Organized Troop Formations


Well... Campaign may be taking a bit of unexpected turn. I think the party is going to have to be going up against well trained troop formations.

I'm not sure exactly how to handle some of it.
Volley missile fire
Phalanx of pikemen
Shield turtle formations
Mounted cavalry charge

Some of it can be handled with teamwork feats I suppose. But when I started looking at that, I can't get them high enough level to qualify for some of the teamwork feats. I mean these are just high quality troops, not champions of the land.

Any suggestions on how to handle these?

Bestiary 6 has rules for troops, basically treating units of soldiers as swarms with various abilities to reflect the particular composition of the unit. It is much easier to implement and gives more heft to military units than any other approach I've seen in D&D/3.x/Pathfinder

Mass Combat

Dohnut King wrote:
Bestiary 6 has rules for troops, basically treating units of soldiers as swarms with various abilities to reflect the particular composition of the unit. It is much easier to implement and gives more heft to military units than any other approach I've seen in D&D/3.x/Pathfinder

I don't have B6. I will try to give it a look see this weekend.

blahpers wrote:
Mass Combat

That has an abstraction for units of military fighting each other. But it doesn't have anything for what a volley fire of longbowmen will do to the party. It doesn't tell me how man spears will stab the barbarian trying to get into a trained pike phalanx. Etc...

I see, you want one-sided mass combat. In that case, yeah, troops are for you.

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