Heather 540 |
I'm trying to figure out the rules for the combination of these feats: Broken Wing Gambit, Paired Opportunists, and Combat Reflexes.
The characters involved are a hunter and her animal companion. Both characters will have BWG and Paired Opportunists. Only the hunter will have Combat Reflexes. Her Dex is +4.
What I want to know is how many AoO do these characters get each round?
Hunter hits gremlin and uses BWG. Gremlin attacks hunter, provokes AoO. Companion gets AoO from Paired Opportunists.
Companion hits second gremlin and uses BWG. Second gremlin attack companion, provokes AoO? Hunter gets AoO from Paired Opportunists?
John Murdock |
BWG give allies that have that feat an AoO and paired opportunists give you an AoO if your enemies provoke and AoO from your allies even if you can't take the AoO normally, so you attack the gremlin you give him a +2 to hit you and damage you because of BWG, it attack you and provoke and AoO from an allies that have the teamwork feat and because you have paired opportunist and your adjacent allies have it too and BWG you get an AoO even if BWG don't give you the AoO.
John Murdock |
you can only take one AoO per trigger, combat reflexes give you more AoO per round but you are still limited to one AoO per trigger, paired opportunist is a trigger it will only get you one AoO per enemy that round with BWG, but paired opportunist can make you get more than one AoO from an enemies if that enemies trigger other AoO from your allies that you can't normally get
Wraithlin |
In your example:
The Hunter hits the Goblin with BWG.
The Goblins attack the Hunter, this triggers an AoO from the Companion as it is an ally with the BWG feat.
Because of Paired Opportunists, the companion gets +4 to hit on this AoO.
Because of Paired Opportunist, the Hunter gains an AoO with +4 to hit.
So the resolution would be:
Companion takes AoO, Hunter takes AoO, Goblin (if alive) completes attack on Hunter.
Note that:
You can only trigger one AoO per creature, per trigger action.
Paired Opportunist reminds you of this rule with the text:
"This does not allow you to take more than one attack of opportunity against a creature for a given action."
Wraithlin |
Paired Opportunist doesn't provoke an AoO, the goblin's attack does. The language here is 100% clear:
Paired Opportunists:
"Enemies that provoke attacks of opportunity from your ally also provoke attacks of opportunity from you so long as you threaten them (even if the situation or an ability would normally deny you the attack of opportunity)."
The goblin attacks the Hunter.
Because of Broken Wing Gambit, the Goblin's attack provokes an AoO from the companion.
Because of Paired Opportunist, when the Goblin provokes an AoO from the Companion, he is also considered to have provoked an AoO from the hunter.
Hence the goblin provokes an AoO from both the companion and the hunter. They can take only one AoO against the goblin because the goblin has only made one action that provokes.
It is the goblin that provokes an AoO, not the companion or the Hunter.
The only thing that is a little unclear to me is whether a full-attack action from the goblin would provoke once (one attack action) or once per attack (assuming the goblin has iterative attacks).
Devilkiller |
The bonus from BWG ends after the opponent makes an attack on you, so subsequent attacks from the same creature on the same BWG user wouldn't trigger an AoO until the bonus is "reset"
While Paired Opportunists allows you to make an AoO when an opponent triggers one from an ally I think you still need to have an AoO available to use. It might be nice for the companion to get Combat Reflexes too.