Does a Spring-loaded wrist sheath use your wrist slot?

Rules Questions

Can I have a wrist slot magic item (e.g. Silver Smite Bracelet) and also wear spring-loaded wrist sheaths? I can't find anything to indicate that the sheath takes up a slot.

Spring loaded wrist sheaths are not magical items, so they don't take up the magical item slot.

It does not interfere with the slot, for a couple reasons:
1) Magic item slots, by definition, deal with magic items. The wrist sheaths are not magical. This would be like having to take off your wedding ring to put on a second magical ring, or being unable to wear a shirt because you have a bandolier on.
2) The wrist sheaths note you can wear one per wrist. If they each took up a slot, you wouldn't be able to do that. And single-wrist magic items generally still take up the slot.
3) As a direct contradiction to #2's general rule... There is a magical version of the wrist sheath that DOES take the wrist slot (and has a special provision for wearing two copies of the item at the same time.)

Great. Thanks

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