Ambrosia Slaad |
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Ant-Man and the Wasp hits theaters in the U.S. on July 6th, 2018.
At Comic-Con 2017, Marvel announced that the original Wasp, Janet van Dyne (Pym), will be played by Michelle Pfeiffer. I'm kinda bummed they didn't go with Catherine Zeta-Jones, but I think Pfeiffer is a fine choice.

Ambrosia Slaad |

Yeah, I suspect they'll have some scenes depicting CGI de-aged scenes with Michael Douglas and Pfeiffer as a prologue or flashbacks, but the fact they're casting the older Pfeiffer pretty much tells us a lot about the probable plot.
Edit: Although, if you've seen the first movie, you'd likely already have figured the Janet subplot/resolution? would be a significant chunk of the sequel.

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On the one hand, I hoped they'd cast some younger actors for Janet and Bill Foster (since she needn't have aged while stuck in the 'quantum realm' or whatever, and he's a brand-new character), so that they could plausibly carry them forward, but they've already got Hope to be the young Wasp, and Bill Foster can have a son named Tom, to carry on his legacy, like in the comics, if they want to have a young Goliath character in the future.
A younger Janet coming out of the quantum realm also would have had potential for some romantic comedy whackiness I guess I can live without, as well, like Janet and Hope being more like sisters than mother and daughter, young-Janet being uncomfortable around old-man-Hank, who she remembers as much younger, and the horror that could be a love triangle between Scott, Hope and Janet as young Scott finds young Janet attractive... Ugh. Burn that entire train of thought. I've just convinced myself to cheer on Team Old-Janet!
My roommate was bummed it wasn't Caterina Zeta-Jones playing Janet, and she likely would have had some good chemistry with her husband, playing Hank Pym, but I think Michelle Pfieffer is better with the more serious less hammy roles, and after decades of separation and isolation in the quantum realm (suggested by her physical age, compared to the Janet that was lost in that realm), it would make sense that she would be less 'chemistry' and more 'a little bit crazy.'
Laurence Fishburne's a nice big name to play someone as C-tier as Bill Foster. Hopefully Foster will get a good role, as a result.

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Has Ghost been confirmed as the villain of the piece, I must have missed that.
I'm guessing Foster has been working with Pym in the background since Ant Man 1. In Civil War Scott mentions he had only gone giant once, and that was in a lab - possibly under guidance of a Pym-Foster collaboration.
Larry Fishburne is a great actor so I'm always happy to see him on a cast list.
EDIT: Just read the article about Ghost, interesting villain choice. Maybe meaning another heist type movie?

The Thing From Another World |

It 's cannon in the Marvel Universe. A link to the Hank Pym Wikipedia entry: Hank Pym . Look under the 1980s entry.
The main difference is the Ultimates version and the MCU is the first one off panel apparently beat up the Wasp pretty badly to the point where she needed to be hospitalized. The second gave the character a really hard slap. From what I read in the Wikipedia entry he was supposed to accidentally hit her and the artist made a mistake. Which was the worst thing for the character because the writers of the 616 version just kept writing others bringing that up OVER and OVER again. I don't encourage hitting any gender and think it's vile. Yet other characters have done much worse. The Scarlet Witch almost wipes out the mutant race and barely anyone says anything about it. One character hits his wife at the time once. Is truly sorry for it, never does it again yet the other Avengers keep bringing and up and up.
So no I don't think we will see that in the movie. It's politically incorrect and mostly because if they want to ruin a franchise that's one way to go about doing it imo.

Bill Dunn |
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The main difference is the Ultimates version and the MCU is the first one off panel apparently beat up the Wasp pretty badly to the point where she needed to be hospitalized. The second gave the character a really hard slap. From what I read in the Wikipedia entry he was supposed to accidentally hit her and the artist made a mistake. Which was the worst thing for the character because the writers of the 616 version just kept writing others bringing that up OVER and OVER again. I don't encourage hitting any gender and think it's vile. Yet other characters have done much worse. The Scarlet Witch almost wipes out the mutant race and barely anyone says anything about it. One character hits his wife at the time once. Is truly sorry for it, never does it again yet the other Avengers keep bringing and up and up.
You're definitely right about writers bring it up, constantly, and in different ways. Mostly, I think it's because they want to put out their own take on it and, sometimes I think, rebuke each other for their mistakes in handling it. Sadly, it means the implications of that blow lurch around a lot and I'd be happier with an single editorial decision on that (but I know we'll never get it).
So no I don't think we will see that in the movie. It's politically incorrect and mostly because if they want to ruin a franchise that's one way to go about doing it imo.
I think they probably won't want to head to that kind of character flaw territory. PTSD, arrogance, womanizing, anger, cynicism - those they'll address. But domestic violence, sexual assault, blatant racism - probably all off the table.

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I am pretty sure that is why they went with Scott Lange. They didn't really want non-comic book folks to look up Hank Pym and stumble across the 50 million articles online about him being a wife abuser.
Could be a conscious attempt to get away from the similarities to Stark, as well. Rather than re-tread the genius inventor angle (also occasionally seen in Fox's FF movies, regarding Reed), they got to do the ex-con-seeking-redemption movie, and one of the funner examples of a *white dude* getting his powers from someone else as a hand-me-down (an origin usually given to female characters like the Wasp, empowered by something a dude did, or black characters like Luke Cage, empowered by something a white dude did).
Scott Lang has a dash of everyman to him, sort of like Peter Parker, in that he's not a billionaire industrialist and / or super-genius, just more of a 'normal guy' trying to make it work, despite mundane life's many complications, that never seem to happen to people like Stark or Richards (neither of whom have to deal with ex-wives, custody battles or parole officers). Even if not every viewer has to deal with those specific challenges, it's perhaps just a tad more relatable and down-to-earth than 'another billionaire CEO is attempting a hostile takeover of my multinational!' :)
With Stark being the impetus behind Ultron, Pym's *other* most infamous deed, other than hitting Janet, there's even less breathing room for him in the MCU. (And Stark had the advantage of being more or less bulletproof, thanks to a very popular portrayal by RDJr. If Pym had been introduced, and then almost immediately saddled with the Age of Ultron fallout, I suspect he'd be super-unpopular, no matter who portrayed him.)
Of course, had Pym been a founding Avenger, and played by someone much younger, I would have picked this guy.

Thomas Seitz |

I think I've had enough of Doogie Howser on my TV set.
If we did go younger Pym I'd rather pick a relative unknown than him.
But Set is correct that two things that made Pym unlikable to some, Ultron and the Slap heard around the world, is thankfully removed from the MCU.
I'm not sure Stark was bulletproof but at least with getting AoU on Tony, we opened up towards Civil War that MADE sense. Unlike the comic in some ways. (I mean sure unlicensed super heroes destroying a town, is bad. But now thanks to Ultron and the Avengers, it makes MORE sense.)

Bill Dunn |
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If we did go younger Pym I'd rather pick a relative unknown than him.But Set is correct that two things that made Pym unlikable to some, Ultron and the Slap heard around the world, is thankfully removed from the MCU.
I doubt Pym's creation of Ultron had much of an impact on any decisions to keep him as a supporting character rather than a primary Avenger or even lead in an Ant-Man movie. The domestic abuse, particularly amplified by Mark Millar in The Ultimates, probably was enough.
Plus, having Tony Stark make Ultron makes for a better story in some ways. It fits closer in with his portrayal (particularly with Jarvis) in Iron Man and it fits in with his primary science skill sets whereas Pym's tend to be more focused on life sciences. The one place it really loses out in the MCU is the inability to capitalize on things like Ultron making a bride patterned on Janet. But that would have required the ability to return to the storyline multiple times like in the comics and not something as easily done given the expense of the movies.