Envoy Improvisation : Get 'Em Question

Rules Questions

It is stated in the rulebook that you and your allies get a +1 Bonus on attacks against 1 Enemy.
But later at 6th Level it is stated that you get the Bonus on attack AND damage against all enemies after using a resolve point.

Is this an error or an oversight? Is the Bonus only supposed to be on attacks and not damage rolls? Or Does the estra bonus on damage come from the power of the resolve point?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Grand Lodge

Without spending a resolve point, all allies only get a +1 bonus to attack against one specific enemy.

That i do understand.
What causes my confusion is, that the normal version only gives you the Bonus on the attack, where the version with the Resolve Point gives you the Bonus on the Attack AND the Damage roll.

So i was wondering if this is an error, and the version with the Resolve point should also give you only the Bonus to the attack, but against all opponents in reach.
Or should the normal Version also give the Bonus on the Attack and Damage against the one opponent?


By spending resolve (a limited resource), you get a more powerful effect (attack and damage). Seems exactly right.

Not sure where 'in reach' comes from

The "in reach" Part was coming from the text, that after you spend the Resolve Point, the bonus is against all enemies who are within 60 feet.
Sorry, if i worded it wrong. English isnt my native language.

Ah. 'Reach' is a game term, indicating the distance you can attack someone in melee. I thought you were suggesting it was an effect just for melee.

Instead of making another thread I'll ask it here. Improved Get Em makes it so you can move and attack to get the bonus right? Regular Get Em was move action then attack as standard action, improved is move as move action then Get Em with attack as Standard action? Just making sure because I didn't see how going from a move to a standard action was an upgrade but think I get it now.

Can the Envoy only use Get Em once per day or once per melee?

Grand Lodge

As a move action, when ever it wants

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What's confusing to me is that Improved Get 'Em says "as with Get 'Em, you can spend 1 Resolve to grant the benefits against all enemies within 60'." Why not specify that it refers to the bonuses to attack and damage? Instead it reads as if the bonuses granted when using it normally or with Resolve remain consistent, rather than changing with the addition of applying to damage when you spend a Resolve.

NinjaSonic wrote:
Instead of making another thread I'll ask it here. Improved Get Em makes it so you can move and attack to get the bonus right? Regular Get Em was move action then attack as standard action, improved is move as move action then Get Em with attack as Standard action? Just making sure because I didn't see how going from a move to a standard action was an upgrade but think I get it now.

That's correct - it increases the bonus to +2 and allows you to activate it as part of a Standard Action to attack, allowing you to use your Move action on other stuff.

Grand Lodge

I noticed that with spending a resolve point, it doesn't say "until the start of your next turn".

Now I'm having doubt if that condition applies as well when you spend a resolve point.. If it is, why didn't they write "At 6th level, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to grant this bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls against all enemies who are within 60 feet, until the start of your next turn."

Liberty's Edge

Spend resolve gives addition benefits. The previous limit still applies. Using resolve dies not change what the ability does.

Hello everyone!
I'm a french guy and I just bought the core rules book.
In my book it's write:
"As a standart action, you can..."

Is "Get'em" a standart action or a move action?
(Maybe there is an errors of translate ) :(

Get em is a move action

Improved get em is a standard action, but you get to apply get em and shoot someone at the same time

Thanks a lot. So there is another error in the translation!

So at level 6, you can spend a resolve point to give a bonus to damage (with get em and improved get em). However, this bonus only lasts for 1 round. I’m not sure it’s the most efficient use of a resolve point. Is adding another +2 (if one PC hits) or +4 (if 2 PCs hit) or +6(if 3 PCs hit) in a round going to really make a difference?

I feel like you pretty much are forced to take “extra resolve” as a feat or “clever improvisation” as an envoy improvisation, just to be able to use this ability enough to make it meaningful. I’ve never had a battle last only 1 round, 4 to 6 rounds seems more likely.

If using the 1 Resolve Point worked for the entire combat (each time you use Get Em/Improv Get Em), would that be game breaking? I was considering changing this for our group, but want to see if this might be a bad idea?

Zaric wrote:

So at level 6, you can spend a resolve point to give a bonus to damage (with get em and improved get em). However, this bonus only lasts for 1 round. I’m not sure it’s the most efficient use of a resolve point. Is adding another +2 (if one PC hits) or +4 (if 2 PCs hit) or +6(if 3 PCs hit) in a round going to really make a difference?

I feel like you pretty much are forced to take “extra resolve” as a feat or “clever improvisation” as an envoy improvisation, just to be able to use this ability enough to make it meaningful. I’ve never had a battle last only 1 round, 4 to 6 rounds seems more likely.

If using the 1 Resolve Point worked for the entire combat (each time you use Get Em/Improv Get Em), would that be game breaking? I was considering changing this for our group, but want to see if this might be a bad idea?

You don't spend Resolve for the damage bonus, you spend Resolve so that Get Em! affects all nearby enemies. The damage bonus is just frosting on the cake of freely shooting everything. Use it when one foe is nearly dead so your team can end that one and move on to the others.

So yes, letting 1 resolve power the whole combat is broken and a bad idea.

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