To those who know Ivan Rûski

Off-Topic Discussions

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Hello everyone. I know it's been a long time since I was an active member here. I made a couple of half-hearted attempts the past year to jump back in, but merely resulted in a post or 2 essentially boiling down to "what's up guys". I know I was never really close enough to anyone here to truly call them a friend, but once upon a time several of you I'd consider a regular and enjoyable acquaintance and thought you deserve know the tragedy that has befallen my family.

On Monday August 21st, at 1:16 PM CST, my son, Dean Edward Matthew Slade, was stillborn. He was planned to be brought into this world in just a couple of weeks on September 5th. As of this past Thursday, everything appeared perfectly normal, and he was healthy. Sometime Sunday night or early Monday morning, the placenta detached and sac filled with blood. Usually, there is some external bleeding when this occurs, but there was none. As such, despite the pain she was in, my wife held out until I got home from work. We rushed to the hospital. My wife could still feel him moving during the drive, but by the time we got to the hospital he was gone. We were told that the odds of such a thing happening with no blood showing is somewhere in the neighborhood of 1 in 50 million. I myself am not particularly religious, but much of my family including my wife is, so I'd just like to ask for those that are to keep us in your prayers.

Thank you.

EDIT: At this time we are not asking for any donations or anything like that. Funeral costs are covered. If you would like to donate something as a gesture, our favored charities are the Children's Miracle Network and Ronald McDonald House. Both helped us tremendously when our daughter was born 3 years ago.

Silver Crusade

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*offers hugs*

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

That's tragic Ivan. I hope your family recovers mentally and physically from this sad event.

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I am truely sorry to hear about that.

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I'm so sorry Ivan!

Ivan, I'm so, so sorry.

I know your pain.

My wife and I went through a miscarraige, though our own was nowhere near as far developed as yours, and my nephew was stillborn as well.

You and your family are in my prayers. Please feel free to contact me if you need to chat about anything.

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Really sorry to hear that, Ivan.

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We may have never crossed paths, but I offer you my deepest sympathies none the less.

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My deepest condolences. This is a loss of epic proportions.

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That is truly heartbreaking. I wish for better times for you and your family.

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Ivan, we've never met, but I know how bad a death in the family is. You have my deepest sympathies.

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At at time like this, any words one can offer can sound meaningless and hollow, but for what they're worth I'm so sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine the pain your and your wife are going through, but you are in my thoughts and prayers at this terrible, tragic time in your lives.

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Thanks everyone for their thoughts and prayers. I just feel broken right now. Tears have stopped coming for me, though I don't want them to. We hopefully get to go home today. We will find out in a few hours. My son's obituary can be found here.

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I am so sorry. Coming from a family where a very near-term stillbirth happened, robbing me of an older brother, I would ask you to remember one thing: The child's name is its own. It will help you down the line.


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I'm so sorry.

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That's terrible, sorry for your loss Ivan.

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