help on a topic, only to realize later that the question was in the Starfinder section of the message boards.

Is there a way to make Starfinder threads more distinguishable? Perhaps with the links being a different color?

Here is a good example, I started answering this question in depth, only to realize the question was about Starfinder crits. It looks like Potatoe Disciple made the same mistake.
How do crits work?

Silver Crusade Contributor

Yeah. I had to hide the Starfinder forum to stop this problem from happening.

Even just tagging the subforum as "Advice (Starfinder)" or "Rules Questions (Pathfinder)" might help.

This has been mentioned and is on the list of 'things to do when the tech team has some spare time' as part of the site-wide upgrade.

They've recently added two computer people to the staff, so hopefully the website upgrade can get rolling sooner rather than later.

How about a simple way to hide all Starfinder and card game stuff?

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Scott Romanowski wrote:
How about a simple way to hide all Starfinder and card game stuff?

Wouldn't that just be hiding the Starfinder and Card Game Forums? Can't we already do that?

Jurassic Pratt,
Please tell me how to do that. I've searched but could only find how to hide individual threads. I don't know if clicking the triangle next to a forum also hides the thread. I've done that but still see posts there in the 'recent posts' sidebar.

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From the main messageboard list find the sections you want to hide. Click the arrow next to the section to collapse it (arrow pointing right). I believe a collapsed section will cause threads on that section to not appear in the in the messageboard section that is on the right side of many pages.

For example, collapsing the arrow next to
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder®

hides that entire section of the forums.

Thanks Hawkmoon269. As I wrote, I did that but some posts in forums like "GM Discussion" are for Pathfinder and some are for Starfinder. They show up in the recent posts sidebar.

Hmm... Yes that section is the one that seems intended to have both Starfinder and Pathinder organized play topics. You can collapse the Starfinder and Card Guild sections under the larger organized play section, but the GM discussion is going to contain both Starfinder and Pathinder topics. So if you want to see some of the things that are in there, you will end up seeing all that is there. Perhaps suggesting that GM discussion be separated into Pathfinder and Starfinder (and perhaps moved under their respective organized play sections) would be the best course of action. Then people could collapse what they weren't interested in.

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