Two players looking for a SFS-style Dead Suns AP Game



I apologize in advance if this is a breach of recruitment etiquette. I've also posted in some of the larger recruitment threads looking for a game and thought I might give this a shot...

A friend and I are hoping to find a sanctioned-style version of the new Starfinder AP Dead Suns. We would prefer it to be Starfinder Society compliant, even if the AP is not yet legal for Society play.

We are both experienced Pathfinder players, though obviously new to Starfinder.

We are looking for something where we can have slightly more RP flexibility than the short Society scenarios with some time to grow the characters and their connections.

Please feel free to message me if you are a GM looking for some experienced and laidback RPers looking to run the Dead Suns AP.

Thanks for reading!

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