Starships and credits

Rules Questions

So maybe I haven't gotten far enough in the book to answer this one but how come it seem that starships and starship accessories are free in regards to credits? I get that they accumulate build points as they level up but the book makes it sound like they can get a medbay or extra guns and shields just by leveling up. If thats true, thats nice for them but I have a hard time finding away to make any sense of how they got all that stuff.

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How your player characters acquire that is background material. They can upgrade themselves or find loot or whatever.

As for why they keep it separate from wealth? Simple. They didn't want it to be a gate between actual adventuring. In other games you have to save up and buy a ship if you want to adventure around or off a planet. In Starfinder that gatekeeping is ignored.

They wanted to keep personal wealth and starship wealth separate essentially. Preventing players from building overpowered starships, or alternatively using money intended for starships as personal wealth.

Think of build points as representing large sums of credits or goods needed to build (or even trade for) parts for upgrading your starship.

There is another thread about this that explains what they can and cant do..they are VERY limited as to what they actually can do to a ship..

It's simple.

1st level group finds a tier 3 ship. A 1st level group has 55 build points. The tier 3 ship is 95 bp.

55 is less than 95, so the group can't make any modifications to the ship as it's more expensive than their BP. If they do make modifications, they have to rebuild the ship so that it costs 55. Meaning they'd be selling off bits of the ship to afford the thing they want. They can continue to use the ship as is, but can't modify it.

At level 2, their BP goes up to 75. 75 is less than 95, so they still can't make modifications to the ship unless they sell off 20 BP worth of equipment and bring the ship down to BP 75. They can continue to use the ship as is, but can't modify it.

At level 3, their BP goes up to 95. 95 is equal to 95, so they can make modifications to the ship, as long as the BP total is 95 at the end.

At level 4, their BP goes up to 115, and they can add 20 BP to the ship equipment.

You seem to be thinking of the ship as free BP added to their BP total, it isn't. BP just represents the maximum they can get in a ship on their own. If they find a higher tier ship, they can use it as is, but can't add it to their BP total. If you capture three tier 3 ships, you don't suddenly gain 285 BP toward your ship. You just have 3 ships you can sell for money.

No I understand how the build points work, I was just wondering why they didnt have to spend any credits on the upgrades as well.

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